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Potential Pitfalls of Using a Proxy


half cat half man half baked
A proxy is basically leap frogging your web activity from your computer, to a remote computer (most likely, far far away from you), and then out to the world wide web. Indeed it does provide a certain level of anonymity.

My concern with proxy servers is that they are like one giant basket with tons of eggs. I've thought of a few examples of eggs that could be in that giant basket that would be potential targets for being sought at after.

First, you have people like us hiding what we do. There are thousands of other boards and websites that involve content that is more sought after. Some content might be other substances, child pornography, taboo content, and the list goes on. I would imagine these proxy servers probably have a fair amount of traffic in these areas.

Second, you have people using proxies just to hide their personal information. So, I'd imagine there are a fair amount of people who do this. Would it be crazy to think that someone could steal large amounts of personal information if they tapped the proxy?

If the proxy server was compromised or exploited.. they could still trace all your web traffic back to the original user anyway.

Here is the kicker that has me stumped. The odds of that happening would probably be very low, but the odds of getting turned it from your ISP are as well.

I've looked for similar discussions, but I've never found anything. What does everyone else think? Are proxies actually more of a threat than a means of precaution?


Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
Tis why I promote only the usage of TOR with Privoxy. :D

As with everything else, it's not perfect but its 100 times better than using SOCKS proxies.


Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
You must of not learned to look both ways before crossing.

I prefer the adage, "Don't get caught!"



the Lion is going Guerrilla...
I trust we're in good hands here and if our information ever gets obtained, the human race is probably doomed. I'm one of those that got attacked by a middle man using the Vidalia shit and I haven't used it since. Those people know who you are here. Sometimes paranoia is healthy but unless you know what you're doing and you really have a reason to hide yourself, I wouldn't mess with the shit. At least Tor and Privoxy, I don't know much about other proxies or whatever. Besides that, if that's the case, you probably shouldn't be posting proof of your grows and stuff. And yeah, don't you guys get sick of loading times?


Everybody always talks about the risk of posting online but I have yet to see a single grower have their garden busted because of a weed forum. Use six proxies so you can post a picture of your plants, then tell every Tom, Dick and Harry in your hood, you got plants in the closet...People get busted by snitches. This is where the paranoia and care should be taken.

I think here in the states your gonna be pretty hard pressed to find law enforcement looking for personal grows on pot forums. Commercial growers have more to beware and IMO probably shouldnt be posting here anyway.
(If they do they never last long.)

One good thing about hard economic times is the sharp decline in monies spent harassing folks for growing a simple yet wonderful plant.

Guess my point being, "Keep your paranoia realistic and loose lips sink most ships..."

Just my 2 cents...


Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
I trust we're in good hands here and if our information ever gets obtained, the human race is probably doomed. I'm one of those that got attacked by a middle man using the Vidalia shit and I haven't used it since. Those people know who you are here. Sometimes paranoia is healthy but unless you know what you're doing and you really have a reason to hide yourself, I wouldn't mess with the shit. At least Tor and Privoxy, I don't know much about other proxies or whatever. Besides that, if that's the case, you probably shouldn't be posting proof of your grows and stuff. And yeah, don't you guys get sick of loading times?

Use TOR over encrypted connections such as SSL and always verify that it is indeed the proper SSL Certificate for the site(s) you are viewing.

You can pick and choose your relay and exit nodes, so you dont have the lag time.


weed fiend
Here's the xb browser with a built in proxy. You don't have to configure a thing, just surf. The company that released it says even they don't know your info.


DarthBowl, I didn't know you couldn't take an immature, random, smart ass, shitty, wasteful joke. Life's too short, get one.


there are plenty of proxy servers that are govt fronts.
I've also heard that Tor has been hacked by the feds
though I'm not sure I beleieve it. The govt definetely uses
tor to spy on sites. That way, the govt IP is obscured.

A paradox with encryption/proxied traffic is that it becomes
interesting traffic to watch. Most traffic isnt encrypted or proxied so
it stands out when it is. There are hackers that could probly defeat all
this stuff. Look at all the porn sites that get their username/password lists
stolen and posted somewhere else. How do they do that shit?

What about the undocumented security flaws? The flaws that microsoft isnt aware of yet.
A hacker could get inside any box with one of those. Theyre worth big money on the black market.


Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
there are plenty of proxy servers that are govt fronts.
I've also heard that Tor has been hacked by the feds
though I'm not sure I beleieve it. The govt definetely uses
tor to spy on sites. That way, the govt IP is obscured.

A paradox with encryption/proxied traffic is that it becomes
interesting traffic to watch. Most traffic isnt encrypted or proxied so
it stands out when it is. There are hackers that could probly defeat all
this stuff. Look at all the porn sites that get their username/password lists
stolen and posted somewhere else. How do they do that shit?

What about the undocumented security flaws? The flaws that microsoft isnt aware of yet.
A hacker could get inside any box with one of those. Theyre worth big money on the black market.

You half heartedly talk like you're some sort of expert or someone with insider information.

Microsoft has long had a policy of security through obscurity. Porn sites are a dime a dozen, most if not all their data isn't encrypted.


Just read.

I've also heard that Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus, is this true?
I think so. :D :crazy:

:fight: Lets keep spreading disinformation... Prick! :dueling::asskick: :cuss:

To use TOR to access this site, its worth it. If your LEOs are monitoring your activity.

TOR is useful as an evasion tactic. Provides an unknown link between you and server. TOR is Open Source, meaning the source code is free and readily available to ALL to analyze, and use. People use TOR for good and bad things. From "People wanting to post socially sensitive information in chat rooms, like rape or abuse survivors and those with stigmatized illnesses" to people viewing child pornography.

Bring up TEMPEST and ECHELON, you tin foil hat wearing, disinformation spreading jack ass. Lets cause some undue paranoia and panic. :nanana:


Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
Nothing beats keeping your mouth shut.

Don't use TOR, don't join a forum, internet group of cannabis growers, don't post pictures, keep your mouth shut. Securely delete your cookies and files related to "illegal" subject matter. Securely deleteing would be deleting the file(s), and then over writing them with random bits of data several times, more commonly known as wiping your hard drive.


For realistic problems / weaknesses with TOR, please read - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tor_(anonymity_network)#Weaknesses


half cat half man half baked
No doubt SG, you know what your talking about, but while we are talking about the facts.
How many people have been busted from ISP traffic? None that I am aware of. I agree with PermaBuzz and the paradox he speaks of. Anyway you do it, I just wish everyone to be safe!


Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
No doubt SG, you know what your talking about, but while we are talking about the facts.
How many people have been busted from ISP traffic? None that I am aware of. I agree with PermaBuzz and the paradox he speaks of. Anyway you do it, I just wish everyone to be safe!

"As Tor does not, and by design cannot, encrypt the traffic between an exit node and the target server, any exit node is in a position to capture any traffic passing through it which does not use end-to-end encryption, e.g. SSL. While this does not inherently violate the anonymity of the source, it affords added opportunities for data interception by self-selected third parties, greatly increasing the risk of exposure of sensitive data by users who are careless or who mistake Tor's anonymity for security."http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tor_(anonymity_network)#cite_note-15

What we are aware of is only what LEO is willing to disclose. Many times they unwittingly disclose critical information that they should not. Just as some of us here do, unwittingly / ignorantly / carelessly. Pick a word.


and so on...


If leo is going through the trouble to monitor your internet activity, then imho it's already too late..... if they want you, they'll get you...

I concentrate my efforts on flying low in the RW, and don't worry too much about internet security.... safety in numbers so to speak... as long as your a lil'fish in a big pond, well you get the point.......... but that's just my two coins.

Be safe out there folks......

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