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Obama to speak on MMJ.

I just saw a blurb on CNN that Obama is supposed to speak about Medical MJ. The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer. Hope it's something positive!

Weedman Herb

Is there a streaming web feed? I don't have Real TV ...




Please if anyone sees it let us know what he says. I sent him 2 emails last night on that very subject. Maybe we might get lucky and all the states are treated like One Nation under God. Some states are intelligent and progressive enough to know that marijuana is a very useful plant.


hmm rafe----i know that more than one member emailed the white house last night. and it damn sure wasn't under this name.......

Should be sometime during this hour. Saw another blurb "pot raids vs. Obama's promise." Are the DEA thumbing their nose at the President?


Should be sometime during this hour. Saw another blurb "pot raids vs. Obama's promise." Are the DEA thumbing their nose at the President?

Sure, why not. I don't expect anything great from this. I hope I am wrong though. I sympathize with medical users but not only do I think it is the wrong angle I think it leaves out allot of others and would essentially keep the drug war going save for the medical patients. I have said again and again that the government does not care if you are sick. The point that is going to get marijuana legalized is the money to be saved and made from the decriminalization and cultivation of marijuana. That is the only language these politicians speak. In my view if my state legalized for only medical use I am still in the same spot I am now. I don't want to have to lie and cheat to do what I do.


Active member
I'm gonna check out what he has to say. I'm really surprised he's responding so quickly. Seems like he may be about to stop em. Public opinion is in favor of ending the raids so it's not like it's a bad political move.

This could be the beginning of a whole new era who knows?


Active member
I guess the question is whether allowing legitimate medical use of marijuana is going to help or hinder the cause of legalization/decriminalization.

Also what is considered legitimated medical use? These things need to be defined and people need to come to a consensus on this.

The fact is marijuana is less harmful than most if not all over the counter medications that are available to the public without prescription. So it should most definetly be available to anyone who wants to use it whether they have a doctors note or not. I mean come on you take too many aspirins and your dead. This won't be happening with mj.


I guess the question is whether allowing legitimate medical use of marijuana is going to help or hinder the cause of legalization/decriminalization.

Also what is considered legitimated medical use? These things need to be defined and people need to come to a consensus on this.

The fact is marijuana is less harmful than most if not all over the counter medications that are available to the public without prescription. So it should most definetly be available to anyone who wants to use it whether they have a doctors note or not. I mean come on you take too many aspirins and your dead. This won't be happening with mj.

I agree with you that at least it would be a step in the right direction. I think going into it as far as you said would only serve to cloud the issue. The masses are not informed about the drug itself. Trying to compare drugs and effects of said drugs is not worth the effort in my eyes and strays from the original goal. We have tried to make the case against alcohol for years and you see how well that has worked. I think the deeper we go into the medical aspect the harder it will be for true accross the board legalization. I see your point though brother. I spent all of last night on the local newspapers discussion board arguing with folks on the other side and it is amazing the misinformation out there. Views against it ranged from way out there BS to petty demands. No real legitimate counter arguments.
Hopefully Obama's response will be to abolish the DEA and add them to list of the unemployed for not complying with his wishes!

Hey, I can hope! :smoker:

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Anything yet? We got the CNN live feed over here, and all were hearing is about Obama's stimulus proposal...


Smokes, lets go
So much for states rights huh?
not really, once the federal government legalizes medical marijuana/ obama orders raids to stop, they would be trespassing becasue they have no law to back them up federal nor state which would be the same as breaking and entering trespassing and burglary, and well you know people do to burglars breaking in their house, some shoot- some call police.... whichever way it is handled the raids will end eventully.

either way a crook is a crook in my book if the dea says they will continue raids after states get a federal ruling i will consider them burglars or trespassers depending on the situation, right now im not doing anything the dea would be interested in but if the raids ended I would move to a city with a 99 plant ordinance and grow there with no worries.


Active member
Yeah it sounds like the DEA could care less what Obama wants. They are going to claim they are just following the letter of the law. But with the media saying things like,"is the DEA thumbing their noses at Obama" it kind of creates a situation where he may have to act so he doesn't seem like a weak president. The DEA are definetly some stubborn bastards though and they are not gonna go down without a fight. They could care less about public opinion.


Active member
I hear ya cldbd. I believe in total legalization too. It's funny, but I think the legalization of hemp is probably the most important thing we could do as far as legalizing the plant. Because everyone in the world will benefit from that. It's more important than medicinal use IMHO.

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