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After legalization?


Active member
Well, with Obama now in office :woohoo: and even the UN having a meeting to discuss global decriminalization / legalization...It's bound to happen sooner rather than later... How do you think things will change as far as Marijuana being made available?

Do you think there will be stores like Shops for Med Users in California?

Locally owned? National Chains?

How do you think the seed business will react? Start selling to shops directly? Or will seed banks be cut out of business entirely?

Will big tobacco really try to sell Marijuana on a large pre-rolled joint scale?

How will cost be effected? Will it be half the cost, a quarter of the cost?

Do you think outdoor growing in Suburban areas should be legalized? Personally I can see this leading to nothing but bad. Which gave me another idea...How about a giant 'Dope Farm'? You bring your seeds ot cuts, they grow it outdoors, take care of it, you come back, chop it, take it home to dry and cure? Maybe they dry and cure for you? I just can't see how people could grow in their backyards without kids raiding it, and potentially being shot..

Speaking of kids....How will the black market change for kids? Will it even change? This is one of the more difficult questions I believe... We obviously can't let kids buy pot from a store, and obviously telling them to not do it, does not work... so will the black market remain for these kids?


If it happened (and I don't think the big boys will fuck thier buddies in Big Pharma) I think Monsanto would get in it, and patent genetically altered
"terminator weed" , and the Stasi kicking your doors in for growing would just change from DEA to Blackwater goons.


Active member
Sorry guys, I meant to put this thread in the Tokers Den... I totally miss-clicked the forum. Totally the wrong section :|


Active member
I dread the day:badday:Anything the gov gets his hands into is fucked!!
If it ever happens,I see a time when we will look fondly back on the days when it was illegal:smoke:


Active member
If you were to take a hybrid of the tobacco industry and the liquor business thats probably what we would end up with.

Yeah Monsanto would probably genetically engineer the cannabis to beat all cannabis call it g13 squared or some shit.

ATF would probably be in charge of regulating it. So then it would be ATFM... or C... Distribution would probably be similar to the three tier distribution and tax system with alcohol in the US. Producers(who buy from farmers) Distributors (who buy from various producers) and then Shops that would be similar to bars/restaurants with liquor licensing requirements. That way the Government would be able to tax it on multiple levels and local governments would get the same opportunity to grab money like they do with liquor now. If its not as tightly regulated like booze more like tobacco then yeah we will see Camel selling Afghani Delights cigs...


lol,i guess there's nothing wrong with a little optimism, however unlikely.

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
I think you're a little bit too hasty my friend swishaman, you're underestimating the dark forces and their influence.

Some of us are old enough to remember Jimmy Carter. He too was an outsider that stepped into the Oval Office with the intention of doing some radical changes. I believe he actually had decriminalization of Cannabis on his agenda, which is not the case with Obama. And that at a time when the public opinion was more liberal and friendly to decriminalization than today.

I also remember Bill Clinton saying that Cannabis should be decriminalized, at the end of his second term (too bad he didn't figure that one out right from the start, he could have tried to make it happen).

Still, it's not decriminalized yet. How come? Oh well, something always gets in the way, doesn't it?
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Active member
Well yeah, everyone knows it will be taxed. Pro-legalization people have been saying "Tax It" for years, as another benefit of legalization.

I honestly can't see it going the way of Big Tobacco being the main distributor of marijuana.

I believe shops will open, pay taxes, pay employees who pay taxes, server customers who pay taxes.

On the other end people can buy seeds or clones from these shops, and again, they will pay a tax per cut or per bag of seeds. After that the grower probably wouldn't have to pay any additional taxes except for growing equipment and other supplies, which they already pay.

I don't think home growers will be Government regulated, possibly on the number of plants? The argument should be made about 'Quantity vs Quality' and also that people grow in cycles or grow in large quantity, but not in cycle.

@Rosy - Obama is using citizen opinion to mold law under his Presidency. We have all believed that eventually the time would come when Marijuana would be legal. I thoroughly believe that time is almost at hand.

And I am an extremely pessimistic Nihilist, so take that into consideration :D I just believe the time is coming.
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only a moron would want any part in making or keeping a plant illegal, especially a plant as important as canibus. if you think making it legal would be worse you have a very dim understanding about the true healing powers of this plant.


Active member
I honestly can't see it going the way of Big Tobacco being the main distributor of marijuana.

I believe shops will open, pay taxes, pay employees who pay taxes, server customers who pay taxes.

On the other end people can buy seeds or clones from these shops, and again, they will pay a tax per cut or per bag of seeds. After that the grower probably wouldn't have to pay any additional taxes except for growing equipment and other supplies, which they already pay.

I don't think home growers will be Government regulated, possibly on the number of plants? The argument should be made about 'Quantity vs Quality' and also that people grow in cycles or grow in large quantity, but not in cycle.
Of course.......Look at the thousands of new jobs he will create to monitor it all,and what happens when you get caught not paying taxes on ciggerettees???????looks like jail time.There will be whole new offices and divisions and departments to control and monitor no doubt.Course its all just me speculatin.......can you say Department of Clone Control,maybe a light tax??Fan tax??....license to buy a light??Anything related to it will fall under there control.Again,what happens when your caught selling,transporting,or dealing cigerrettes without there stamp??ATF will have thousands of new openings to man the workforce needed to "control".......you think people wont be arrested even IF they legalize??
only a moron would want any part in making or keeping a plant illegal, especially a plant as important as canibus. if you think making it legal would be worse you have a very dim understanding about the true healing powers of this plant.
LOL........yeah,the moron must be me!!!A plant as important as mj.....like what??Valerian(important plant)hell,I could go thru the whole pharmacopia........EVERY PLANT that makes a medicine is important.:2cents:
I could go on and on,but I'm stoned and its to much like work for the end result.I like to just say........we'll see.:2cents:
I'm all for the common sense approach........NO Fucking Government Control At All....it IS just a plant.
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Mr. Tony

Active member
only a moron would want any part in making or keeping a plant illegal, especially a plant as important as canibus. if you think making it legal would be worse you have a very dim understanding about the true healing powers of this plant.

You really want the government controlling the quantity and quality of weed...


Active member
Of course.......Look at the thousands of new jobs he will create to monitor it all,and what happens when you get caught not paying taxes on ciggerettees???????looks like jail time.There will be whole new offices and divisions and departments to control and monitor no doubt.Course its all just me speculatin.......can you say Department of Clone Control,maybe a light tax??Fan tax??....license to buy a light??Anything related to it will fall under there control.Again,what happens when your caught selling,transporting,or dealing cigerrettes without there stamp??ATF will have thousands of new openings to man the workforce needed to "control".......you think people wont be arrested even IF they legalize??
LOL........yeah,the moron must be me!!!A plant as important as mj.....like what??Valerian(important plant)hell,I could go thru the whole pharmacopia........EVERY PLANT that makes a medicine is important.:2cents:
I could go on and on,but I'm stoned and its to much like work for the end result.I like to just say........we'll see.:2cents:
I'm all for the common sense approach........NO Fucking Government Control At All....it IS just a plant.

You're being just a little ridiculous.


Sorry to say but there is a less than ZERO chance of this happening. The amount of political capital it would require is too high and not worth the headaches and backlash it would cause.

The only hope is that the Feds back off a little and let the states decide, then you will have at most a dozen or so states that decriminalize it and a couple dozen or so that will maintain the current lunacy. Even in this instance you will have people using the demonization of pot to propel their own political means. There are just far far too many people who believe all the bullshit that is passed on as fact regarding marijuana.

pack a bowl

i'd laugh my ass off if rojo went to jail then weed was legalized after.

also you people bitch about the govt. controlling the weed? grow it yourself, control your own crops. simple.
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I don't think home growers will be Government regulated, possibly on the number of plants?

It could end up being similar to the regulation that covers brewing your own beer. I forget what the limitations are exactly, but an individual is allowed to brew up to a certain number of gallons of beer every year, and not allowed to sell it (without some special permissions, licensing, etc).

I believe that eventually, with time, that which is sensible is reflected in our laws. No telling when that will be, but it does seem as though there are a number of social and political/governmental situations that are coming around that might make that final push to making it legal, or decriminalized.

The fact that the US incarcerates more per capita than any other country is very hard to defend in a country that loves to tout freedom so highly. The cost of keeping a non-violent pot smoker in prison each year is astronomical (way more than most college educational costs), and removes that person from the tax rolls as well.

The fact that our country (and the world) is in an economic meltdown and needs money badly argues for another item that can be taxed to raise revenue.

The fact that Obama is a pragmatist, and is all about doing what is sensible, isn't enough by itself, but having someone like him in the office of the most powerful country on the planet can't hurt the cause. Its clear that Barack can't lead the charge on this, but if he made it known that he would'nt veto a new sensible law on cannabis, then maybe folks like Barney Frank can get the bill on his desk.

Probably not likely, but the chances haven't been this good in awhile.
It's 4:20, do you know where you bong is? :D

drats... a minute late

OooOOoh well

Nothing this govt or any other govt does will ever change the fact that people like to puff. They can either get a clue or continue wasting taxpayer coin on a war that's been admitted to be 'an utter failure'.

Even 'Bama admits it, but the funny thing is,.. I seriously doubt it's on his agenda to do little more than adopt mmj (MAYBE) and try to govern who grows it. As it's been said, I think after our govt gets their greedy mitts on it, we'll wish it had stayed illegal.

If you can tolerate the cold, the NORML website shows Alaska allowing up to 24 plants with no fines or penalties. But then you have Palin as a governor. lol :D Sometimes, it seems ya just can't win for losin'. They too have MMJ but I'm not sure how well the program is set up.
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if marijuana ever became legal for recreational use, but with limits (ie, amsterdam's 5g/day limit) in today's society, i bet it would be something along the lines of:

- dispensaries just like alcohol/wine/spirit stores
- required to have a license to run and grow
- general limit of a set # of plants
- frequent "reviews" from a newly created oversee govt task force to ensure the law is being followed

.....but i don't see it happening with the obama administration. MAYBE the ron paul, but not obama. even in his statements on TV contradict him so badly its hard to bear anymore. going from saying "i believe marijuana should be legal for medical use, but i do not believe in legalization"...then saying "i do not support medical marijuana" then back to saying he DOES, and that he would END DEA raids....and guess what..he also said "it wont be that high up on his list because of the economic crisis, healthcare and iraq"....

to a point i understand, but i think there is PLENTY of time for obama to have one of his buddies to write up a prop. that would change the federal law and either decrim/legalize marijuana...legalization would take a LONG time as the government would have to set rules, tax provisions, etc.