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midwest growers unite

Hey all MW growers, I figured since I'm a MW grower now that I would tag along. I just started flowering some White Ice, W.W, S.G and C4. I have a very small grow and will snap a pic. They have been vegging for around 1 month now and out of the 10 plants, 7 are female, one has been chopped (male) and the other 2 are a "wait and see".
Peace out.


Horse-toothed Jackass
CA: Your cabinet looks very nice. Is that coco in that pot?
Those buds look very crystally, well done!

PC: A vape bag and a coffee is one way to start the day. I don't think i've ever waked and baked; I like to keep my smoking to later in the day. I should try it sometime though...
That vape looks pretty nice; mine doesn't have the digital temp readout. Mine also takes a few minutes to get warmed up... I guess you set it like your coffee machine: put the stuff in, flip a switch... :rasta:
Do you have to break up the ice before you put it into the bags?
Good work on the pollination. Wow, you really like making seeds, don't you? I have to start doing that, to save some of these genetics so i can pop different ones.

DB: Here here! To good friends who share good genetics. :joint:
Your NL story makes me nostalgic. First time I had dank weed, it was the best weed I've ever smoked. Maybe I'm smoking as good or better now, but the memory of it haunts me. Didnt even know what strain it was; it was over 10 years ago, it could have been NL...
Funny that your buddy bought seeds from Marc Emery. He's in the federal pen right now, isn't he? Sad...

JU: What's up.

GG: What's C4?

Fungus gnats were attacking my SDOG seedlings, so I laid down a half inch layer of sand on top of the soil. I've seen maybe 2 fungus gnats since. BTW, this probably explains why my Super Star seedlings died as runts. Bastard gnats!

Ive had one tub in the closet the past 2 weeks, and Ive been vegging it out. They were clone size back then, now they're filling out this scrog screen.

Added another tub last night, so far they're looking a bit in shock but none are dead (yet). Hopefully they'll veg out a bit then I can flip to 12/12 in about a week...

Uncle Remus

BabaIf you check the top pics carefully in my last post, you can see there is 5 of those tubs in there...I can veg probably 6 but its real tight...Drawing up a new mom/veg/clone/drying cabinet soon...I'm too cramped and with what I wanna do I'm gonna need more space

No bugs here...Never had em, never will...Did you get some cuts that brought them in? Don't think I've even seen a spider in any of my cab's or closet

How long have those clones been rooted? And what are you feeding them? I always feed just rooted clones 1/4veg nutes for the first week...Then bump it up to 1/2 for anopther week before I go full strength...Be sure to keep an eye on the pH, especially if you are running less than full strength...My pH usually fluctuates the first day or two after a res change when running less than full stren...Then after being adjusted once or twice it will settle down

Tasty looking hash...Had to wipe my chin

Looking good peeps


Holy crap midwest

Holy crap midwest

Holy hell you guys, there's tons of nice shit going on in here. I haven't posted an update since these girls (hopefully anyway) broke surface and I transplanted them to 16oz cups. Still at home in those cups but much larger now. They were starting to get big and crowd each other so I culled one of the hashberry and weak flimsy sgod. Here are the remaining 3, I need to transplant them soon I think, let 'em veg just a little longer.

Here they are:


Pinched/trained Hashberry F2


Topped Hashberry F2



I pinched the top hashberry and it pretty much laughed it off like nothing, there's a hard knot but it straightened out in like 6 hours, so I got it bent pretty much 90 deg with a paper clip through the cup its in. I was also keeping them underfed a bit, they got their first good dose of nutes and now they look much more lush and healthy.
C4, other wise known as the bomb! Produced by Chimera seeds. I have grown a bunch of their strains and for the most part, they are all awesome. Here's a description: Indoor
Explosive! Same Cotton Candy mother as the Frostbite, but fathered by Shiskaberry! Both lines are huge yielders; the Shiskaberry brings down the flowering time and the tasty moms improve upon the flavour and aroma. The trim from these busty ladies makes excellent bubblehash, truly worthwhile. Big big fun! Yield: way up there.
A quick finisher, the C-4 is unassuming and disappointing until it BLOWS UP in the final week or so of flowering. Medicinally, it is a great strain in that is is very fast to hit; a few puffs and you definitely feel it, so it would be a good strain for those looking to accurately control dosage.


Horse-toothed Jackass
UR: A new cab, huh? Your setup looked good to me, but I guess it's never enough... Is the new cab going to be significantly bigger? If it has a drying area, it has to be...
I've never seen a spider mite, thank goodness. The fungus gnats I think maybe came with the Miracle Grow soil I use, I've seen them since I first started growing a couple years ago, lately they've been worse and attacking my young seedlings with a vengeance. I dont pop seeds that often so it was never a huge problem until they killed off the Super Stars I popped late last year. When they started going after the SDOGs, I had to put a stop to it.
I started off that tub with 1/8 strength nutes, then bumped it up to 1/4 strength this morning. They're doing ok, I want to make sure im not undernuting them. They always look a little stressed the first few days under HIDs... You're right about the ph fluctuations, the ph has been rising so ive been adding ph down constantly.
Funny thing, I havent even tasted the hash yet. I'm going to have to work them into little balls and then do a smoke test.

LI: The hashberrys and sdog are looking good! Surprised you still have them in those cups. Figured they'd be 2 feet tall by now, but maybe you got a lot going on now...

GG: Ive heard of Chimera seeds, never run any of their strains. The C4 sounds dank, although you never know with all the hyperbole the typical seed company uses. What was your favorite Chimera strain?

LO: When the buds are real hairy like that you can tell that they're going to fill out a lot more. Is that Rezdog's IBL?


Baba: Yeah, kind of busy. I haven't finished the cab I wanted done by the beginning of Feb. I'm going to pick up some flat white paint and 12 or 14 2" PVC elbows and around a foot or so of PVC pipe tomorrow and get it painted.

My veg cab is relatively small, the 5 16oz cups took up pretty much all the space I had, and despite removing 2 I can't find anything bigger that I could transplant them into and would actually fit all 3 of 'em in there. I'm thinking that the size they are is pretty nice to flip them to 12/12 and have them fill out the flowering cab nicely. Just a matter of getting of my lazy ass and doing it!


half cat half man half baked
Micro style in the midwest =]

I've popped 10 BubbleGums from the same seeds...

And I got one Sativa pheno :)

Will be flipping to flower here in a couple of days... I use FF OF + Perlite & Verm and I use FF line of liquid nutes + open sesame. 150w HPS 2 sq ft of optimal space.. maybe 2.5 of subpar total.. 18 inches from top of soil line to bulb. Should prove to be a learning experience :)


M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
i'm flowerin out 2 phenos (at least i think they're diff phenos) of sd x og kush and just flipped a bunch of tw x as, so we shall see how many of the 5 turn out fem.

also, am germin a bunch of b.h. tw f2's and also some tw bx1's.

that, and a few bagseed strains here and there, but most bagseeds end up throwing nanners (makes sense when u think about it) so down to only a couple types.

p.s. yea i've got at least 3 types of tw going, wanna fight about it? jk


M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
catman, it would be in ur best interest to cover the sides of those containers in tape or something... light in the root zone encourages algae growth which inhibits your plants nutrient uptake slightly.


Buteo Jamaicensis
dont know how true this is or not, but be careful what you say in pms, rumor has it they can and are being read by other people... just stay on your toes fellas.


I think there is some sort of "carnivore" type deal that scours everything. It's communism...or fascism. At the extremes the two aren't that much different. Big brother is here. Who they come after, when, and to what extent? Don't anger anyone with political power and one might be ok.

At least we will have a skill that can sustain us when it all comes crashing down. Buy guns ammo and find a way to keep the lights on when there's no power.:fsu:


tomorrow night the TW IBL and SFV are getting their groove on with their respected partners.

bow chicka bow wow

SFV OG Kush x Agent Orange - SEAN CONNERY


Horse-toothed Jackass
LE: My veg area is weak too, but I hope to make it useful by making the lights easy to adjust. I know what you mean about the lazy part, but everyone procrastinates, it's human nature to not do things until they need to be done.

CM: Nice micro grow you got going there! R u getting noticeable growth everyday? Is FFOF much better than Miracle Grow?

DS, AB: It's great that we can share genetics like that. Isn't the internet wonderful?
How much of a yield loss you think he'll get if he doesn't tape up? I thought having a lightproof container was more important for hydro...

DB: I hope that the NSA or whoever monitors all internet traffic has better things to do with that info other than nab mj growers. that being said, the government has the perfect tool to spy on all americans, but we wouldn't let them get away with widespread use of that.

KO: I love the names of those crosses! Id like to see test grows of those.


half cat half man half baked
dontsteponthegrass - I got them covered up tonight. It was really fun to watch the roots grow.. I suppose I can still sneak a peak at em. Thanks for the tip.

Baba - Thanks, I don't even have a clue what would be a normal growth rate really. I've vegged with same beans before and the bag seed they run against always is much quicker in the seedling stage. I'm using tap water pH'd at 6.4 and tonight they got 1/2 Table spoon of Grow Big. Maybe they've been slow because they are hungry? I've heard plenty of people say FF is enough for a couple of weeks..




I will have to be switching to 12/12 very soon. They are about 3 weeks 2 days from breaking soil.

Damn it was a nice Friday. I didn't even turn the heat on while in my car because it was so nice.


M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
catman - i spy on roots by having large hole in the bottoms of containers (they will poke through when they are filling out medium) also, i transplant a few times between beer cup and final container size so i can peek at them then too