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Is a clone chamber supposed have a smell to it? Normal?


Everytime I lift the lid there's afunny oder, but when I stuck my nose down close, I don't smell anything.
If this isn't normal, I'm changing that water!
It's wick/perlite/bubbler/lid type.
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24 people have read this and none of you have cloned or have and never noticed a smell
and can say so???

Seems more a place to read than post!


Definately NO!!! there should not be a smell.
Do you add additives to the res? Some don't do so well even with a lot of movement. Molasses for instance gets funky and putred.


What kind of smell? Are you reusing anything, like wicks, reservoirs without cleaning real well, etc. Not cutting on your methods, just trying to get some ideas of what could be causing the smell. Are you adding anything to the reservoir?

I clone with the perlite (about 2-3") in small covered container with 1/4 to 1/2" water in bottom with a couple drops of superthrive at base of each clone. Some algae, but no smell as of yet.