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Left over water


I 've made bubble hash a number of times and after filtering the ice water through my finest bubble bag I'm left with green water Iknow is laced with trichs too small to have been caught by the last bag. Does anyone know of a method to remove the last of the trichs from the water


New member
you can try letting the water sit and let the trichs settle on the bottom. afterwards scoop as much water as you can out of the bucket then put the water on the stove or out in the sun if its warm where you live letting the remaining water slowly evaporate. The quality will be low but its better than nothing!!!


Put the left over weed back in that water, add butter and boil it until the water reduces to like 1 or 2L. Then strain to remove the weed and let it cool. The butter will solidify on the surface and you can easily sepparate it from the water. Discard the water and use the butter to make cookies or other edibles. It works!



Active member
ive heard of people who save up all their materials(or they get it from their commercial ops) and run it in a 55gal drum, and then either boil it all off and scrape for hash, or they boil it down and drink it,most people say oh it wont get you high thc cant go into water, but its the same as if you were to eat straight hash or kief, u drink the water, id rather boil it off and scrape the hash


Thanks hash_lover. I was skeptic at first, I thought the bubble bags caught all the goodies but when I tried it the first time, baked some cookies and found them quite potent I've done it with every leftover I had since. Sometimes I don't use the water, just the weed because it takes a long time to evap a lot of water from big runs although it's not really necessary to evap a lot of water but it's easier to sepparate the butter from the water if you don't have that much water anymore. Also I let it cool in a big container but with small diameter so that I get a thick layer of butter, much easier to get it al out that way.

damn dozer good tip! Im gonna have to try it, after use I usually just dump mine on my lawn! It seems to love it! Extra ferts!


Yeah hash_lover if you want to make butter like dozer suggested you should look up how to make butter and then try, knowing exactly what your shooting for will make it clear for you and you'll have a end product your more satisfied with.

This link will give you all the info you need. Good luck and enjoy.

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