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7 cups of crystal equals how much hash?


Active member
i have 7 cups of dry seive crystal from my outdoor crop,how much hash can i get out of this?and how do i go from crystal to brick of black hash?


Active member
before pressing it should be about 7 oz's. i would suggest using a bench vice and some pieces of steel. put the powder in a baggie or cellophane or something and just press it and press it and press it till its black.


Active member
That will make about....7 cups of hash...
Seriously though, weight has alot to do with quality. The better it is, the more it will weight.

This is what I do to press dry sieve:

Get a pack of papers, matchbox, cds, pad of paper, etc, something the size of the brick of hash you want.

Wrap it in completly in parchment paper, taping the sides down, leaving the top open.

Remove the matchbox, or whatever u used.

Now fill the packet with your dry sieve.

Close the top.

Wrap the packet with 2 layers of newspaper.

Now wet the newspaper.

Put the packet on a hard surface.

Heat it with an iron for 1-2 seconds.

Roll it with a wine bottle, rolling pin, etc.

Turn the packet over and do the same to the other side.

Repeat as required.

**Note** The lower the quality the harder it will be to press it into a brick.

Hope this helps.


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
Yeah, no shit. 7 cups of kief? Dude, make some fruit roll ups and shit...
i would put the kief in sum cellaphane and press it between 2 flat pieces of sttl in a bench vise.... or i hsave seen a partner of mine use the 2 pieces of steel then park his car on it over nite ..... drelow51/50


honey oil addict
What a waste that would be...

are you sure? i think its the best thing to do with it. best stone from vaporizing, least health effects. oil vaporizes fully, and hash or kif does not very well. i turn virtually all my BUDS into oil too, never mind the rest of it.


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
The people have spoken. Where are your pics? Personally I wouldn't heat it at all, but that's just me. I'd just press it to make that yummy blonde gummy... Rolling pin maybe? Lol...

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