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Active member
Welcome welcome, where's all the women.

there's no 13th step rule in here buddy, shag y'selves silly!

You know, one time in this halfway house I was in charge of 6 guys and they were meant to be getting their lives on track so a couple who weren't just assholes avoiding jail I got them some part time work, and took them to work, and to shows, and one got a girlfriend I introduced him to. And I got fired for it!

They want you in therapy! Not working and earning and fucking and enjoying life - you're sick!

Seems we all hadda really fucken punish ourselves to get the message though, and even then it still seems a bit of a lottery to me. Drinkin, always still think I can do it, no matter how many times I've proved that it can and will turn me into a fuckwit without warning.


Registered Med User
This is a post I made in a different thread on day drinking:
"Alcohol, the cause of, AND solution to, All of lifes problems.." Homer J. Simpson

Day drinkin is the shit, I been doin it since highschool! Pretty soon u wont be able to function in society without having some liquor, it becomes a crutch. I fucked up 2 job interviews then the third one I had a couple shots of hennesy and a tallcan before I went in and low and behold, got the job! But then it starts to show ware on your body.. your kidneys start to ache and u get stomach problems, and your gut gets bigger. At the same time you start fuckin up relationships and turnin everyone away from u, you try to quit drinkin but you get depressed and stop carin, thinkin 'I might as well drink, I dont give a fuck anyway' and so you keep drinkin anyway. You become bi-polar, having extreme lows when your sober then fealing like a god amongst men when your drinkin.
Well this is where I stopped, I now only drink a little bit if I drink and dont drink everyday. What would happen if you didnt stop?
As you get older your body would age quicker than the average body, more wrinkles and swollen face (example: mel gibson). Your kidneys begin to fail and many people develope hemroids. Since alcohol is mostly sugar you will most likely wind up with diabetes. Your insides will give up and youll most likely die an agonizing, slightly young death looking back on a life of drunk'n regret.
I been drinkin since 13 and an alcoholic since 18, functioning everyday for the last 6 years only with alcohol. for the last year or two I been slowin down and tryna quit but I always relapse, I got A's in all my classes last cemester drinking a pint before class everyday, if I stayed on this route Ill prolly be dead by 40. I aint drank for a week now though and for the last 2 months I been calmin down drasticly, but its real hard to quit liquor, not like cigarettes or weed or coke which was all easy for me ta get off when I chose...
Alcohol is a drug, its addicting and it ruins lives. I love it, and hate it at the same time. More people beat there wives and get in car crashes and make stupid mistakes off liquor than anything else ive seen. Its your choice but I wouldnt recomend it as a daytime thing, It becomes an all time thing real easily.

After that I went heavy again real quick, drinkin like its air and I need it. I realized I couldnt control the shit so the only thing left to do was quit. I quit the end of august cold turkey since then no relapses. it can be done.


I was just browsing through this thread and picking up a few interesting anecdotes.I drink a shot of cognac and a couple beers everyday for about a year and a half.Never drank before that unless it was to hold a beer at a party and look like I was having a hell of a time.I know many people with drinking problems of all kinds.My old man was a hardcore drinker his whole life and sadly for him he had the $ to do it.He had once held the record for the highest blood alchohol level ever recorded in a certain state.He fucked up his life in enormous ways and was very upset when an 18 yr old kid beat his record.He always had his Dunkin Donuts coffee cup 3/4 full of vodka at the beachside AA meetings and proudly passed it around to those around him before the meeting was over when they would go out drinking.He loved drinking and did not even consider being a quitter.His health finally began to deteriorate from running 10 miles a day drunk,to sober up a bit.Needless to say he was an asshole and caused myself and the family many troubles.The end came for him when he realized that all he had was booze and his body had broken down from over-exercise.So at age 65 he killed himself with a bootle of vodka and a bottle of methadone, just fell asleep on a raft and sunk to the bottom of a pond.Some people just don't really want to quit, its just how they identify themselves, with a drink, like I identify with a joint.Oh well that's my drinkin' story, Chaco.


Active member
What an amazing thread, and entirely relevant to my own situation.
I'm proud to say that I've been alcohol free for several years and I have cannabis, as well as my friends and family to thank for it.

I could go on and on about how alcohol has ruined my fathers life, the damage it caused to my family.. how many friends I've lost to it, or the irreparable damage that I've incurred onto myself. But I'm sure that most of you know your own versions of it already, or could imagine. This is the toll it's taking on our society. I haven't been to jail since I substituted alcohol for marijuana... so I must be onto something!!

The most amazing thing, only a few years after quitting alcohol my life has turned around 100%! I smoke cannabis every day, and I've never felt better! Soon I'll be quitting cigarettes as well, and eventually I might stop smoking cannabis, and use it only in tinctures, foods, and vaporizers.

I walk my dog each day, I spend time with my mother and family, and enjoy helping them with mundane things. These days when I call or show up at the house it's to help with something, or just hang out and have coffee. They are always happy to see me.

I have a few very close friends, and my abstaining from alcohol has helped some of them as well. It feels great to see your friends health improving because you could support them and offer an alternative! The proof is in the pudding, so to speak.

Mmmmm.. pudding. I've gained weight too, the good kind. There was a time, when I first started drinking, that I gained some weight. In fact, I gained a lot of weight. Then over time of burning the candle at both ends to support the addiction.. the weight dropped off. I was always drunk or hungover, and sometimes working 2 or 3 jobs to get the cash I needed to cover my habit. Of course, in that condition jobs never lasted very long. My health was at its worst, and I was usually in some kind of abdominal pain, likely from the damage to my liver and kidneys. I went from 240lbs to 135 in a short period of time.
These days I am back up to a healthy 165lbs, there's some color to my skin, and the abdominal pain is gone. I look healthy, because I am.

So, that's my $.02.. and I'm glad I had a chance to share it with you. Hooray for weed!!!


Patient Grower
I celebrated 3 years as a non drunk on the 3rd of this month.

I like running into people who say that I've just traded one thing for the other. Well, if someone had a gold brick, and I had a dog turd, and he gave me the gold brick in exchange for the dog turd, I'd have just traded one thing for the other. I'll trade dog turds for gold bricks all day long.


Just Call me Urkle!!
yea man Alcohol is rough I never was addicted to it but I'm a recovering opiate addict so I understand not being able to just stop like cigs or blow... Drives me nuts that I'm able to go down to my clinic every day and get my dose of "Legal Heroin" aka Methadone but yet Karen Tandy of the DEA says Marijuana is destroying our nation!!! Sorry to get off track but alcohol being legal really bothers due to all the negative things I've seen that follow it. Never got into a fight after smoking out with my buddies but get drunk and dumb shit happens... Great thread by the way and congrats GET MO I'm glad to hear you're free of that monster..


New member
inspiring story, alcohol never appealed to me as much as weed. Alcohol also makes me feel shitty, which weed rarely does. A beer or two is alright, maybe a few shots, but man alcohol gets me way too fucked up (spins) fuck that! Organics is the best.. food or bud, man great healthy foods is the way to go. I ranted a little... have a good day.


Alcoholic here. The booze has fucked me up many, many times...Wrecked many cars, been in trouble with the law, serious depression, wasted away tons of money, lost friends and women...all the common things that happen to those who can't control the drinking. After my good friend died of liver disease, I stopped drinking for 3 years. My way at first was AA, but I hated that whole scene. They were way anti herb. I decided that herb would be my remedy, and it worked wonderfully. I was focused, and I spent lots of time reading, making music, working out, and growing. It helped me achieve my goals and I became active in the medical marijuana community, as well as the hemp community. My life was becoming exactly what I wanted. A psycho woman really messed me up bad, and I fell off the wagon...right back to where I was...sick, in trouble, depressed, and broke. Tried the AA thing again, but really can't deal with it, as I want to be able to smoke, and they won't allow for it. The guilt of the shit I've done is really fucking with me. I'm getting back on the green team. It's good to have folks like you to be able to share with...helps alot...thanks.

Nik Dynosaur

Active member
i didn't read the whole thread, but i'm a recovering heroin addict. i know this isn't the drug addiction thread, but i feel like the same principle applies. I felt like rehab and the NA program gave me really good legs to stand on. I now have 213 days clean from heroin, and i believe that weed has also helped me in many ways. I used to take medications for depression and anxiety also for insomnia. When i got out of rehab i was practically rushed by all of these afflictions, character flaws...but ganja has made these character defects manageable which in turn has made my life better. I wonder if i could have done it without the herb, i feel like i could have...but i feel like everyone has a right to be free of pain, free of issues that make it difficult to cope with everyday life. Who would want to live like that? Waking up every day just to know that nothing was gonna change, its going to be just as difficult every day.

well, i don't want to live like that.

Blue Dot

yup, been since 13
I love my beer

I had a univ degree in neuropharmacology and not once did that "proclaimed" school ever tell me what some random book did. That ethanol is a GABA releaser and GABA is a neurotransmitter than is an inhibitor, It inhibits good things like anxiety but it also inhibits good things like self-control.

My point is, I'm convinced that I'm GABA defecient (genetically) and beer helps me reach my normal GABA levels.

I still drink, hell I'm drinking right NOW!

I heard it before, it's that whole "on-off switch".
Some people can stop and others can't.

I try to use ethanol to reach what my GABA levels should be then I go to bed.
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Active member
Happy New Years Brothers & Sisters

Happy New Years Brothers & Sisters

I made it through the festive frivolity.

1st, this thread is for anyone, addicts, alcoholics, family and friends trying to understand. To steal from AA literature...

We share our experience strength and hope with each other.

Nobody is too bad or too good, nobody drinks too much or too little, no substance is frowned upon - addiction is addiction.

So I've recently helped a friend with colon cancer, and I gave him a 1/2 lb and we made oil combined with haemorrhoid cream and now his cancer is gone! Fucking A!

This made me think about medical marijuana and if it was actually healing things in me.

like depression, and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (diagnosed on 3 seperate occasions from 3 professionals I'm finally willing to say ok I got issues).

Seems MJ does treat PTSD, and is used by Israel for their soldiers.

I am 23 days off cigarettes, and DAMN it is so fucking hard for me at times. Just like budding (building up to drink) the head plays romantic cigarette filled scenarios to me, the thoughts turn to insanity, reason begins to diminish in exchange for dreamy feelgood related ciggy thoughts.... Meanwhile screaming at flies that dare to try land on me, telling my cat to fuck off when it comes in for pats, and smoking so much weed I'm getting very little done each day.

Not mad all the time, but hell, you ever wake up and want to fucking kill everyone who ever did you wrong?... That's what it's like for me coming off ciggies.

I aint gonna spend the rest of my life acting like a dry drunk cos I got no cigarettes, like being in rehab the amount of head stuff I got to read/do just to get through the day without a ciggy.

It is one day at a time, and it bites!

To be honest, I think I will start again. For sanity's sake.

This makes me sad. :fsu:

Sometimes I wish I wasn't an athiest, then I could ask my imaginary friend to help me. :nanana:

The scariest thing about this ciggy withdrawal, is the alcohol cravings. I reckon my subconscious is trying to trick me into drinking as then I lose the ability to reason and ciggies will follow.

Oh, I get the dreams lol, the using dreams, but about ciggies.


Active member
Mr. F - Don't give in, you're over the worst of the ciggy addiction now! Maybe you should cut down on the weed and increase your excersize regimen - nothing too strenuous but get out more! Make a point of walking a mile or two each night and then smoke (Cannabis!) only after that is complete. Morning excersize can be just as helpful! Get up a half hour early, get your heart rate up for 15 or 20 minutes, then come home take a shower and go on with your day! You're going to feel like a million bucks in no time man!!


Active member
Thanks Che - I read your post and determined not to smoke that day and now it's day 25 and I'm still smokefree. I went hiking in the hills yesterday took some great fungi photos and last night was the best sleep since stopping.

Got an olympic weight set sitting in the corner.....

Time to help train some other boys, in order to save myself...

And thanks again che - it's a big deal me still not smoking after the way I was beginning to feel about it. You can pat yourself on the back for that one - you done good!


Active member
I'm so happy to hear that Mr. Fista! Good for you man, and for sure it's you that deserves the pat on the back! Thanks for letting us know how you're doing, I was wondering about you.. :)

Can you share any of the photos you took? I would like to see them!


Active member
Cheers Nik - here I is day 28 and still smokefree. I running out of sativa DAMN. Only two weeks till I got more. Sativa is my saving grace vs addiction I feel so good on sativa I forget about the lies my body is trying to tell me.

My photography sucked! Hehe. Looked good on the little camera screen, looked big and fuzzy on the comp screen.

Withdrawals funny, feels like weeks since 'the day I nearly smoked' - 3 days ago.

The neighbour is always drunk. Well, every night he aint sick from drinking. He dribbles, he slurs, and says the same story over and over generally involving people who he feels superior to.

Sober, he's quite nice. Drinking he's a prejudice sexist piece of shit.

Alcohol sucks dog balls.


here, here!
Great post LOL

I drank alot over the last several years and found that towards the end, every time I woke up after drinking I was depressed...It gives me the shits and I can feel it wearing at my body. Alcohol is great when you're drinking it, but not worth the consequences of a shattered mind in the end..

edit - I drank 3 times this year, and haven't really had a great time the times I did, I crave it tho, it's almost as bad as when I smoked cigarretes..

I've smoked cannabis for over 20 years and it always helps me in many aspects, the only side effects are from using papers and smoking too much, then I vaporize and exercise to clean out the lungs\ from the extra tar etc..
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New member
this is great to read.

i was worried that getting backing into weed would just be swapping alcohol for something else.

basically weed is like natures prozac for me, its my antidepressant and anti-anxiety from god himself.

ive done all the pharms, zoloft, xanax, klonopin, etc.... nothing truly fixes me like weed does.

and alcohol, man i fucking hate alcohol so much. i hate the way it turns me into someone else, i hate the hangovers that ruin an entire day of the week (sometimes more).

my relatives think im crazy when i tell them all about this, but its nice to see others with a similar take on the alcohol vs weed thing :)