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hoarding of genetics ??why??



I got stuff I wouldn't give out to ANYBODY. If it wasn't so damn good, and so big.. if it wasn't worth a fuck I'd flood the market with it.

cock block
elite clones. the most touchy subjuct....

here's my :2cents:

those that are in it for the $$$ will hoard them, it makes their product more valuable. 99.9% of these people are not even the original creators, so they got it somewhere... they just chose to end the karma train with them. :noway:

others, actually created / breed these beautys. K++ to all of you. :woohoo: Most of these people created something they wanted to share, but if not, they made it, they can decide what to do with it. :joint::joint:

if you absolutly can't get any elites where you are at do yourself a favor, (just my :2cents: i know this is diffucult for some) buy 3 - 4 packs of your favorite beans, find the best females and a bunch of good males. do one grow for seed only (250w - 400w will provide plenty). pop a shitton of beans (100ish) and keep the best female. Thats pretty fucking elite in my book. :nanana:

i will tell you this, there are those that are actively trying to spread the elites across the world in hopes that the shear statistics of such sharing will continue to improve this plant more and more.

well said! +rep
Many people here a very capable and willing, but are you willing to share your addy with a complete stranger. Have you ever had your door kicked in by theives before?

Security is the #1 overwhelming factor for most people on both ends of the trade, gift, or sale. Few are too greedy or selfish not to share with others, but there are a few among us for sure.

I share plenty, but I'm more careful the older I get. I always hated getting mites or thrips from people who gifted me cuttings. I don't blame them, but I like to keep my garden clean .. and sometimes its nice to have a heads up on bugs but most won't give it to you when they don't know what their looking at. I've learned to isolate any incoming from the rest of the population and not risk it anymore.

Give a little .. get a little

There are TOO MANY people in this world that look to "get over on" or take advantage of any form of kindness these days. "Kindness is a Weakness" is what society is teaching the younger generations... and people wonder why I won't have kids...:wallbash:

...Isolation is a MUST without extensive knowledge of the cutting's birthplace and environment therein.


My partner and I have discussed this issue recently. We've got some friends that don't know we grow that are looking for clones. Not passing clones around protects our security. We do have the option of doing a "3rd party" gift (telling them we got them from somebody else) but we're still trying to figure out how we feel about giving clones out.

Why would I personally be hesitant to give my best clones out? We've invested thousands of dollars and countless hours into the design and construction of our grow room. We've risked our personal security by ordering seeds online and we've started the process of phenotype hunting to establish mothers. By the time we have our favorite genetics producing top quality bud for us the total cost, effort, and security risk needs to be worth something to me. If my friends want to come over I will smoke them stupid but for right now the idea of just giving all that away doesn't sit well with me. Ask me when I have a few pounds stockpiled and I may have a change of heart.

As far as gifting clones of mid quality? Absolutely. It'll get the job done for them and if they want to seek out a higher quality bud maybe they can put a little effort in themselves.

Gifting med patients top shelf clones? I'm not a med patient and I am unaware if I know any. I would feel much more generous in this situation though.

Edit: None of my concerns are for commercial or profit purposes.
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Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
I agree its a sad state of affairs. I'm a new grower (but not new to MJ) and even though I live in Holland, the only clones I've been able to source are all cash crop clones (PP, WW, K2) and no one is selling anything "special" or at least, not to me.

When I finally get my grow going full strength, it'll only be for me and the missus to consume so yield and harvest time mean less to me than those the cones are aimed at (ie commercial growers). on the plus side I've found to my amazement that a clone is as cheap if not cheaper than a seed... k2 clone = 3 euros (perselected for sex and growth traits).. it really IS a pity that no one is supplying clones for consumer grower around my area... then again .. maybe I'll start growing quality genetics and putting them out myself :p

I guess it really does all boil down to the mean green finance machine - I recently read a post here about clones being sold for 20k A PEICE! (some kush or other)

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5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
It is mad, someone lost one of the nicest clones we had in London because he hoarded it ... the market there is different and you rarely get any more money for 'amazing genetics' so it was totally pointless on every level.

Someone else is trying to do this right now with a nice new commercial/coinisseur championship contender ... so a friend has renamed it and released it out into the wild because he does not really have any time for this persons ego/stupidity.

If you have done some real work breeding and selecting to produce a great seedline, I am happy to pay whatever for it, if you get lucky with a clone you happen to find and think you can hoard it and somehow strike it rich, you are a MOFO. :2cents:


There is a grower named Pam, she lives in a mountain community in Northern California- she's lived there for 30 years. She has around 1000 neighbors on her dirt road- every one of them grow. Pam has lost touch with many of her non-resident buyers over the years and is uncomfortable seeking out new ones. Instead, she relys on trusted locals to move her grass so she can put food on the table for her and her kids. Come harvest time, competition to move grass is fierce. She knows that the only reason that the local heads come to her for her herb instead of 999 of their other choices is that her grass is superior. Pam knows all of that would come to an end if she was to pass around her clone so she doesn't.
There is a breeder named Jimmy. He understands well Pam's situation and Jimmy knows that to release his breeding stock to folks might take a bite out of his profits, but he does this anyway. Jimmy feels that if he is honest with himself, it is possible that someone else might -for one reason or another- do a better job of things than him. Jimmy feels that sharing his stock provides the best possible opportunity for the lines to continue for future generations to enjoy. He feels that this decision is in the best interest of cannabis and mankind.

Neither Pam nor Jimmy should be faulted for their views or decisions, it's just the way it is man.
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buzzed day

hello all,just my thoughts.i think some of you should give it a little time here and good things will come.i left o.g. when it shut down and came here.since then i have posted and talked to many good people.i think i've been hear about 3 years or so.this year the people i talk with started to offer some sweet looking stuff to me but i don't have a safe address so i don't do that or order seeds,i go to canada and bring back. what i'm trying to say is,it takes time to become online buddie's and for someone to trust enough to risk there freedom.have a little pations and good things will come.God bless and peace


What Goes Around Comes Around. But Am I Comming Or
I think greed is just on of the many reasons why some people keep strains to themselves.
Now i dont have any of these "elite" strains, and its not stopping me from growing. The hard part with us smokers is the fact that we can sometime be very noid. And it would not be wise to offer cuts, or seeds to everyone who signs up on the site. Hell if i got a pm from a new member with every elite out there, and they told me to pick all i want i would most def say thanks but no thanks.

Another reason I think is everyone is a breeder now, and some people dont care to have someone make a buck off of their hard work.

One thing that happend to me on another site. I had some Tom Hill beans, and a 2 growers on the site. One still there one disappeared, told me they would help me back up my Deep chunk, PTK, Deep Skunk9, tarantula. They both documented grows, posted pics very active people. And this has been over a year now, and guess what. Nothing nada, stop answering PMs ignored me in post. So i lost some great genetics trying to share and back up.
Good thing Mr. Hill hit me back with some of the genes but not the tarantula or ds9.
Trusting someone on the internet is a very tricky thing. Very hit or miss.

We can overgrow the world without elites, plenty of seeds out there, plenty of crosses to make.
Have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


There are TOO MANY people in this world that look to "get over on" or take advantage of any form of kindness these days. "Kindness is a Weakness" is what society is teaching the younger generations... and people wonder why I won't have kids...:wallbash:

...Isolation is a MUST without extensive knowledge of the cutting's birthplace and environment therein.
That's too bad you think this of all people .. this must include yourself too huh?

Speak for yourself .. I prefer to be as kind as often as I can .. because this is what I can live with for myself.

"and people wonder why I won't have kids..."This is exactly why I hope to have kids one day, in spite of all the weakness!


the only reason i can see people not passing clones is because of security.
other then that, its just rude not to share...but instead of complaining..
make a better strain and pass it out freely! then no one will want their cuts lol.
im sure they pass them out though, just not to everybody. the republicans of the pot world

nobody needs to know where you live for you to pass out your good seed or clones genetics,the reciver is the only one that need to give out there address.then you post them out to them,the reciver is risking his secuity not the person giving the plant/seed.

buzzed day

so the hair that might get into the package or a finger print on it or the post mark thats on it and if someone was a cop boom.yes i think people should share but there is alot of danger out there and in here.every computer is monitored by someone,evern if it's just your provider who may or may not tell.peace


There is a grower named Pam, she lives in a mountain community in Northern California- she's lived there for 30 years. She has around 1000 neighbors on her dirt road- every one of them grow. Pam has lost touch with many of her non-resident buyers over the years and is uncomfortable seeking out new ones. Instead, she relys on trusted locals to move her grass so she can put food on the table for her and her kids. Come harvest time, competition to move grass is fierce. She knows that the only reason that the local heads come to her for her herb instead of 999 of their other choices is that her grass is superior. Pam knows all of that would come to an end if she was to pass around her clone so she doesn't.
There is a breeder named Jimmy. He understands well Pam's situation and Jimmy knows that to release his breeding stock to folks might take a bite out of his profits, but he does this anyway. Jimmy feels that if he is honest with himself, it is possible that someone else might -for one reason or another- do a better job of things than him. Jimmy feels that sharing his stock provides the best possible opportunity for the lines to continue for future generations to enjoy. He feels that this decision is in the best interest of cannabis and mankind.

Neither Pam nor Jimmy should be faulted for their views or decisions, it's just the way it is man.

great post - solid presentation

i respect pam

Mr. Stinky

as long as the good stuff pam has stays around and doesnt get lost, im all for it... no reason to extinct the best cut...


Pam lives in a place with a seasonal harvest - fair play :)

nor cal has a big outdoor season, yes. but when its not outdoor season, its indoor season. harvest time is all the time.

guess you are not persoanlly familiar with the area....


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
not at all familiar mate :) I live in NL and have never visited the states, the scene is a little different I'm sure... and there's goes Pams "when harvest time comes" arguement, shame it was quite solid until just then ;-)
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cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
it's favor for a favor.
put in your work and find something bomb from seedstock.
most people wont just give you elite shit if you got nothing to share.
why would i lend you a dollar to only get a nickel in return?
find something bomb and practice what u preach!
it's always the dudes who are worried about getting something for themselves that dont get shit.
unless your a card carrier w/ legal options to buy clones, you have to do your own work.
make a name for yourself as a person and a grower.
good karma on your behalf is always followed by good karma from others.
dont ever expect anything for nothing.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
I fully intend to put in the work and I fully intend to give all my friends who're currently growing wank genetics freebees, thats so far away for me right now tho, I just broke my first seed, not sure if you guru types can remember that far back when you still had it all to come ;-)

and I couldnt agree more, Frank - "you get fuck all for fuck all" as my old mam used to say - she was a foul mouthed old girl mind you :D

EDIT - I said "wank" genetics there, but actually I'm in no place to know what the hell I'm talking about - I'm sure when grown properly PP WW and K2 are all exceptional smokes, its a shame the lads I know are in the game for a quick turn around - which really was my original point, it's a shame none of them care enough to have looked into stocking their own mothers from proven selected genetics

EDIT #2 - that's a huge point about this community here actually and the reason I like it so much - you guys are in this for reasons outside of "$". people here care about producing a quality end product - I've read your grows Frank - they impress the shit out of me, people like you showing the rest of us the way to get more out of our favourite plant - its inspirational, mate, really. after a 20 year love affair with MJ, I feel like I'm entering a whole new world of possibilities, I'm genuinely excited, as much about the commercial scene (from a buyers perspective) here in holland is a bit crap sometimes - think overfed, taken too soon, never cured, fast dried...that said there is treasure to be found and I'm lucky I can find it... I'll be even luckier if I get this grow finished ;-)
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