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no more BHO... so what should I make?


with all the negative legal aspects of making BHO I am gonna have to stop
sad to say it but I think I have done my last BHO run

so what should I make now? I can only get dry trim and want to avoid making anything that could fall under the same law as BHO

ideas? I wanna get the same value out of what I make if thats possible


Active member
I switched over to washing machine setup with bubblebags. Works good. I'd say I get about the same yield wise, but the oil is consistent quality throughout all the weight. But with the hash some of your yield is incredible some is so so. I think the full melt that comes from the bubble bags first run beats the oil overall, but the oil is consistently high quality while some of the hash won't be so hot. As far as a market goes people will pay more for the oil. I don't sell mine though I just keep it.


Active member
O yeah I'd say it's way less work to do the washing machine setup.

You can run 1500 grams of trim all at once. With the tubes I would do a 2 tube run into a dish with around 112 grams per tube. So 224 grams of trim per run.

It's about a tenth of the work I would do with the oil, plus way safer legally.


interesting, anything special in the way you use your bags? i heard the bags are only really good for using fresh trim??? and sounds like you got a full size washing machine there... would i be able to get good results with a miniwasher and a set of 5 bags? and do you keep them all seperated by micron or do you mix them together? is there more or less value to specific microns?

give me as much details as possible, thanks


Active member
alright well check out the thread in hash forum. The one done by the guy from spain i think his handle is iilife or something like that. He goes through it step by step. If you have any questions pm me. I use a full size washer, but mini washers or multiple minnies can be used for smaller runs and they work well check his thread out he talks about those too I think. I use a 7 bag setup. I keep the grades seperate. Certain microns are way better than others.


NICE, thanks for the suggestions.

do you know the average yeild for the dry sift tumbler?

what about this other tool called the XTR 1000
anyone have experience with this tool? what are the details on the results that come from that?



what are the yeilds you guys are getting with the bags and the tumbler and the XTR or ANY ONE OF THESE TOOLS?

yeilds would really help me out even if there is alot of variety


Active member
Well you know yeilds can vary greatly depending on the material your running but here's my results.

I used to run around a half p of super crystally sugar trim and duff buds through two tubes. I would usually yield anywhere from 20-25 grams of high quality oil.

These days I run 1500 grams of the same type of trim. I usually end up with 125-150 grams of bubble. Out of this amount I'd say about 50 grams is primo, 50 more that is bubbly, and 50 more that is so so. That's an estimate of the different grades. That's just my trim though different trim makes a big difference with the bags I've found as far as yield and quality go. So yield is a lil less I guess that the oil, but like I said the fact that it takes me a tenth of the time it used to is awesome plus not having to worry about getting some crazy charge against you if the cops show up makes it worth it to get a lil less yield.


Patient Grower
Isn't the trick with ether oil getting medical grade ether? I don't like the idea of using starting fluid made for car motors. Otherwise I'd expect it's much like making BHO, or ISO oil.

I had a Homer Simpson moment yesterday when I realized that the President's initials are BHO.