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Burme$e Kush -CFL- Canadian Grow.



Im glad you enjoyed my pics. Your pheno looks a lot like mine(sat pheno). Have you flowered it b4? If so how long?


Yea you are in for a doosey of a first grow with this girl. She isnt your conventional plant at all. Like I mentioned earlier Im gonna try to let her go for 14wks. Have you decided on your next strain? I know you were looking for a nice indica and I suggest mandala's hashberry. It has great vigor and will compliment your total sat buku nicely. Are you running annac's f2 buku or th seeds?
Little update here, no digital camera on me, broken.. I am forced to use the s***** webcam on my laptop

Eclurker: I am not 100 percent on the exact strain, my plants were origanoly cuttings from a friend.

I took around 10 more cuttings, some were very small to begin with, but I'm giving this a shot. I will be ordering seeds soon, but I'd like to keep the strain goin'.

I have been having trouble with cloning lately, I don't know if its the fact that they were taken from plants already in flowering, or if my nute mix isn't right. I few drops of Flora Grow in the water , 100% perlite in my humidity dome. (also 2 seeds that were given to me). 99% Humidy and the temp is between 20-24; are those temperature reasonable? My cloning area is sealed off from the rest of the room, as the rest is much cooler to keep the roots chilly - pretty nessary with my earlier root rot problems.

As for the plants they keep getting bigger and i find tieing it down becomes something that needs to be adjusted every day!!

Running 7 -42 watt CFL's.

I am using the green light I installed so I can do water changes to the room or tieing down, when they are asleep. I have a fan running on 2nd speed, I can't decide weather leaving it on 24 hours a day or keep in on the timer 12/12, is it really possible to have too much wind?

Roots are getting big! Sorry for the poor quality pictures!.

Green light makes everything look thin and strechy in this picture haha!

Just a quick update, pointless to show such low quality picture.

Plants are smelling great!

High quality pictures of all the little hairs are only a week away!
i also forgot too mention 2 great white shark seeds were given too me by a friend.
i accidentally lost one hahaha... but the one i managed too not lose has already cracked and has a one inch tail coming out!

BIG QUESTION! is leaving my fan on ALL the time bad? or should it be on the same timer as my lights?
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Everything looks good! Personally I always leave my fans on if night temperatures permit it. I dont know however if this is accepted practice? You mentioned smell, can you describe it? How do you liking your dwc? Ive been toying with the idea of making a rough multi-plant system and was curious how they function in similar grows. Are you having any better luck with your cloning? I only use plain water when making clones. I have like over a 90% ratio of clones catching just using rockwool or peat pucks in a humidity dome with a clone mat.


Registered Non-Conformist

I was really bummed to receive an EXTREME Sativa strain. It is impractical for me to try to grow these sorts Indoors....

The pic and the description of the strain were not matched up with the beans, apparently.

This "strain" was billed as a 7 week Indica, with a picture of a Beautiful Kushy nug...

Then a few weeks after release, the descriptions were taken out of all the websites. Later, to be put back... I am pretty sure these were a mix-up from the Seed Co., but TH Seeds is not accountable to the consumer like some other Co.s are... Even face to face in AMS.

I ended up with Very Good Germination with the Burmese Kush beans, admittedly, but they ALL turned out to be obvious long-flowering Sativas... Not one Indica Pheno in the seedpack.

I founnd my last seed, and popped it with some others I was germinating. I expect the same, but maybe I will run it out in the sun, later this year. For fun, and to have some Satty Genes to puff on later...

It's all good, I like Sativas, but not growing them indoors... Maybe outdoors. One or two.

And I hope yours KICKS ASS, truly....

But I was trying to inform others who may be deceived by the blurbs and photos... It is really not too cool of THS....
stasis: im sory this strain wasn't quite what you were looking for, it appears almost every grow i reed about it has the same point of veiw... i defiantly wouldn't have bought seeds for it knowing what everyone has too say; but i had clones gifted too me by a friend who's plants were Killed, so i have NOCLUE the type of smoke that's in store!
only a month and a half left before we find out if i got the very illusive indica pheno... which would be nice, seeing as if it doesn't hold the properties i need, i will have too find another strain that will help relive pain from my condition, BUT i have my fingers crossed. it has been a joy too grow these plants this far!
im defiantly hooked on growing, and haven't even harvested yet! so no matter the type of high i will always remember this as the first strain i ever grew, and it hasn't given me any trouble... yet, so i have no complaints!

eclurker: chronmon was replying too an earlier post asking about good seed vendors that will ship too canada. but i can see how that post looks like spam, but it was a nice find, as i realy like what people have too say about djshorts stuff, but haven't found online vendors that actually have seeds on display!
you have a much better cloning method than me... because although some are showing white nubs... my success rate is far lower than 90%. but i believe alot of the clones i took were too smalll too stand much of a fighting chance anyways...

chronmon: thanks, this will help me as i shop around looking for the next strain too grow!


Active member
Hey Blunted, you should try hosting your images here instead of imageshack.. the new galleries work well now and it makes it easier to check out your images from your homepage and gallery.
Nice grow, I'll follow along as you go!


what are you going to do there you are going to run out of head room. I think you are already hitting the roof. and if that is what i think it is and a sativa you are defiantly going to have problems


Registered Non-Conformist
Most of the seed strains I buy are "As Billed." THe TH Seeds Burmese Kush was either a MIX UP of seeds/labeling, or a full on Rip off.... The Long-winded advertising on the strain when it came out, specifically billed it as a 7 week indica..... With a picture that appeared to be exactly that.

I would not buy a 13 week sativa, and that is how lomg it took, when I did try it indoors.

Again, I say... TH SEEDS cares not for the consumer. Is not represented in any accountable way. In AMS, Adam and his cohort were completely UNRESPONSIVE to any criticism. THey suggested I should buy two packs then....

Right, never again. TH Seeds - Adam has very little tact. A nice big attitude, though, and lotsa cool pranks around Cup time... But forget any POST-SALE help.
Hey che great too see you found your way too my thread! later this week there will be High quality pictures going up of the developing flowers! after 4 attempts (hasta la victoria siempre!) i finally found your grow log and i will be reading over that today!

Ganja, hahaha yeah this plant is a stretcher that's for sure i was originally going too lst this as a baby then scrog, but having too change grow areas repeatedly, and not being sure of my own ability's and not wanting too kill her made me reluctant until it was too late... but now im aware tieing things back wont kill my plants, i may even be topping my next plants!
but as for them growing into the ceiling... i don't really see that as toomuch of a problem, i just tie stuff down as it becomes a problem! and having the fan where i do; allows leafs too go INSIDE of my cfl's and not burn!... although i do tie down when i see such activity it gives me alot of comfort knowing i dont have too wory about it all the time!!!

Best wishes too all of ic!


i hear you blunted skyline........... So you say you are not in the same area any more. looking forward to updated photos.......
your too fast for me stasis! him not taking accountability for it even in person seals the deal, if you cant stand behind what you grow... i dont want it
as i said didnt buy these seeds, but i most deffinatly wont be picking seeds up from th ever, or untill they can earn back there reputation. but treating customers as you were treated does not seem like they care! which is a silly thing too do to such a close nit community.
buy another pack my left nut, how bout i never buy anything of yours again, and influence all my friends too do the same!!!
it is us the consumers who have the power myfriend, and although this plant is treating me well at the moment, it has stung everyone else i have witnessed grow it! since its my first grow im just happy too have baby's of my own. but im sure it wont stay as my primary strain unless it works well for pain! but looking like its sat dominant i don't think thats happening...

ganja i was in a beautiful big room but that got a cold finger shaken at it... so it moved too this space, the pictures of the space your looking at will be the same space i grow in for a while... but i plan on being more height conscious in my second grow, and having designated veg, clone and flower areas!

its great too have people posting on my stuff now! i was awfully lonely for a while haha :p


no prob blunted..... I was feeling the same way in the beginning. I never got any one to post on my thread. Had questions and it seemed like no one wanted to write anything till someone broke the ice per say.


Whats up blunted? Cant wait to see some updates, and hope things are well. I thought Id share an update of my buku f2. Enjoy.


Active member
Hey blunted skyline. Nice to see someone running the BK. I got a pack from annaC. annac fully explained the long running time in his forum. Buck got them from thSeeds, expecting a 7 week strain. yeah.
You can find some info and pics in my Not Fade Away thread, toward the beginning. It went 3 months and made long skinny buds. I get low yields on everything compared to most guys here, a lot of folks did much better than me. Check the annac forums and look for the old BK threads.
Anyway, the high was a 5 hour high soaring classic sativa. I think it was some of the best pot I've ever smoked.
I only got two female plants and still have 6 or 7 seeds. Someday, I'll work em in again.
Hey everyone, a little update.

Everything is going ok, I have had to be constantly moving lights to prevent my budsites getting burnt.

Anyway to skip the chatter here's the picture

Notice the single Great white shark growing in 100 percent perlite. Lightly nuted, I'll be very happy if its male, but since it was picked out of weed it might be a hermi.. correct me if I'm wrong

Although i didn't capture as nice pictures as i wished (rushed), I am wondering about the yeild, any guesses anyone??


no root pics today!! sryy


Active member
Hey Blunted!! Girls are looking good, won't be long before they start really packing on weight for you now..

IMO You should use the forum gallery instead of imageshack. It's probably more secure, and definitely easier for us to view your pictures from your user page.
Also, once they are in your gallery you can add them to the BSGA to show them off!!:canabis:

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