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Tobacco increases THC levels in a spliff!


Active member
actually herb releases more tar and cancerogenic substances then tobacco when burned.

I loooveee weed , but i know it's not a miracle plant

U gotta get ur facts straight(and i don't mean this in a brutal manner)



Active member
If you dont mind the greatly increased health risks, it'l shurly get you higher. The nicoteens goin deeper into your lungs. Your inhaqiling more deeply without any effort. The Herbs doin it. I usta do it alla time. When I smoked cigarets I usta always top off an Herb smokin session with a Marboro. Thats when Id get higher. High as a kite. Like heroin. The Herb would let my bronko tubes take in the full ammount of nicoteen aqnd tar as they could and it would cause an effect on me like heroin. Rite after a bowl, a ciggaret. and Pull hard and deep. The tobacco wold stone me like scagg. I didnt know why.


Active member
actually herb releases more tar and cancerogenic substances then tobacco when burned.

I loooveee weed , but i know it's not a miracle plant

U gotta get ur facts straight(and i don't mean this in a brutal manner)

Then you think youd get lung cancer from smokin 20 joints a day quicker then you would if you smoked 20 cigarets a day? I think you know you wouldnt. Like I said, the3res never been a dopcumented case of lung cancer in an Herb only smoker. Also as I said, the effects of any tar you take in from Herb is countered by the Herbs healin powers. However if your main concern is your health, vaporize. But shurly dont mix your Herbs and tobaco.


Active member
However if your main concern is your health, vaporize. But shurly dont mix your Herbs and tobaco.

AMEN to that. Yeah the mix of the 2 is the worst thing there is.

Sheriff Bart

Deputy Spade
you know why tobacco causes cancer?
its not the tobacco
is rock phosphate fertilizers which can be incredibly high in radioactive particles which adhere to the trichomes on the tobacco plant and they are uptaken and stored in the plant

theres a reason native americans refer to it as mother tobacco


I think RCC mentioned something about this theory in Hashish? Might remember wrong though.

When I still smoked cigarettes rolling a spliff with tobacco was my preferred method of smoking but it was more to conserve the herb and get a smoother smoke, never really thought it would increase THC levels noticeably.

Still, I'm not going back no matter what any study says. No more tobacco for me.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
you can likely get a buzz by shoving that tobacco up your ass for all I care.......


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
Hey Articblast, hit me with all the neg rep you got, could care less, but you're a little kid...

Added this but yeah, I just don't see how that's true. Whenever I smoke a cigarette after smoking up, it cuts off my high pretty quickly. The constricting effect of tobacco refreezes up your blood stream...


I don't think it has to do with the actually nicotine as opposed to the tobacco being more moist than the weed which will help the cannabinoids vaporize more efficiently because the moisture will lower the temperature of the heat.

Also, when I mix my tobacco it is to a proper ratio such as 2 parts cannabis to one part tobacco but if it's potent stuff it would be the other way around because the tobacco is not dangerous as people make it out to be. It's the brands that are.

If you look at an american spirit cigarette and look at say a Marlboro cigarette, you will see a MAJOR difference. First the american spirit has NO sticks in it, it's long, shredded pieces of tobacco leaf that is fluffy while the marlboro is little flakes with some sticks in it.

The american spirit is also more moist compared to the marlboro but if you smoke with either one you still get a better high to me because more dopamine is released initially with the tobacco rush and also it prevents the excess paranoia and aids in a more relaxed high while still being attentive due to the nicotine releasing gaba.

From the studies I read I don't think a good organic tobacco along with healthy living such as excercise, eating whole foods, and taking in essential oils daily, will cause any problems because the carcinogens that are there won't be able to effect the body due to the detoxifying enzymes getting rid of them before they take effect. So you are getting all the good without the bad.

As far as smoking cannabis and thinking you are straight without doing the things I stated above, I doubt that is the case because in this day in age you are already taking in excess carcinogens just from breathing and eating highly processed foods, which accelerate the problems associated with carcinogens, so smoking cannabis will only make it worse.

Plus, unless you grow herb with herbal and sea algae teas, you don't know how these products made from grow companies will effect your body when inhaled from combusted plant matter or even resin glands.

A vaporizer is the best option but smoking sometimes is good for different results. Really the best and safest option would be to eat some in the beginning of the day so the sun can effect the high, then vaporize while the food is taking effect to start the high, and take a smoke towards the end of the high, to give a relaxed effect at the end of the day when melatonin levels are staring to be released to aid in the melatonin released at the beginning of the day when you stared to taking cannabis because it releases melatonin.


Active member
Herb will help your body fight off the effects of carcinogenics, not enhance the effect of carcinogenics. I think the worst effe3ct carcinogenics have on us is canceros tumers. Heavy doses of Herb cause cancerous mutating cells to destroy themselves. Just dont use the Herb to administer the carcinogenics and youl be alrite.


all praises are due to the Most High
Tobacco is shown to increase thc levels in a spliff(tobacco mixed with weed)

just the other day in chat some of us were discussing how the term Spliff has been mis-used by newbies to refer to a joint rolled with cannabis and tobacco.

the term Spliff does not refer to mixing tobacco with cannabis, this is the fact. a Spliff is simply a term used to refer to bigger joints and/or coned shaped joints. that is all folks :D

"excuse me while I light my Spliff,
Oh God I got to take a lift"

Bob Marley rolled his Spliffs with pure cannabis, he cannot be wrong about the use of term :joint:

so please, stop calling Spliffs those things people roll with tobacco, thanks!

peace and health :)


I read years ago that ammonia within the tobacco allowed THC to cross the Blood Brain Barrier alot faster than just normal intake without tobacco.

I mix when smoking bongs, i find the i get high alot faster and the peak could be higher, but it definatly doesnt last as long


interesting theory,

but it's somehow logic that mixing weed and tobacco gives different stone than pure weed. tobacco is also weed with it's own effects. mixing substances with different effects always results in different stone as using one substance with "one effect". stronger or not, i don't know...

smoking with tobacco or not is matter of smoking culture. I've smoked thousands of joints in 10+ years and i've never met one that would roll pure joints... no matter of quality or quantity...



all praises are due to the Most High
... I've smoked thousands of joints in 10+ years and i've never met one that would roll pure joints... no matter of quality or quantity...

well supersonic, today is your lucky day, nice to meet you :) many just call me Paz, and I roll pure joints only :joint: out here I have never met anyone who rolls with tobacco, go figure...

peace and health :)


nice to meet you mr. Paz

Go figure? what's that suppose to mean? i tell you how people smoke here, including me. i don't advocate mixing ganja with tobacco but that's how the things are done over here... like it or not...
I believe it's common thing to mix weed and tabak in Europe, even in Netherlands.


all praises are due to the Most High
supersonic, hello again :)

by go figure I was trying to be a smartass, please take no offense... I am in South America and no one here mixes ganja with tobacco in the same joint, many do smoke a ciggie after they smoke ganja, but never mix it together... it is a big world for some things, a small one for others... to each their own too.

much peace and health :)


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
I tried it a couple years back because I heard that's how you smokers in the UK roll. Won't be trying it again but the more power to yall... When I hit you guys up I'm gonna show you how we do it in the Americas...


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
hey fvk,

I'm a "little kid" that smoked for over 10 years. You're an "old man" that doesnt know what the hell he's talking about.


BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
just the other day in chat some of us were discussing how the term Spliff has been mis-used by newbies to refer to a joint rolled with cannabis and tobacco.

the term Spliff does not refer to mixing tobacco with cannabis, this is the fact. a Spliff is simply a term used to refer to bigger joints and/or coned shaped joints. that is all folks :D

"excuse me while I light my Spliff,
Oh God I got to take a lift"

Bob Marley rolled his Spliffs with pure cannabis, he cannot be wrong about the use of term :joint:

so please, stop calling Spliffs those things people roll with tobacco, thanks!

peace and health :)

yessir>>>and only thing that add THC levels in my spliff::::HASH:joint: