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LiL Wayne Fans


Active member
Did any of you LiL Wayne fans see the interview with Katie Couric? I've always liked him but he earned more respect from me when he said he'd stand up for marijuana anyday.

Although michael phelps does have a lot more endorsements, he's a bitch in my book for not standing up for MJ. Lil Wayne has advertisements and isn't afraid to stand up for what he beleives his harmless.

check the interview here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfP4HEGWD1Q

And for those that don't care for him but wanna hear what he said.. you can fast forward it to the 8 minute mark


New member
regardless of lil waynes views on marijuana and other drugs, I still think he is a horrible rapper and I lose more respect with every album and remixed song put out:wallbash:


Active member
Regardless of his music.. it's all about standing up for MJ that earns all the respect. And yes, he's from the south and has manners... Mr. Johnny :joint:


Active member
Im not hating, i think wayne is one of the best rappers out there right now, and on of the only rappers i like that isnt from atlanta.


Active member
Hilarious how he admits to how he used to be addicted to cough syrup medicine.
DXM junkie. That's pretty sad. Also funny how when she says you've stopped right and he's says well I'm not addicted anymore. Dude lay off the cough syrup! haha

Still I like how he makes no apologies and is straight up about smoking and everything. The fact that he admitted to a cough syrup addiction is pretty raw haha. I mean that's the kind of thing people are embarassed about!


Active member
Gosh the mods around here must be pretty bored. I guess this thread isn't appropriate for tokers den haha. Belongs in music forum. Come on get it right people. :noway:

Way to stay on top of things mod. :yes:


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
Seriously, when ppl say this emo kid Wayne is one of the best rappers alive, if not the best rapper ever.. I always go like "u haven't heard too much rap, have you?"

And like his shitty rapping ain't enough, now he thinks he can sing too. I dare you to sit thru "prom queen" without wanting to cut yer ears out. Maybe killing hip hop was too much, so he's going for rock now. Fuck this guy.
The spoofs are hilarious tho, too bad the spoofer guy has more talent than LW.




the Lion is going Guerrilla...
My grandma bought me 'Tha Block Is Hot' for Christmas in 7th grade, when it first dropped... I stopped listening to that dude in the same year. Wayne... Yeah...

RIP Grandma...
Wayne is doing what the best in the biz have done and been successful, make songs for women! Tupac did it Biggie did it 50 cent does it, and even if i havent named your favorite rapper your favorite rapper isnt getting g unit money, death row money or bad boy money! If you listen to lil wayne's old albums he spits some shit. The early hot boys stuff is the best in my opinion, he went thru most of his teen years with out cusswords in his raps. Get your money Wayne but i still think B.G. is tighter!


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
Biggie was the shit though, Pac was arrogant but spit truth, and 50 can lick my balls. Badticket's spot on with the emo kid shit though, what can you expect when MTV made you and basically owns you? FUCK MTV.
my point is mainstream emo shit = big money! I dont have one rap album that is in the top 15 in sales in my cd changer because when you get to that level its not even your music that makes the album,its your ghost writer and what ever the record company wants you to put out! Underground independent records are the best music to be found in any gender.


Active member
This thread isn't about if you dislike him or not.. just thought it was cool for the dude to stand up for Mj on national television.

And regardless if lil waynes music is mainstream now.. he still has his style of rapping.. he can flow to the music.. doesn't have to write lyrics down or think too hard. It just comes naturally, from his own shit.. not others.

There's no such thing as 'the greatest rapper'.. each great rapper has their own style about'em.

And as far as doing stuff for money, well you can't really blame'em... Kinda like growing 100% organic weed for yourself but if you're a commercial grower and you know you're stuff is in demand, you stray away from that and start using chemical ferts to get bigger yields quicker, etc.. but you still do it propper.
Would anyone care about his stance on herb if he wasnt mainstream? Couric wouldnt. It is just nice to see someone not scared to be pro weed who is a national and world wide star at this time.


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
First, this dude doesn't have to worry about losing endorsements condoning the dank.

Second, I think he's probably causing more harm than good across white middle aged and old ass America. You know... The ones who control legislation? They'll take one look at him, hear the word marijuana, and quickly come to a conclusion while drowning him out... Steady waiting for their sitcom to come on. Can anyone say gateway drug argument?

I could care less if he's mainstream, dude got old on his first album... Went downhill from there. When are people going to learn money aint shit when it cant buy you love? As cliche as that may sound... It's true as hell as if nothing ever was...


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
Double post, my bad, but I hope you guys know I don't mean any disrespect to yall, your musical tastes, or the south. Lol.

Love is trust and trust is love... You can't buy trust man. Anything else, sure... I can sit next to stacks and it doesn't even phase me... Cause I know what's up...


AHHHH hip hop. I used to listen to allot and still do sometimes. It definately went too commercial for me. Guys like 50 cent are the top of the heap? Please. I listened to and liked allot of old school rappers and while I can't claim any geographical affiliation I really likes some of the original non status symbol efforts from atlanta,and chicago. Twista is still one of my faves even though the masses know him now. Atlanta has and has had allot of original sounds. I will always have a spot on the playlist for wutang and it's members. The other new york commercial shit I am not a fan of. I like original style and skill over bling and shouting the same 3 lines through the whole song.

To keep on topic I really don't see how LW helped the cause. Mainstream america(the ones minds we need to change to change votes) is not going to listen to what LW has to say or care one bit if he is pro marijuana. As a matter of fact I would think that it would further solidify their anti-marijuana beliefs.


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
I think I might have killed the thread, so straying a bit probably aint gonna do no harm, unless Whodi has beef with it...

Twista is a mark for signing on to Rockafella... Lol... Just my opinion though, dude used to have the cuts when I was younger...


I think I might have killed the thread, so straying a bit probably aint gonna do no harm, unless Whodi has beef with it...

Twista is a mark for signing on to Rockafella... Lol... Just my opinion though, dude used to have the cuts when I was younger...

My thoughts exactly. I don't bother myself with what and where they sign these days. It's about money and it's a dog eat dog world so nothing surprises me. For me as soon as I hear someone on the radio I want to buy their album that much less. I'm a fan from the do or die days.

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