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You people are so lucky.


I had to quit growing years back.. I feel like there is someting missing in my life.. The habit of watching the plants being so beautiful ,the garden work, the paranoia, most of all the awesome weed... I had to quit...

But yeah I might do it soon again, I've learned lots from my first 3 grows.. And will be moving place , but still not sure if i should do it again , or just keep buying.

I am so spastic that I don't even have any pics of my old grow it was seriously so damn beautiful !!

I think you guys are so lucky for having a chance to do this and I respect you all so much especially the guys from america, you must have some serious balls growing there. I wouldn't even have balls to smoke in the USA. Those horror stories I hear are like damn so bad...

But yeah I've made it without being busted.

Ex growers unite !!!!


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
and confiscate your property as well,
I own my home and land free of any mortgages or liens
and if I were growing & got caught the local authorities
would look to take everything away from me. I stopped
growing nearly two yrs ago now. My grow cabinet is but
a dark and cold corner of my memory.......


Active member
no guts no glory

...and if it didnt take some brains and a backbone everyone would do it.


no guts no glory

...and if it didnt take some brains and a backbone everyone would do it.


come on folks, US may be a bit messed up, but if you're worried about property forfeiture over growing,, you either worry too much or need a new lawyer. If the system can play you, that means you can play the system.


yep this is america and the idea is you are free to do what you want as long as it wont interfere with the Life, Liberty, or Property of others. O how far we have strayed. It always starts with a small innocent gov. program that is their to "Help You". we have to put a stop to the idea of government control and start taking responsibility for our self's again. This would mean no Social security, medicare and all that but any one who knows even a small amount about economics will tell you that government programs no matter how good the intentions only make things much worse.

This is America. So people... Grow some balls and do something about it. I call, write, and visit my officials about once a week. I also am highly involved in my local and state politics. this is the only way you will see change. If we all get elected to even the most minimal positions then we control the gov. again.

Want some help on how to do this? Hit me up. :joint:


Active member
I guess I'm lucky. It really just came together as if karma or fate led the way. When we had our 2nd kid, we got a house. After a while built a fence to keep the kiddies in the yard. Got into gardening due to love of tomatoes and to show the kiddies the fun of gardening. Started thinking of growing pot and tried a few failed attempts outside near some national parks. Died or animals got 'em. Too much trouble anyway. Then built a shed with my own hands. I surfed around and landed on a thread on OG that talked about growing in a cabinet you could buy at Home Depot. I looked at the shed and went "Hmmm". Called an electrician. Done. Went to Home DePot and built a cab. Ordered seeds. Ordered light and other supplies. Took a major SET OF BALLS to do what I did. But did it ever pay off. Have spent several recent years growing some of the finest ganja to be found. All for personal use. Seems like fate didn't want me growing outside. My grow site was right under my nose.

~Abbie :joint:

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