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?????What is the best cloner DIY and best techniques Gel? NO Gel? Fog? ???:1help:

Hello im wondering i have seen all of the different ways of doing it but whitch one is the best? im going to be starting to clone my hashberry and i have a foger and i have gel and i just wondering witch would work the best have small area to work with but it will work good useing CFLs for light going in to my 150hps. This will be my first time cloning my self i have seen it done and have used clones to grow but no first hand know how. i need :1help:. plez send me links or tell me how you do it like i said i have gel and a fogger geting an air pump this week end so if you can help


Next Stop: Outer Space!
A small bubble cloner works great. Get some honey if you want to use a rooting agent, but you won't truly NEED it.
do you pinch the end of your clone or just leave it or shave the stem a little? i like the bubble cloner idea and i think that is what i will be going with. im using hydro so i dont want to mess with any thing just need roots.
ok try #1

ok try #1

ok im trying a bubble cloner got a bubble disk and a box for it and i put it together i put in the box with the rest do you think that will be a problem thanks for the imput guys keep up with the help


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
whitch one is the best?

Whichever one works. It's all Voodoo. What guarantees my success will guarantee another's failure. Pick a method, for any reason. If it doesn't work, there are dozens here with tweaks no matter what method you tried. If that doesn't do it, try another method and it's tweaks.

Me, I use a tweaked bubbler (with Rockwool.) Suffer not a dome to live. Domes are death incarnate ... unless it's the only thing keeping you alive ... It's Voodoo I tell ya.


how long should it take? it has been 5 days and nadda ends look sweld up

It takes my bubble cloner anywhere from 10 to 15 days sometimes longer to root cuttings. Use a aquarium heater to keep the water at around 70F. I would also paint black the plastic tub you are using.

ya i just put a dark bag over the tub to try to help. im trying another way using rockwool cubs as a holder and puting some rooting gel on it as it sokes and air goes in it. trying it with one of my hashberry clones. do you pinch the ends or anything or just cut and put in the bubbler? thanks for the help man
Is there a problem with keeping my cloner in with my 150hps and the rest or my plants or should i use a different light or less light???
You can pretty much use any light for cloning if you really wanted, it's all about keeping it at a safe distance. Obviously something like a 600w hps you would need to keep very far away so it's better to go with a smaller wattage light just to be safe and conserve electricity.

150w isn't too strong though, i'd keep it at atleast 16-18 inches away though as clones don't need much light at all.
thanks for the help like i said i have read a bunch of different threads about cloning i mean there is like a hundred different ways im just trying to ask if any one had more luck than others. i read all threds people send me and i like to get about three different ways and see witch is the best. sorry for being such a noob but if you dont ask you dont learn


I noticed magiccannabus suggested honey as a rooting agent.

Very interesting... does it work well?

And will any old honey I can buy from a grocery store work?
the ice cube tray cloner which justanotherbozo posted works wonders with pure vermiculite. I had to keep mine covered with plastic wrap and misting. The downfall to this cloner is removing clones is kind of messy if your going into hydro. For soil, this cloner produced some great roots. You can use this cloner with some fairly big clones.

or you can go with a perlite cloner. Take a food container ~4", fill it 1/2 way with perlite, add some water and your pretty much done. The perlite cloner works best with SMALL clones from my experience. Also had to keep this one covered, but no misting needed even in the lowest humidity environment.

Bubble cloners work extremely well. I cloned my moms and never bothered to take them out of the bubble, so its back to perlite for me. I'll be sticking with perlite because, honestly its one less thing using power, cant break, and Ive had great success with it.

aero cloners are another option, but Ive never needed to try one. Many people claim shorter rooting times, but theres no rush if you can plan ahead...which this hobby requires anyhow.

Good luck on the choice, there are literally countless options. Just keep the clones on veg light schedule with reduced intensity.

ps, only rooting agent ive ever needed is the crap they sell at lowes, RooTone powder.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
im just trying to ask if any one had more luck than others.

What gave me luck is as likely to kill everything you have as anything else. That's why the Voodoo comment. Domes are the perfect example. Many say domes and 90º RH are required. I say domes are death and 15% RH is more than enough. If we're both at 100% efficiency, how can either be wrong or better?

Pick any method, tweak it to 100% and then figure how to do it: larger, smaller, faster, quieter ... etc
ok three ways i hope i can get some roots

ok three ways i hope i can get some roots

ok i have three different cloning methods going right now just trying to see if i can get one to root so far it has been about 9 days on the bubble cloner and still not much change si i cheated and used what i used like two years ago it works but takes like three weeks to a month so slow but have goten roots with this stuff befor

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