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Best athletes ever used Cannabis!



So what more proof do we need?
I already said many times that I clearly remember Mark Spitz saying he smoked Cannabis and I was always inspired by his story. This really opened my eyes to benefits of MJ, and how Cannabis can easily be used by individuals in the most aerobically demanding sports such as running and swimming. (Mark Andrew Spitz is a retired American swimmer, best known for winning seven gold medals at the 1972 Munich Olympic Games, an achievement surpassed only when Michael Phelps won his eighth gold medal of the 2008 Olympics. Between 1968 and 1972, Spitz won nine Olympic gold medals, one silver, and one bronze; five Pan American golds; 31 National U.S. Amateur Athletic Union titles; and eight U.S. National Collegiate Athletic Association Championships. During those years, he set 33 world records.[1] He was named World Swimmer of the Year in 1969, 1971 and 1972.)

So today I turn on the computer and see that Phelps is also a Cannabis user, and in his PRIME. This is such great news, its just sooo unfortunate most his sponsors demand he apologize or loose his deals...he could do so much for the MMJ movement and legalizing cannabis, but as usual C.R>E.A>M.


so he chose the route of "I'm sorry.." ergh :noway:


:joint: umbonga m8:laughing: he ran in the pan american games 1976...last seen tokin his way threw georgia 2005:woohoo: fit bloke hey:laughing:


18 and Doh!
No way in hell does weed help your athletic performance IMO. In fact it only hinders it and makes it tougher.

This is especially true for sports like football and boxing where u gotta be in the mood to kill someone (weed makes me mellow and peaceful).

Also it fucks with ur testosterone. Try bench pressing the same amount of weight for reps sobre and than high and you'll see a difference for sure man.


Bruce Lee used to chew cannabis to calm him down. Cannabis was credited as his cause of death, but this was soon corrected. He is, in my opinion, the greatest athlete/martial artist ever, although he never competed in any competitions.



No way in hell does weed help your athletic performance IMO. In fact it only hinders it and makes it tougher.

This is especially true for sports like football and boxing where u gotta be in the mood to kill someone (weed makes me mellow and peaceful).

Also it fucks with ur testosterone. Try bench pressing the same amount of weight for reps sobre and than high and you'll see a difference for sure man.

i do 100 pushup's (50 then 50 5 mins later) every morning and im like exhausted, on my saturday and sunday wake n bakes when im high as fuck before i do pushups i can easily bust out atleast 180 (90 then 90 like 5 minutes later)... on the odd occasion when i do run, if im high i push myself much harder while running further.. weed just allows me to go to that place in my head where there is no voice telling me to stop, i literally just go til my body says you can't do anymore, and theres no way i can get in this state of mind without being high


No way in hell does weed help your athletic performance IMO. .

You dont know what you are talking about, Im a powerlifter, I smoke before every session. Some days when work really kicked my ass and Im lacking the energy to bust out a heavy set I smoke a little herb and WHAM! I get hit with a second wind and my previous muscle fatigue is a thing of the past. I think most of it depends on what you are smoking, its no mystery that indicas suck the life out of you, I find sat leaning hybrids to be the best. Weed also gives me the ability to eat even when Im not hungry, helping me bust 4000 calories a day to give my body the fuel it needs to grow.


ummmmmmm chewing weed wouldn't do shit. :yeahthats

I should clarify; I'm going by what has been said by people close to him in response to the cannabis found in his stomach after his death. He probably just ate edibles, but then again some people swear that chewing weed or hash gets them high, so I really couldn't say which it is.


and my guess is you are some kid who is still in the "smoking makes everything better" stage.

And my guess is that you are not a very good judge of character to try to unlock a person by reading one single post.

I've been surfing, skating, and blading for over 20 years, skied for 12, snowboarded for 6 and I've enjoyed smoking since my late teens. I played Division 1 college football, though was smart enough not to do THIS while high. Took the practice field once after baking with a (now former NFL star) didn't see it coming and one of our redshirts almost removed my head from my body---will never do that again.

There are some activites (those I mentioned above) which rely on a natural rhythm-- feeling what the earth, pavement, water, or snow is serving up at you. Weed enhances the ability of some people to concentrate and provide for deep focus. Others, it just makes them daffy. I have a bud that gets paranoid when he smokes; he should not board and smoke...it's not for everyone.

Surfing and windsurfing come to mind as activities that, while high, are enhanced by the user's ability to descend into a relaxed zenlike state, becoming one with the natural order of things.

If I have to stop and explain what this is like, I am sorry to say that you may never know...

pack a bowl

i will agree that smoking might give you the confidence to try something new... when i rollerbladed i would try handrails high that i wouldn't sober because i was more scared sober. but i was never "better" if anything i was just more comfortable.


It may not be physical prowess but there are times that I find my gaming skills have been enhanced while high. There's been some situations where I think afterward "I can't believe I just did that, I'm so fucking ripped!".


You dont know what you are talking about, Im a powerlifter, I smoke before every session. Some days when work really kicked my ass and Im lacking the energy to bust out a heavy set I smoke a little herb and WHAM! I get hit with a second wind and my previous muscle fatigue is a thing of the past. I think most of it depends on what you are smoking, its no mystery that indicas suck the life out of you, I find sat leaning hybrids to be the best. Weed also gives me the ability to eat even when Im not hungry, helping me bust 4000 calories a day to give my body the fuel it needs to grow.

I could concentrate and really focus my energies more for single/max lifts when I was high, but I couldn't do rep work (eg 5x5 at 85%) very well. Not enough focus.... though cardio I'd be all over it.


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