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fuck, spider mites!


Smokes, lets go
Ok so i noticed the white spotting on some of the lower leaves and sure enough, there they were. So I went to the dro shop to get somethign for it they had azatrol for 99 dollars a bottle, apparently fluromite is illegal so am i fucked? i don't know- i bough some shit called mm2000 which "smells" like sm90. so i used a foilar spray and i noticed they are still there today. I also put in some silica, and folic acid (royal gold) the plants look healthier from the folic and silica but they still have spider mites. I was going to use an enzyme spray today that is benifical bacteria and enzymes some other things what should i do


yo bro. i had this problem in 5th week of flowering where i couldn't foliar.
what you need to do is get "Hot Shots No Pest Strip" Put it in your room canopy level. Those suckers will evacuate like there is a fire. but then u have to guard ur other chambers! my clones got boned last time! KILL THE BORG!
well here is my crappy advice. i have killed all my plants off with Organicide as well as too much ivory soap and water.

i have had good luck with Neem Oil, sprayed all around and underneath the leaves, by holding the plant in my hand or lap or on a table to get every little area. by good luck i mean i didn't kill all my plants.

i also really have had great luck with killing them all off with some stuff from Lowes called Garden Safe Fruit & Veg. insect spray. it is made by Schultz.

It has .02% Pyrethrins Pyrol Insecticide. eadible as far as i know, but i wouldn't chug the bottle. anyway, good luck with them little fkers

oh yeah, sweep/vacuum the place out good too.
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Well-known member
The soap and water with sweeping is the way to go... reapply every couple days for a week and reassess.




Active member
ICMag Donor
Just get the floramite online, I've heard ebay has it sometimes in small containers so its not so expensive. Also theres Avid... I wouldn't use these with flowering plants because they are poisonous - you don't want to smoke this stuff, should be ok in veg...


A Pyrethrin bomb will knock them back but they build up resistance. The only thing i have ever seen knock out an infestation fully is floramite. Would never use it in flowering, but hit them up one or two times in veg wipe down your equipment good and you shouldnt have any issue. Keep your temps down, anything above 80 and they start to go nuts.


Freedom Fighter
Ok, I have a hydro shop that I use all the time, and I went in there a couple weeks ago, and asked for the most aggressive thing I could get for Bitch-ass fucking spider mites-- he has some stuff that he breaks down from larger quantities...so he gives me a small bottle of thick blue/green stuff...put 20 to 30 drops per quart...and it is good for 35 days--
Can anybody help me as to wtf he sold me?? It worked like a charm...no more mites...but I do not know wtf I bought--lol--


dont waste your time with sprays like i have. all you need is predatory mites.. they work amazing! and are really cool to watch at the same time. they eat the adults and the eggs and don't stop eating until there is nothing left. then they just leave and try and find more to eat.


Active member
Damn Avatrol 99 a bottle, at my local hydro shop they got them for 69. I hear good things about avatrol, althogh i have never used it.

I had a small infestation that was killed with Neem Oil and Pyrithium.


Since I got the sulfume hotbox I have 0 critters in my growroom. Good against powdry mildew and budrot and you can use it till harvest....you dont taste a thing in the finished buds.


Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death !!
Monterey Garden Spray. (With Spinosad) Google it.

This is the last product you will ever need for any pest. Organic. Has never failed me yet.15 dollars a bottle and it will make gallons.
when i said the flower spray --Pyrethrins--was edible i was wrong. the directions say dont inhale the spray and dont get any on your skin. there is another product with it in consentrate that is 3%. also at lowes


Active member
I use Hot Shot no pest strips from Lowes ($6). Hang a few in the room for about a week, then just put them back in for a few days every month or so. I started using them to kill thrips and have never had any pests again with this method.


I when i got mites i usually delt with them with success with Neem Oil and Pyrithium. Once i gave Avid a try. That shi* worked right. Pretty much mite free in a couple of days. It wont work if your fully infested tho. Floramite is good too, ive heard good things.

Its a shame. hidhut.com use to sell small bottles of avid and floramite. I got a bottle of avid for 20 bucks. small bottle but a few drops was all i needed.


crap man. I had them BAD a few years ago...I used a homemade recipe with cayenne mixed with water...it didn't really seem to do anything.


considering where you are at in flowing i would rec a Pyrithium bomb in the dark, strips, repeat once a week until you are one week from finish. Good luck spidys are a beeotch. If you have clones or mothers, definitely use floramite. its the only 100% cure for an infestation of mites, its not organic but it works.

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