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foller up

foller up

Hey crawdad, I am so happy that things are going well!

Not sure why you are switching from the HID to the cfls but that will mess up the plants with differing light intensities....keep them on the same consist light strength and pattern. Don't stress about electricity....just pay your bills on time. The 600 uses the same power as my computer here, and half as much power as a small electric portable heater.

Nice score on the BB! I thought they only smoked meth in Wasilla? :wink: If that is the large plant in your pix, watch for nitrogen deficiency. It appears that the bottom leaves may be yellowing (if not a trick of the camera/lights). If so, increase your N some.

I would also suggest adding more perlite to your mix. I would add at least 30% extra to the promix. This will help drainage and aeration. It is possible that the N def is a result of waterlogged roots/poor drainage, but I don't think that is the case here, they don't look waterlogged. Still add the extra perlite next transplant. Make sure those pots are almost dry (just at the point of slight wilt) and that they are very light in weight when you lift them, before watering again.

BTW, you are in the right forum. Seems this place is a little slow these days, or maybe everyone is all freaked out by the new look!

Good luck with your girls!

HP-yeah thanks for swinging in...i think your right for sure on the promix-bx...it can get a little soggy if you are not careful..i will mix it in next time i make up some pots..and see what happens...the yellowing leaf...that was from the initial pot i put that BB in..the soil was crapola..almost killed my whole crew...i cut them lower suckers off...all of them came back now and are almost back to normal..

whats the problem with the lights?...i started off with cfls only because i do NOT paty the light bill here...my boss does...i figured i could run my 1000w mh for 12 hours a day and use the 6500 cfl's for the other 12hrs..i am actually using a combo of 2500k and 6500k lamps..is that going to make everything herm out? if so i will cut them cfls off and bump my 1000w up to 16-18 hrs...

i have been hearing mixed reviews on the cfls and got worried that i was not going to do any good with the cfls...i sure like them though...i just hate all that high power action of the hid's going on...it escaltes the risk if you will...noise, fire, heat, elect, etc. etc..

if i am f-ing up somebody needs to set me on the right path here...have i already f'd these up?

i am glad you came by HP...dont be a stranger now ya hear?



Flowering Started 1-16-9

Flowering Started 1-16-9

i gave in and started 8 of mine flowering...i got to lookin at those scrogs and figured it was as good a time as any..

countdown is on!


the rest of them went into the clone/veg area for further conditioning..

i will add a couple each week and start a few clones each week..

i took 4 clones from the big bud and 4 clones from a 1 (jock horror)...it is now 1a...and they will follow that pattern as i go through the strains to find the best of the best...so there will be 1a, 1b, 1c for jock horror and the same pattern for the rest, 3 will be 3a, 3b, 3c etc..you get the idea...if 1a turns male then all the 1a's go bye bye...if all the 1a's turn out to be female then they will be hung on to until the mother finishes...

i wish i had the room here to collect pollen because i would make my own seeds..i have been thinking about getting into the seed business..

if i could strike a deal with some folks i may...

anyway, i took 8 of them and put them under 12/12 today.

i also switched out my mh to hps...so pics will be difficult now...i may get some kind of light...i dont have time to take the yellow out of the pics..nor do i want to...

i am going to do some lsting and get some experience there...i have actually been doing that all my life...i started out reading marijuana botany (r connel clarke or something) when i was young so i learned a lot from that one book. i highly recommend it...it talsk about all that and one time i took a trellis out into the field one summer...hell it turned out pretty good...it held up the plants and probably helped the yield...i also drove nails and buried limbs and did all kinds of crazy shit to plants trying to make them more potent..remeber those days? who needs it nowadays right? weed is about as strong as it can get without trying to stress it..

i do feel that the longer a plant grows the stronger the weed..

i have a friend up in alaska who has 6 HUGE white widows...he has had them for about 5 years...he lets them fill up then regenerates...he is a legal grower and the cops always go by and show it off to their buddies..(in alaska you can grow legally with a medical card)...you can also grow 4 plants and harvest 4 ounces as long as it is in one bag..per person (adult)..the law wont mess with you unless you are trying to grow commercially...most times when they do find those they just take the weed and gear and never prosecute..but your on their list...

anyway got off subject there...got some some killer bud tonite...the temps have warmed from 50 below to 45 above, rain and everything is melting..

i will try to put up some pics but i aint havin much luck with the new site..aint bitchin but i liked the old one better i think...maaybe i just need to shut up and give it a chance huh?

thanks for all you boys stopping in...and gals too, its hard to tell on here...they need a symbol for male or female...maybe a calyx and a set of balls?

yau'll have a good weekend.... all over the world....PEACE, anybody out there from kaiserslautern germany? i used to live there...

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oh well got to say goodbye, i got myself into trouble over on another thread and now i am a ripoff and everything else in the book..

there are some REAL people on this site but there are also a lot of losers too..thanks to the real folks who stopped by..

take care boys...

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you know i dont think i will let a couple bad apples spoil anything for myself..

hopefully the owners of this site will put a stop to the folks that are only on here to cause trouble..

to anyone out there that may have misunderstood my post, i apologize.

i am not a ripper, never have been, never will be...just a person who speaks the truth and lives in reality not fantasy..

i wont lower myself to your level..




i am having some probs with my hps...it puts off tons more heat than my mh...i dont know why but after i flipped over to hps my temps jumped to 100 degrees...i was wondering if i should try to vent in/out more or switch back to mh? i heard hps is best for flowering...

everything was running around 75-80...

another prob is it is very loud..buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...it is a low dollar (i paid big $$) ballast that should probably be up on a 50 foot light pole on the side of the turnpike...anybody have any experience with muffling that sound? i am thinking some sound insulation but i am worried about heat and fire ya know...

thanks for any replies..

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i am having some probs with my hps...it puts off tons more heat than my mh...i dont know why but after i flipped over to hps my temps jumped to 100 degrees...i was wondering if i should try to vent in/out more or switch back to mh? i heard hps is best for flowering...

When 1 had an heat 1ssue,1 change to a brand new bulb, and my temps dropped 10 degrees, that was a 70w sod1um for a 70w, 1 th1nk that was qu1te a s1gn1f1cant drop for such a small wattage bulb.


libby-yeah that does sound significant...my bulb is pretty new i used it last spring for one grow but you never know with bulbs...i have seen them come off the shelf not working..

i may snag another just to check...they're pretty cheap anymore...

i am working on some vents right now..

thanks for your feedback..



the big bud has grown about 26 inches since being planted...under the 12 hrs of hid and 12 hrs of cfl...i dont see a lot of diff from when i was running 24 hrs...and i have to be saving kwH's....

i think you would be hard pressed to find a better seed strain or breeder than sensi seeds..as far as quality and repeatability..

i sure wish the old sativa seed bank was around...

skunk #1 is about the closest i can find to the original skunk afghani they used to sell...when i grew that outdoors it would make a huge ball about 6-8 foot round- some of the best tasting smoke at that time...

hopefully i can make some good seeds from this one, its definitely got all the qualities you would want in a male specimin..





heres a fe pics of the crew..the big bud is looking more and more male but there are a couple calyx's down low...no new ones....not formed too well but there is one with some pistils..

still holding out some hope..will definitely get some great pollen from this one even if it is male..nothing like some pure big bud to make new seeds and strains with..

also put 6 into flower after just twelve days from germ just for fun..they are as follows for those interested....#8 = sam the skunkman O* Thai x Haze x Skunk (Fem) X Maroc Afhgani (Male)...all of these are seeds i made using the maroc afghani i got from nirvana......i crossed a killer, fast growing very vigorous, very strong O* Thai x Haze x Skunk (Female) and (Male) with similar maroc x afghani (Female) and a (Male) which is #9 in this grow then #10 is a O* Thai x Haze x Skunk ..i crossed white widow i got from nirvana...i just switched from male to female of one strain then reversed it and used a female to male of the same and vice versa...just to see what would happen..

i am not sure what the outcome is when you flip it and use a male of one strain and cross with a female of a different strain the do the same with a female of the one and a male of the other and see if that makes any diff..

if you buy a pack of seeds from a seedbank and you inbreed all the same strains wont that screw up the seeds? i mean slow em down? dont you always want an f1 hybrid?

anyway, here the up date..





and the bad news keeps comin...




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Ah sorry Crawdad, those picture are definate males :( I Hope you get a couple of females aswell as this has been an awesome diary so far!


mr j-yeah thanks man---real bummer there...i was holding out but i cant see that plant changing its mind now...i have 3 clones of that bastard and will use it for pollen...

i never saw a plant show male sign then go female...i hear it has happened...i am pretty convinced that is a male now...

i have been pulling clones from the rest of the plants as they come available so i will have a couple copies of the ones that turn solid female and that are keepers...

that was a great male plant tho-really big and strong and vigorous...

i am hoping to end up with more females than male but who doesnt right?

thanks for swinging by and check back because things are definitey starting to happen..


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1-21-09 Update

1-21-09 Update

well the big bud was a male (#3) showing in pre flowering.too bad..and one jock horror male and one jock horror female (#1A) and a female alaskan white widow from seeds i made last year (#6A) 5 days into flowering...i would have to say that is fast..this is a definite good sign...the calyx are barely visible to the naked eye...these are macro shots with my cheap nikon..

does it mean anything? about 80% have not shown anything yet..

here is what these #6's looked like on dec 30, 2008- then look at them down below, not too shabby for 23 days growth...even if i say so myself!


take a look now..this is an alaskan white widow from seeds i made last year...i crossed an alaskan white widow fem clone with an awesome white widow male from seed that came from nirvana...the mother was renowned for it's quick finishes.. right at 45 days if not sooner!...it has been bred in alaska for many years by a med user. he supplements his income with 6 of these that he lets grow huge then rejuvenates..very solid female..and is well adapted to indoor and cool temps..gets really frosty and potent mind blowing weed..sells for $50 an 1/8 all day long...fast producer and pretty good yield..i got a clone from a friend....here is a picture of the mother (very bottom), and the father...the male had very tight internodes and grew very fast and tall as you can see below...best male of the bunch...

maybe i should come up with my own name for it if it turns out...

alaskan white widow #6A


alaskan white widow #6A


alaskan white widow #6A


alaskan white widow #6A


and the same #6A in side view-around 14" - 30 days from planting...

and another overhead view of the same #6a

THE MOTHER - alaskan white widow- from clone (last year 07/08)

The father-white widow from nirvana


The father-white widow from nirvana-very brancy down low


the O*Thai and the skunk #1 are looking good.they have been flowering for 5 days from about 8-10 days old..we will see what happens with them...all the rest are doing well..they are on a restricted diet right now...light and water only...should i add fertilizer at all? i think promix is loaded for 3 mos...i usually just use some decent plant food..

does it help to foiliar feed? ( i hope thats the right word)...I used to do it but read somewhere that it did not matter so this time i have not..

thanks for comin by

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Looking good, Crawdad, the Widow looks like she will be covered in frosty resin if the hairy stems are an indication. I bet she has a good smell emanating already?


expert-whats up? everything going ok? good i hope...

yeah i was sure glad to see those...i had 2 white widow seeds left from last year that i had gotten from nirvana...i think this is going to be a keeper...really good spacing so far..

the smell....yeah its starting to get real stinky in there...when you walk in the front door now you can definitely smell the sweet scent...my wife commented this evening when she came through the door..

i am worried the smell may become a problem so i need to start figuring out how to control it if possible..i am very limited on space and what i can do...

thanks for the comments...cmon back anytime and check it out..



1-21-09 Update

1-21-09 Update

here is some shots from today..they are all in my album..




alaskan blueberry

northern light X big bud | Nirvana (#4A)


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Update! 2-5-09

Update! 2-5-09


thanks aloneitw-i apprecite it...these babies are really coming on...i am pretty amazed at the way they turned out...a lot of the credit goes to the folks who took the time to give some advice...which as you can see paid off!

I switched to 12/12 on the 16th of january so right now i am about three weeks into flowering. I started off with my hps but switched on 2-3-9 due to too much noise from my ballast..

i screwed up and put some crappy time released ferts (osmocote-dont try it) on and some of them are still recovering...

nothing too serious...i shoulda known better...

why fix somethin that aint broke ya know?

anyway check out some of my new shots...

i will try to get caught up on my thread since i was away from here for awhile...

see you around..



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