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Problems continue..

Okay so a while back I posted a thread on here with my seedlings. They were in too hot of soil and getting burned pretty bad. Well they've been above the ground for about 2 months now, and not getting any better.

I repotted in FF light warrior about 1.5 months ago and they really arent turning around at all. I topped them 3 weeks ago and the new growth looked green and vibrant for a while, but now some of the tips are starting to brown as if they are still getting burned. I am extending the time between waterings to hopefully encourage the roots to grow out into the better soil. I also have added cal-mag to their water as I believed a mag def.

The runoff ph was a tad high but still under 7.0. Also going to add some molasses to water and hope that helps with some micro nutes.

My question is now some of them look very faded, like bleached you could say.
What can I do to help these girls, I just want to get them healthy enough to take cuttings and start over.

Pics take forever to upload but basically they are green on top where they were topped, started to fade at the tips and brown. As you go down nodes towards the soil they are very bleached, spotted brown, and curling, lots of them falling off on the bottom and working its way up. I'm scared I'm going to lose them.


I'm having the same problem. I'm thinking that it's the ph of the water...what is the ph of the solution that you are watering with? I tried flushing mine last night with regular water, but I'm wondering if it's the water's ph.


ICMag Donor
I cant get the photos to come up at all from your link........did they encounter cold weather at some point? It seems to freeze them sometimes......Had a one week old seedling that got too cold and just never grew. Didn't die either......just stayed looking exactly the same with two little true leaves until we tossed it several weeks later.
I cant get the photos to come up at all from your link........did they encounter cold weather at some point? It seems to freeze them sometimes......Had a one week old seedling that got too cold and just never grew. Didn't die either......just stayed looking exactly the same with two little true leaves until we tossed it several weeks later.

Nah no cold really, maybe down to 65 but thats not very cold.

j.guit.err - PH going in is 6.6-6.8, very close to that on the runoff maybe a tad higher.

They've gone a week without water now and I think I'll let them go a few more days so HOPEFULLY they send roots out into the good soil. Looks like they'll need a miracle to turn around though...might just end up ordering some new beans :(.
Anyone help me out? I feel like they need something but I was told months ago they were being burned and I assume they still are...I just want to help them the most I can.




Next Stop: Outer Space!
Nitrogen deficiencies are plain as day, but the question is why? Could be pH problems but it sounds like you're checking for that. It's probably that they are just really hungry. Go to Walmart and get some of that Expert brand fertilizer. Comes in a little cardboard box. Get the green box "all purpose", or one labeled for vegetative growth. Don't use the bloom ones, even if that's all they have.

On the other hand, you could use a little human urine to feed them. Just put a little down in the bottom of an empty 20 ounce bottle and mix it with water at a 1 part urine to 10 parts water for a plant that size. Feed it into the soil evenly around the plant. You should have results within a day or two. I'm a fan of urine as a veg fertilizer, but others disagree with me. Just go with store stuff if you're squeamish.

Also, your plants are stretchy and are clearly not getting anywhere near enough light. My plants have that many branches and are not even 3 inches tall yet. All is not lost though. Get them under a lot more light. Double or triple what you have at the very least.


Active member
definite nute burn, just use some distilled water or let your water sit out overnight / with an airstone in it. Bring her back to good health tho bro, she could be a gem
Nitrogen deficiencies are plain as day, but the question is why? Could be pH problems but it sounds like you're checking for that. It's probably that they are just really hungry. Go to Walmart and get some of that Expert brand fertilizer. Comes in a little cardboard box. Get the green box "all purpose", or one labeled for vegetative growth. Don't use the bloom ones, even if that's all they have.

On the other hand, you could use a little human urine to feed them. Just put a little down in the bottom of an empty 20 ounce bottle and mix it with water at a 1 part urine to 10 parts water for a plant that size. Feed it into the soil evenly around the plant. You should have results within a day or two. I'm a fan of urine as a veg fertilizer, but others disagree with me. Just go with store stuff if you're squeamish.

Also, your plants are stretchy and are clearly not getting anywhere near enough light. My plants have that many branches and are not even 3 inches tall yet. All is not lost though. Get them under a lot more light. Double or triple what you have at the very least.

Ok, see I thought N def. as well...but others keep telling me nute burn (like poster below). I'm so confused.

And the reason they don't have many branches is the lower ones keep falling off. They crinkle up brown and just fall off.

I'll go buy some fert at wally world later today, but I'll hold off until I get confirmation thats what they need. (No offense bro its just soo much mixed opinion here).
I just wanted to bump because I don't know if I should fert them yet. I was thinking of just getting bat guano or seabird guano instead of the all around liquid fert from wally world. Any one 2nd opinion?


Next Stop: Outer Space!
Flush the hell outta that soil before you fertilize them whatever the case. I really don't see the nutrient burn at all. They look pale and needy to me. If they were being fed too much then they'd be way darker at the top than that, and not fading gradually tip to toe on the leaves. I would recommend you use 1/4 of the recommended amount in your watering can(If you don't have a watering can, get one). Then take the whole deal into the bathroom. Make sure the tub is clean as soap residue can kill plants. Place the plant in there and then feed it with the watering can as per the instructions(but with 1/4-1/2 strength at most). You won't need the whole can for one plant, or even 4 plants. Just spray it generously till it looks properly soaked. Hit the bottom leaves carefully though. The finer the spray from your watering can the better. Gentle is good on a plant in such bad shape.

I did a lot of these kinds of mistakes when I started. Pot farming can be really hard. You have to focus on environment above all else. Don't get ambitious with yields or fancy strains. Just focus on making a really nice happy home for your bud, with lots of light. When you think you have enough light, add a little more. Pot is easy to grow if you keep the conditions right.


Active member
I just wanted to bump because I don't know if I should fert them yet. I was thinking of just getting bat guano or seabird guano instead of the all around liquid fert from wally world. Any one 2nd opinion?
Take the plunge and buy online. thebigtomato.com and other online gardening places sell General Hydroponics nutrients. You want the Floranova line.

You'll also want neutral dirt for the best results.

If you can't do that now then definitely follow magiccannabis's advice. Flush them out, give them 3-4 days to recover and then feed them 1/3rd or 1/4th the recommended feeding on whatever nutes you pick up.

I just have a hard time with soil and off the shelf garden shop nutes because it's mostly hit or miss until you find something that works.

With Floranova you only need to find plain, neutral dirt, perlite and vermiculite. Those you can order online as well if you really can't find them locally. Plenty of safe non hydroponic online stores sell all of this stuff. :)

Be safe, be persistent and pay attention to details and you'll definitely succeed :)


ICMag Donor
Looks like a starving plant to me. Transplant up into a quality soil......the general rule is one gallon soil per foot of stem but you've used a fert light in nutes anyway. That plant is NOT nuteburned. It's either starving or just plain ph locked out. If your ph is correct......it's starving and cannabalizing (sp?) itself to stay alive.
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Hey so you aren't talking about foliar spray you're just sayig the spray out of my watering can right? I can get floranova grow today bit it's a tad pricey. Mix it up 1/4 and put in watering can then water plant.

Flush the hell outta that soil before you fertilize them whatever the case. I really don't see the nutrient burn at all. They look pale and needy to me. If they were being fed too much then they'd be way darker at the top than that, and not fading gradually tip to toe on the leaves. I would recommend you use 1/4 of the recommended amount in your watering can(If you don't have a watering can, get one). Then take the whole deal into the bathroom. Make sure the tub is clean as soap residue can kill plants. Place the plant in there and then feed it with the watering can as per the instructions(but with 1/4-1/2 strength at most). You won't need the whole can for one plant, or even 4 plants. Just spray it generously till it looks properly soaked. Hit the bottom leaves carefully though. The finer the spray from your watering can the better. Gentle is good on a plant in such bad shape.

I did a lot of these kinds of mistakes when I started. Pot farming can be really hard. You have to focus on environment above all else. Don't get ambitious with yields or fancy strains. Just focus on making a really nice happy home for your bud, with lots of light. When you think you have enough light, add a little more. Pot is easy to grow if you keep the conditions right.
Also another question, the PH down I'm using is "Spa Time" for wal-mart. Probably meant for pool/spas. Active ingredient is sodium bisulfate. Would that cause any problems? Or do I need a 'plant specific' PH down?

EDIT- shit after reading on google I think thats fucking them up too...ahhh.
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Next Stop: Outer Space!
Oh yes, that shit is toxic to plants. Use pH adjusted water maybe, like filter some through peat moss to reduce the pH, or add vinegar if you want a very temporary solution.
Oh yes, that shit is toxic to plants. Use pH adjusted water maybe, like filter some through peat moss to reduce the pH, or add vinegar if you want a very temporary solution.

I went to the hydro store today and picked up Floranova Grow (7-4-10) and Technaflora ph down. I'm letting the nasty chlorine evap out of my water and then will adjust ph and add 1/4 strength floranova and water them tomorrow.

Fingers crossed they turn around soon. Thanks for all your help magiccannabus and the rest on this thread!

Will update with pics over the next couple of days.