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Would You Rather?

Styles P

piss easily

would you rather live with gilbert godfrey for 6 months or be alone on a deserted island for 2 years?


cant stop wont stop
deserted island all the fuckin way.. probably enjoy it too

would you rather have sex with rosie o'donald or cut off your own right hand with a steak knife?
sex with rosie o'donnell.

Would you rather drive through alabama with "bum love rules ok" painted on every panel on your car.... or be limited to only one bowl a day no matter how much you grow?


Active member
snort kief

would you rather never smoke another bowl or spend 5 years in jail and be free to smoke as much as you wish after your release


never smoke again...i'll vaporize.

would you rather have unprotected sex with a girl who is known to "get arounddddddddddd" (note the extension on the d) or would you rather drive up to a secluded area/township, and rob a bank?


cant stop wont stop
as tempting as the skank sounds im gonna go with robbing the small town bank.. after all how hard would it be to detain all three sheriffs?

Would you rather - get a habanero enema or eat only tofu and monkey brain casserole for 1 year


habanero enema

would you rather eat 1 table spoon of my habanero enema, or get your own habanero enema?

h^2 O

Get my own habenero enema. Will be painful but I'm not swallowing liquid that was in someone's butthole

would you rather have sex with an 80 year old that smells like death for 4 hours, including going down on them, or cut off your pinky toe?

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