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why do i see people using chem with organic nutes?


i have been reading some posts and i have noticed that some people use organics with chemical nutes. now am i mistaken in thinking that the chem nutes will only taken in by the plant? won't the chem nutes kill the micro herd that allow the plant to take in food in an organic setting?


I can only speak from my own experience. But i only use pure organic nutes. If people start using Bio nutes and so, its no more true organic. and then the hole organic point somehow gone in my opinion.

Bio chemical's will kill the micro herd, and destroy your soil life like you say. So i dont se why people use Bio nutes along with etc. different meals, like blood, kelp, bone meal. Brew some organic tea instead. it will give more micro life, and you can give them extra nutes this way to.

Thats atleast how i grow.

Sabe :)


that's kinda what i was thinking about doing. right now i'm using strictly chem nutes just because it works for now (yuck blue water). i'm still reading up on organics and looking to switch over don't wanna dive in till i have a plan.


I would guess most are confused/haven't done their research. I still shake my head every time I see a thread proclaiming to be growing "organic" when they are using the fox farm trio, PBP, or the like.


I was unaware that you couldn't mix the two, but it makes sense now that I think about. I'm using Coco's A/B with no Organics, but hope to be doing pure organic in the future.


won't the chem nutes kill the micro herd that allow the plant to take in food in an organic setting?

No, they can exist together just fine.
Micro herds have many uses. You don't have to be organic to take advantage of them.


i think i will have to toy with this a little bit. unfortunately i'm working from seed and don't have my cab finished yet. what i can do is see what pure chem vs partial will do on same type of seed. i'm sure there will be variables being that i'm working with seed and not clones, but it should give me an idea.


Active member
Mixing some minerals with my organic mix is to increase yields in my case. I'd never use pesticides unless organic, but not hung up on organic.


I have used both in conjunction with each other with great results for many years.

I found that as long as nothing but organics are used for the plants last 3-6 weeks of flower, all the chemical stuff is used and you still get that nice organic smell and taste with the added yield.

I also like to use organics for the intervals between heavy feedings instead of just water. Seems to increase yield as well...


New member
There are many food sources and a diet may include a wide range of those potentially useful materials ,,, "useful" ,,,a variety of those ingredients , organic/based and /or salt based All represent something "of the earth " usefulness.
As amount increases , so do the benefits ,,, until ,,, they at "overdose" levels then begin to be toxic,,, generally it is also true,,, nute reactivity ("overdose")is related to some other nute , think of .. colors on a color wheel accepting or denying other colors on the wheel , Some mix better than others also consider availability as a factor . repeatability is complex ,,with too many inputs and variables in the mix (complex),,,,often less is more .
That said,,,, yes they can mix to healthy usefulness ,,,growth altered and /or enhanced,,in good ways. SMELL and TEXTURE and FLAVOR these will be altered ,,, with each change of the inputs. let us include "atmosphere " which is a large player
I have found the ORGANICS guano's / casts / and everything salt based ,,,
those inputs and the time they were utilized ,,,into any of the variable processes ,,,to play upon the final result ...flavor starts at the point growth starts it is cumulative
atmosphere controls the magnetism between the fertilizers and the plant,,,
gardening is a mirror


Next Stop: Outer Space!
I still foliar feed with salts on occasion when there is a need. I only use epsom salts and/or potassium chloride, and I cover the soil when I do it. It won't kill the micro herd if it never reaches it.