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Question For ScrOGgers


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
Hi All,

I'd like to use the SCROG technique in my first grow (I just popped some seeds) - I'm wondering if theres a thread here already that outlines the basic training BEFORE plants go under the screen? - How many times do I top, should I FIM, all that kind of thing.

If theres an existing thread that you know of please link me up as I can't find it - if you know the answers to my questions and don't mind sparing a newbie 5 mins to explain, then please do :eek::

(my plan is for a four plant scrog in a 1m3 under 400w HPS - pot size and veg/flower times are not an issue - other than the 1m3 limitation)


tube dude

If you go to the micro grows forum there is a sticky at the very top of the page called (Library of Links) There is a pretty good link in the (Novice to Intermediate) section of the first post.