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CFL 288Watt DWC Stealth Closet Grow - Hawaiian Snow . Super Silver Haze


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Hello everyone, been reading on here for a while and decided to do my first grow and share with you guys. I'm 30 days in, almost ready to switch to 12/12. Please feel free to offer any suggestions or comments on anything you see, all help is appreciated.

My materials included:

3 x 16qt Tupperware containers
3 x ? small, round leftover tupperware containers
2 x 8 light bathroom vanity fixtures
2 x Retractable Clotheslines (random find at HD)
12 x 23 Watt Soft White CFLs
4 x 26 Watt Natural Light CFLs
Air Duct Tubing
Aquarium Air Pumps and tubing
Air Stones and/or Bubble Wands
+- some random stuff I found layin around

And away we go.......

Heres the closet when I first started. Didn't have an outlet so i pulled the paneling and put one in so I didn't have a cord running across the room.

Initial Setup

The tupperwares are 4 gallons, and I wanted to get as much water in them as possible so everything would stay more stable and require less attention. To do this I found some small to go tupperwares that my 5 inch net pots fit in perfectly (dumb luck really). I cut the bottom off and duct taped them to the top of the tupprwares where i had cut holes out of too, allowing me to get a couple more inches of water in there.

I lined everything in emergency blankets, I since went back and covered the tupperwares in duct tape because I was concerned light was getting into them.

You can see the mixed bulbs along there, I read it was good to mix up the spectrums and it seemed like a lot of people used this ratio, anyone have experience with this? should I leave this same ratio when I switch to 12/12/?

White lid to a tupperware container, does the trick for now as a light reflector.

I popped 3 seeds using the paper towel in a container method, 3 strains, Hawaiian Snow, Super Silver Haze, and Big Bang. The Big Bang is a week behind because I had a Lemon Skunk seed that I had die on me (beginner error).

Hawaiian Snow ~20 days in....

I am assuming the brown spots on the leaves and yellow tint on the new growth were tellin me it needed more food? Some of this brown showed up at 13 days

Thought that was fast for a seedling so I guess I let it starve some not wanting to hurt it with the nutes. Anyone else see this/deal with this?

@ 30 days from seed 820ppm

Just switched 10 hours ago from running 2/3 tsp/gallon of bushmaster and plain tap for two days. vertical growth definitely slowed/stopped. Hoping she perks up over the next day or two.

HS Roots @ 30 days

Super Silver Haze @ 30 days from seed 645ppm

Looks good and strong, can see a definite difference in the strains.

Big Bang @ ~21 days from seed at 500ppm

Quickly rebounding, was definitely slow on starting nutes for her too, but did the same thing as the HS, started turning before two weeks so I played it safe and starved her rather than kill the seedling with nute burn.

Closet rennovation update coming shortly!!!!


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So I realized I was going to have an issue with smell before too long, and the general setup was also flawed because there was no ventilation to help cool it and circulate fresh air. So these pictures explain what I came up with.

Here is the original closet

Decided to build a closet around this existing closet

Some quick framing

The walls of this closet were wood panels, so they were easy to cut with a razor blade. I took 6" A/C duct and made two intake holes and one exhaust hole. You can see the vent for the exhaust in the lower left corner (I know I hung the drywall backwards, I wasn't paying attention).

This is what will be in the back of the new closet, that box is just a make shift carbon scrubber i threw together for a few days, just seein if everything would work in theory. I plan on making a similar inline scrubber using the plans on the DIY page, but modify them some. Hopefully can do that in the next week.
Anyways, the ducting attaches to a 8x6 air exchange adapter, and on the other end of the exhaust duct is...........

This ghetto ass fan.....
Used this box as an adapter for now, plan on getting something different tho. You can see the air pumps and power strip on this shelf. Also, what you can see below the fan, under the shelf, is the two new intake ducts.

I have made the closet light proof with weatherstripping, resulting in it being pretty much air tight as well. This system should create negative pressure inside the closet and pull air in through the intakes, since I have air being forced out. I think I read that somewhere here. I will most likely look for a small fan to place in the bottom also, and blow a little bit of air around inside the cab itself mostly. I'm thinking if I angle it right this could help create a draft also.

These ducts also work great since you can bend them and light won't show.

Hanging drywall correctly this time.

Semi finished closet. Needs paint and some trim. What I intend on doing is putting some boxes in here and having the intake ducts stick out under the sheet. I'm debating if I want to build a fake wall and a little hatch to replace the carbon for the scrubber, not sure if I'm that skilled tho. The closet opening is big enough for the original closet door to swing all the way open 180 degrees, so moving around in the new closet won't be hindered by stepping around the door.

So far, It looks like this ventilation so far is bringing my closed door temp from 81 degrees to 73 degrees. I only left it closed for about 10 hrs, cant imagine it will get much hotter than that tho.

That's where I am at as of now. Thanks for stopping in, I'll keep updating pics as we go.


looking good Fluoro, I'm subscribing to this one for sure. What a great mix of strains you have in there. Impressive setup too. I wish I had the DIY skills and the space to really set it off like that. Good luck, I'll be around.


Hey bro,

Great work. I love to see the construction of a grow room. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Keep it up man, glad you're here.

man i cant wait to see that SSH your going to love it how much vertical space do you have my advice would be giving them as much room to stretch as possible looks great so far man i sure am jealous


Thanks for the encouragement guys! Glad to see people stopping in!

Munk -
Yeah I'm already anxious as hell to see how it turns out too. I have 3 ft of vertical space, so I am counting on the Bushmaster to keep me within that zone. I gave the Hawaiian Snow some Bushmaster when it reached ~11 inches and it hasn't gotten much taller than that. I just put 1/2 tsp/gal in the Super Silver Haze a couple of hours ago, so we will see how much that slows in the next couple days.

Bozo -
haha yeah they look like the same ones. I always have SOG and/or SCrOG in the back of my head and wonder about trying it. It looks like we have similar grow space, were you happy going that route instead of trying to grow just a few bigger plants? I can never decide which I think would work better. I guess I will have an idea after this run and decide then since I plan on taking some clones.

Decided I'm going to switch the lights tonight to 12/12. Was originally going to take the Big Bang out and put it in another closet so it could veg a little more, but I think I am just going to leave it in and give it bushmaster once it gets to the same height as the others.

Big Bang
Looking much healthier than it used to.

HS @ 32 Days

I feel like this Snow really has a tropical look compared to the other two. The top two new layers of leaves look good and healthy. You can see there was a bit of a rough patch earlier on when you compare the middle growth area to the top. They ended up a little mutated somehow. You can see how the one leaf curves around.

SSH @ 32 Days

Just switched over to plain Tap water and Bushmaster as mentioned above. 1/2 tsp/gal

Thanks again for stopping in and checking things out.


Thanks boz, haha that would have been a frustrating way for everything to go wrong, I'll keep it in mind for next time.

Thanks for that thread too, I remember looking at it a long time ago before I was registered so I didn't save it and hadn't been able to find it lately. I was hesitant to attempt soil at first but I am warming up to the idea now that I read more about it. I have a greenhouse I'm gonna get going this year too once I get the security of it cleaned up. so I'm excited to try out some soil mixes during that.

The roof on it is the clear polycarbonate/fiberglass type stuff that is on the side. It just looks dark because of snow from when the picture was taken.


Nice stealth grow!!
We have started the same seeds.

Good luck with yours I just switched mine to 12 12 after 30 days veg.

Looking great.


Hey Flouro,

The roots on that SSH look nice and abundant, like they are gunna support a generous yield of dank buds. I wonder if those 5" netpots might have something to do with it, as opposed to the 3 inchers I used. How about an update?

edit: P.S. I think any of those would probably be big enough to take a lower branch off of for a clone if you still wanted too for the green house.


Thanks Gm421, how are your seeds lookin? Sounds like we are one a similar grow schedule.

Thanks Illadelph, I'm thinking these 5" net pots are definitely going to give me some more support. That's what it seems like so far anyways. And yeah I need to get to the store and get another air pump for the bubble cloner and take these clones, good call.

Here's an update after 7 days 12/12. Looking nice and green, healthiest they have looked so far.

Lineup with the Big Bang in front, looking nice and healthy for once.

Super Silver Haze at 7 days 12/12

Hawaiian Snow at 7 days 12/12



Thanks for taking a look


Whats up everyone, is anyone else ready for winter to be over? I'm sick of this shit I know that, shoveling snow and being cold isn't for me I've decided. Good thing I got this little closet of sunshine to cheer me up.

Its been 15 days of 12/12 now and things are really looking good. I took some clones as well and made this little clone cab with a bubble cloner.

The Hawaiian Snow keeps growing despite the fact that I gave it Bushmaster at 12", it's turning into my favorite plant by far. The Super Silver Haze did slow down once it received the Bushmaster, as you can see.

Hawaiian Snow at 14 days 12/12

Super Silver Haze at 14 days 12/12

Big Bang at 14 days 12/12

Thanks for stopping in as always, hope you guys enjoy the pics.

Peace :joint:

D Rock

Looking real good brotha. Im working on getting a DWC cab going with 250 watt hps. Cant wait to see the super silver haze. I have heard good things about that strain. Later bro.
yep, SSH is a good one for sure. She'll do you proud. Nice little grow this actually.. be interesting to see how tall they get in those dwc's


Thanks guys

The SSH is looking mighty appealing, some of the fan leaves on it are getting huge.

They are at day 24 now of 12/12 and figured I would pull them out for some photos.

Big Bang, Super Silver Haze, Hawaiian Snow

Hawaiian Snow 24 days 12/12 - best looking one out of the group. Finally slowed down the growing I think, its almost getting too tall for the closet.

Super Silver Haze at 24 days 12/12

Big Bang at 24 days 12/12

Some of the fan leaves are really starting to shade the light from the lower buds, so I think I'm going to get some string and tie some of them together so a little more light gets through. I'm guessing this might be one of those issues you run into with CFL's, but overall I love em so far.
My closet stays really cool, with the door closed and everything running it never goes over 80 degrees. I am usually able to leave it open tho and I just keep that part of the house cooler, so it stays around 63 with the lights on.

So, that's it for today, thanks for stopping in fellas.


looking good man love to see the cfl grows keep it up.ever think about throwing up a 250 or a 400? you'll be amazed at the difference!