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How To Keep The Police On Your Side


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
I wouldn't be making any comments which accept guilt even if you were doing 100 mph. Be polite yes but never accept guilt as it makes it impossible for a lawyer to defend the case properly and shows you know the law but choose to disregard it, not likely to help you with the beak if you end up fr sentencing.
I was pulled over doing over 100mph by a Florida State trooper in '81, I was on my HD & he was strutting around me & my bike spittin' redneck cop lingo at me. He asked me how fast I was going & I told him that the speedo was buried @ 85+mph, he asked me where I was headed & I told him Daytona Beach Bike Week, he then asked me (in his thick southern drawl) "is it mota sickle week down there Daytona Beach?" "Yes" I replied. "Well HELLLLLLL!!! I'm gonna be in hawg heaven......." I thought I was a goner when suddenly he said he was letting me go w/o a ticket being issued.

I was a NY yankee and he had every right to jail me & impound my bike. Instead as I'd been truthful & respectful to him he let me go with a verbal warning and no more than that, I was back in the wind in less than 5 minutes.

I've gotten more breaks & non-tickets for showing the proper respect to LEO on traffic stops.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Just like you say...Police are people...The situations really depend on the officer, and how his/her day is going...Being polite can only help the situation, great info Rosy...

Having ANY local law enforcement/fire dept/courthouse sticker on yer back window has always been a good thing for me...


I'm a retired/disabled firefighter and have a FF sticker. One morning going to work doing about 80mph a highway patrol spots me and several other cars but for some reason picks me. As he walks up and sees my sticker he yells out before he even gets to my window, "Are you a FF?", I tell him yes and he yells "Dammit, I knew I should have gone after the pickup." and jumps back in his car and takes off. So the stickers do work but if you use one you better be able to back it up with some story if they start asking questions.

Ultimately the best thing is don't get pulled over. Follow the laws, all of them, make sure all your lights work, don't talk on your cell, no cracked windshield, current registration, too much tint, anti cop or pro drug stickers, etc. They will use any excuse to pull you over and start hunting.
I agree with the above. Don't give them any excuse.

I'm a UK stoner and we do get routine stopped in the street.. happens to my friends all the time but has only happened to me a couple of times. Hide your stash, keep it not smelling too bad, and do the niceness act.. use their own "i am your friend" act against them. I'm smarter than any police officer I have ever met, they're not hard to decieve if you're a good enough liar/smart enough.

Never wear that oh so fashionable clothing with bud leaves on it.. etc.. it's like a sign saying "BUST ME" on your forehead. If you break the law on weed, don't break any others.

Having said that, i'm a walking bust. really big barrel chested tough looking guy, long hair to my shoulders, sideburns to jawline, a bit scruffy, usually look stoned or am wearing shades.. look early 20s although i'm 26.. my style is skatery/surfery/modernhippy in a (usually brown or khaki) hoodie in winter, tshirt in summer... I look like the stoner i am and rarely get stopped because i just go about my business, and look very determined to do so.

When stopped, i let my eloquence, soft manner of speaking, and pleasant cheerful demeanour do the talking. The ability to lie convincingly on the fly, learned through many years of mischief at school is also a great help. Smile at the officer, and call them "mate" or "buddy" or whatever your local equivalent is. Little comments that single you out as a good person and/or that you think they do a good job etc can be interjected as necessary.
EDIT: used to get pulled all the time in my cars because i had fast and/or modified cars - young people with such are somewhat of an easy target here so this was another situation to use.

All cars have a cubby hole somewhere where you can hide some personal bud and it won't get found. I used to have a suzuki SJ with a snorkel for deep water wading.. the top of such a device is a brilliant place to hide bud because it's high, unsuspicious, and unlikely to be dismantled at the roadside.


I would say as long as it don't result in a 10 mile chase try and park in a REALLY safe spot like a store parking lot or a private street ( avoid towing fees ( cops get a kickback) plus if you watch cops ect you can see the target fixation about cars getting rammed on the side of the road. Those FOP stickers just draw attention to your car its only natural to notice anything not normal.


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
Just like you say...Police are people...The situations really depend on the officer, and how his/her day is going...Being polite can only help the situation, great info Rosy...

Having ANY local law enforcement/fire dept/courthouse sticker on yer back window has always been a good thing for me...

Really? Could have fooled me... Nah, I've known a couple decent cops but I would much rather call them humans.

Not trying to dick with you, but do you look like a cop or clean cut and responsible as hell? For the most of us, that's a pretty damn bad idea...


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
I have better advice (given by many already in this thread, I'm sure).

1) cooperate and be kind
2) say as little as humanly possible, while still adhering to #1
3) never, ever, ever consent to a search of ANYTHING
4) do not admit guilt ("yes officer, I was speeding")
5) call a lawyer

It's that simple. I don't think I left anything off.
There is definitely a conundrum here as far as how to handle a search request.

On the one hand, if you got a pound of weed or hard drugs in the car, then you're gonna have to clam up and speak through your lawyer only. But when this happens, you ARE getting arrested.

On the other hand, I had recently moved to a new state and after a night of partying with some new friends, I was on my way home. But knowing local geography, as mentioned earlier is important because I got turned around, realized I was gonna turn the wrong way and made a right turn from a left lans--especially stupid because I was pretty buzzed. Sure enough, the blue and red flashing lights came on behind me. I honestly answered that I had a couple of drinks and he asked me to get out of my truck.

He gave me some field tests and then got out the breathalizer. Rather than ask for my consent, he just kinda got it out and asked to "breath in here." I damn-well know I had the right to refuse the test, but I also knew that if I did, I was being arrested--for sure. So, I decided that the marginal cost of refusing the test was too much.

While he waited for the background info to come back on my license #, he chatted me up about why I had moved to town, etc. and I just took a conversational demeanor, realizing the the conversation is also a test.

the legal limit in my state is .08% and I blew a .06--a high enough level that they could still charge ytou with being impared, not to mention he had me on two other routine traffic infractions. But in the end he just handed me my license back and said, "Drive carefully and have a good evening."

The bottom line for me is that blowing over .08 wouldn't have been much worse than refusing the test, being arrested and being forced to give blood or urine anyway. And the upside was huge, going home scot-free.

So, I would just say consider the upside and downside of any decision to not cooperate with the fuzz.


The Bling

I argue with cops. I never admit a crime and know the laws I need too code numbers and all. I remember badge numbers and names and also ask alot of questions. I always call the officer "Officer blank" and stare them in the left eye. People are like dogs and officers who look away first usually let you go. I practice meditation and common human decency so having control of my heart beat and breath are strong allies make your self formless impossible to read police are weak of mind heart and spirit! I Is I is I with self control comes SELF control blessings:abduct:


Good advice, but I wouldn't admit to anything. Also I wouldn't be honest when he asks you if you have any weapons or drugs in the car, also being polite and fake an what not will turn pretty bad if he asks to search and your tone starts to be different. Cops are not normal people the are people with power. Getting fired or firing someone can not compare to giving someone a record and really ruining their life. But I also respect what cops have to do it situations, that no money can pay enough for, such as willing to risk their lives for us.

I have been pulled 4 different times and I don't have one ticket, but I don't get nervous. I try to stay friendly, but also pretty emotionless. Almost like a cop acts toward you. Have your shit ready, you car clean and answer his questions quickly. In a sense have him know he's going to have to try real hard at his job to do anything more than he was going to do. The more he loosens up, the more I do. Leave the rest up to fate, either hes going to give you a ticket or he isn't. It's because I rely on fate I guess is why I don't get nervous at all but I could see how some do, and it would work against them.

There is a such thing as being too nice which will have a counter effect, they are people and also they are not 'stupid', they work with people all day long, a cop could read a person better than any random citizen on the street, anywhere.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
I'm with the people who say don't get pulled for doing daft things in the first place. The number of times I saw/heard of friends/dealers being busted because they were speeding, jumping lights or drove a peice of crap car with an "amount" in it is madness... bald tyres, faulty lights, loud and/or smoking exhaust pipes... I dunno eh
