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Medical Users / Growers: What strain? (From seed available online.)



Disclaimer: Please don't answer anything you don't feel comfortable answering!

I'm trying to find a strain that I can start from seed. I would prefer this be something available at seedboutique, but any shop that can get seeds to the USA discretely will do. (No clones are available here!)

(I know I kinda tried this with the CD thread, but it didn't seem to produce anything I could use. So I'm trying to be more specific!)


What strain do you prefer?

What is your primary reason for use? (Or, what does it help you with? As I said, everything is optional. I'm not after anyone's medical history. Share what you feel comfortable sharing.)

Would you recommend this strain for nausea / abdominal pain / gastrointestinal issues? (Please feel free to elaborate if you have an opinion here. This is question is most important to me.)

Does this strain leave you couch locked? (Common effects / standing up capabilities.)

Would you recommend this strain to a first time grower?

Do you know any quirks or helpful information about growing this strain?

What kind of yield do you get with this strain? (Per plant, sq ft, sq m, whatever, but do specify. :D)

How do you grow this strain?

Does this strain work well for SOG growing?

Where can seeds be purchased?

Do you have any other recommendations / information?

Thanks in advance!
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Kola Radical

Nirvana Papaya. I have a pheno that will put even heavy users to sleep. Nice pain killer.


Hey, thanks for the reply. I'll put that on my list for sure. Does it help for nausea at all?


What is your primary reason for use?
Double Depression/Anxiety attacks

What strain do you prefer?
I found a plant in Mandallas White Satin that is absolutely the best I've found at treating/preventing the symptoms.Not much of a buzz,but I may eventually find a plant from the pack that will do both.

Would you recommend this strain for nausea / abdominal pain / gastrointestinal issues?
Absolutely.I have scar tissue inside my stomach that causes nausea no matter what I eat or drink.This herb seems to keep the bubblies down.

Does this strain leave you couch locked?
Nope,the small effect I get is a very comfortable,warming Sativa/indica effect and allows me to drift off to sleep as a normal person should.But it doesn't cause sleep as my indicas do.

Would you recommend this strain to a first time grower?
Yes.I grow under only 150w hps and it gave me some of the chunkiest flowers I've harvested under this light.Very forgiving to clumsy screw-ups.Mine is a medium feeder,and loves organics.A 2 week flush with brer rabbit mollasses seems to intensify a very berry/black cherry kool aid flavor.Tastes wonderful if harvested slightly early while the scent is still strong.But a stronger effect is realized at 65-70 days.

Do you know any quirks or helpful information about growing this strain?
It clones easily and reveges easier.Nothing difficult at all.Handled a light leak like a champ whereas my other strains flowered and a Thai cross hermied.

What kind of yield do you get with this strain?
I could probably get 1/2 to 3/4 oz per sq ft,I'm still tring to find my stride with this plant/strain.If grown under at least 600w as Mike suggests,and maybe lst'd or suppercropped I see no reason why you shouldn't get 1-1/2 to 2 oz per sq ft.Just a guess.

How do you grow this strain?
To grow single kola style switch at 14 days to 30 days.For larger yeilds,veg as long as possible to allow the rootball time to fill the pot before flower initiation.I haven't tried topping on a scrog yet.I think I waited 45 days and ended up with a 3-1/2 ft plant,too tall for my space.A very thorough flush is a must before flower/stretch,though the plant will show a N defficiency within 10 days.It's hard finding the balance.

Does this strain work well for SOG growing?
I'm sure it will.I'd like to see someone try sog in 32 oz cups.I suspect yeilds would be suprising.I have too much on my plate atm to try it.

Where can seeds be purchased?
I found mine in a wal mart bathroom....:joint:

Do you have any other recommendations / information?
I have found some couchlock herb in mods Menage A Trois.That may not be the route for you to go as it is a mix of fathers and will produce some plants with the cinnamon Haze sativa effect which I will not recommend to an anxiety sufferer.Thought I was having a heart attack,Lol.For depression sufferers only I found great anti depressant effects from a male Thai/Haze x Sk1 freebie.Haven't grown a female yet.
If money is not an issue,I'm sure you would benefit more from a more homogenous strain.I had to go on the cheap,and I don't mind picking through less desirable plants to find the really good ones.Though,I have to say,I haven't found a bad plant in Mods MAT.
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