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Anybody Remember "30 Days In The Hole" Humble Pie


Lost In The Forest
ICMag Donor
Do any of you other oldtimers remember this one. The album was called Smokin', and there was a photo on the back of the band passing joints around. I think Peter Frampton played guitar in some of the tracks. Wow, that was 1972. I am fuckin old.

Some of the lyrics to 30 Days In The Hole, by Humble Pie.

Chicago Green, talkin' 'bout Red Lebanese
A dirty room and a silver coke spoon
Give me my release, come on
Black Napalese, it's got you weak in your knees
Sneeze some dust that you got bust on
You know it's hard to believe

30 days in the hole
30 days in the hole
30 days in the hole
That's what they give you
30 days in the hole
I know

Newcastle Brown, I'm tellin' you, it can sure smack you down
Take a greasy whore and a rollin' dance floor
It's got your head spinnin' round
If you live on the road, well there's a new highway code
You take the urban noise with some Durban Poison
It's gonna lessen your load

30 days in the hole
That's what they give you now
30 days in the hole
Oh, yeah
30 days in the hole
All right, all right
30 days in the hole


Oh yeah. What about Country Joe and the Fish?

Give me an "F! ..."F"! give me a "U"! ..."U"!
Give me a "C"! ..."C" Give me a "K"! ..."K"!
Come on all of you big strong men
Uncle Sam needs your help again
he's got himself in a terrible jam
way down yonder in Viet Nam so
put down your books and pick up a gun we're
gonna have a whole lotta fun

And it's one, two, three, what are we fighting for
don't ask me I don't give a damn, next stop is Viet Nam
And it's five, six, seven, open up the pearly gates
ain't no time to wonder why, whoopee we're all gonna die

Come on generals, let's move fast
your big chance has come at last
now you can go out and get those reds
cos the only good commie is the one that's dead and
you know that peace can only be won when we've
blown 'em all to kingdom come

Come on wall street don't be slow
why man this war is a go-go
there's plenty good money to be made by
supplying the army with the tools of its trade
let's hope and pray that if they drop the bomb,
they drop it on the Viet Cong

Come on mothers throughout the land
pack your boys off to Viet Nam
come on fathers don't hesitate
send your sons off before it's too late
and you can be the first ones on your block
to have your boy come home in a box


Lost In The Forest
ICMag Donor
Yes, I remember that one too.

I guess what I was trying to get at with 30 Days In The Hole was the various references to different types of hash and grass.


Hey Rose, I think you left out a verse or 2, like the one about being the first kid on your block to have a body count (then again, Country Joe was a lot like Arlo Guthrie in that he tended to make up verses sometimes for live audiences.) Man I still love those songs, time to listen to some Arlo and reflect on better days, like back when you could get anything you wanted from Alice's Restaurant :joint:

Yeah, still have all of these oldies on vinyl and listen to them regularly.


Ahhh, 1972, the year I turned 18. Finally No more sleepless nights as Nixon had recently abolished the draft. Well, it helped that my broke-ass room mate used to pay me his half of the rent in Thai sticks (which of course led to midnight runs to Royal Castle). Meanwhile, we were "boogieing" to the likes of Humble Pie, Spooky Tooth, Jesse Colin Young & The Youngbloods, and Spirit (loves me some Fresh Garbage).


Well-known member
Do any of you other oldtimers remember this one. The album was called Smokin', and there was a photo on the back of the band passing joints around. I think Peter Frampton played guitar in some of the tracks. Wow, that was 1972. I am fuckin old.

Some of the lyrics to 30 Days In The Hole, by Humble Pie.

Chicago Green, talkin' 'bout Red Lebanese
A dirty room and a silver coke spoon
Give me my release, come on
Black Napalese, it's got you weak in your knees
Sneeze some dust that you got bust on
You know it's hard to believe

30 days in the hole
30 days in the hole
30 days in the hole
That's what they give you
30 days in the hole
I know

Newcastle Brown, I'm tellin' you, it can sure smack you down
Take a greasy whore and a rollin' dance floor
It's got your head spinnin' round
If you live on the road, well there's a new highway code
You take the urban noise with some Durban Poison
It's gonna lessen your load

30 days in the hole
That's what they give you now
30 days in the hole
Oh, yeah
30 days in the hole
All right, all right
30 days in the hole

i saw the pie a few times, with and without frampton. the smokin album was the 1st without frampton, Frampton was replaced by Dave "Clem" Clempson and Humble Pie moved towards a harder sound emphasizing Marriott's blues and soul roots. Their first record with Clempson Smokin' was released in 1972, along with two singles "Hot 'n' Nasty" and "30 Days in the Hole info from wikipedia


Well-known member
Ahhh, 1972, the year I turned 18. Finally No more sleepless nights as Nixon had recently abolished the draft. Well, it helped that my broke-ass room mate used to pay me his half of the rent in Thai sticks (which of course led to midnight runs to Royal Castle). Meanwhile, we were "boogieing" to the likes of Humble Pie, Spooky Tooth, Jesse Colin Young & The Youngbloods, and Spirit (loves me some Fresh Garbage).

i also saw spirit once or twice, i really liked their album The twelve dreams of dr. sardonicus and the tracks, mr. skin and it's nature's way. those were the days for sure


Lost In The Forest
ICMag Donor
Ya, I remember when my mother saw the Smokin' album, she wondered what I was up to. My father really freaked out when he saw the Edgar Winter, "They Only Come Out At Night" album.

My friends and I would go up to my room, turn on the home made strobe light, and blast the stereo while tokin up. We would come down the stairs laughing hysterically.


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
The DoobieDuck saw Steve Marriot and the Pie at the Filmore in 73..might have been 72...what a voice....but always considered Framptons Comes Alive as my favorite live LP. DD
Those were the days for sure. 30 Days in the Hole was one of those anthems that rang around the town.

I was more into the heavier stuff back then. Like Black Sabbath. Sweet Leaf has the same theme. It doesn't mention the different types of hash etc but good none the less. I always liked Fairies Wear Boots. Smokin' too much Sweet Leaf, that's what they were doing. :)

Alright now!!
Wont you listen?

When I first met you, didn't realize
I cant forget you, for your suprize
You introduced me, to my mind
And left me wanting, you and your kind

I love you, oh you know it

My life was empty forever on a down
Until you took me, showed me around
My life is free now, my life is clear
I love you sweet leaf, though you cant hear

Come on now, try it out

Straight people don't know, what your about
They put you down and shut you out
You gave to me a new belief
And soon the world will love you sweet leaf

Kola Radical

Steve Marriott... hell yeah. I saw them in San Diego in 1972.

I don't need no doctor.


Well-known member
The DoobieDuck saw Steve Marriot and the Pie at the Filmore in 73..might have been 72...what a voice....but always considered Framptons Comes Alive as my favorite live LP. DD

i saw humble pie at the fillmore east in that time period also. great band, frampton was still the guitarist.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
I lived right down the road from Frampton back in the late 70s - early 80s,
it was in Irvington NY a sleepy little town along the Hudson River, I ran into
Frampton on many occasions at the nicer restaurants I would frequent in our
neighborhood, Bennies Seafood Diner was obviously one of his favorites.......
Frampton had a sweet mansion, I lived in the loft of a rich guys 'carriage house'.

Needless to say I was a big fan of the Pie from the early 70s on. 'Four Day Creep'
was my favorite cut by the Pie, a very earthy blend of 60s style British blues & the
'then current' British rock which dominated the airwaves.


stoned agin ...
i love the acapella harmony at the beginning. no frampton at that time; get "performance rockin' the fillmore" and listen to "i don't need no doctor", his playing and singing are obvious.

i think they used to be the house band at the fillmore east, weren't they? and santana was the house band at the fillmore west, holy sheeyit.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
i think they used to be the house band at the fillmore east, weren't they? and santana was the house band at the fillmore west, holy sheeyit.
the Allman Bros actually played there the most, I'm sure I saw them 3-4 times there, so many top artists played the Fillmore, I recall a $2.75 ticket price for cheap seats. I missed catching Hendrix ('69) @ the Fillmore so regretably, several friends were going & I backed out sort of last minute.......

Humble Pie played there plenty though for such a short lived lifespan (of the Fillmore) of just 3 yrs, all the best names played the Fillmore.


stoned agin ...
yeah, prices sure were a lot better back then. the fillmore ... i think it was zappa who said you hadn't really made it until the legendary Bill Graham kicked you out at least once LOL

allman bros live at the fillmore ... "statesboro blues", "in memory of elizabeth reed", and "one way out" tho i don't think the last is on the album, but what an album!