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Marijuana Inc: Inside America's Pot Industry


Active member
"like the liar cops on that propaganda show you are defending that called cannabis a poison"

Um, the cops may have said that, but SHE did not say that. She is a journalist and showing the IGNORANCE of those cops.

"and that reporter does not represent cannabis culture at all"

Why should she? She is just a journalist. But, I will give her this...she stuck her neck out for us and brought the issue to the the public and Obama on CNBC.

I'd say she pretty much put her reputation and career on the line. Can you hear her co-workers today talking behind her back caller her the "pot lady" or some shit?

Think about it.

~Abbie :joint:


all praises are due to the Most High

there is no way you will convince me that the show was not a piece of propaganda.
as already stated, the job of a journalist is not to give free air-time in major tv networks to the lies of the cops regarding cannabis, if what she was doing by allowing the cops say their lies was to show their ignorance, how come she never corrected them? or do you suppose everyone who is watching should know what the cops are saying to be a lie apriori? makes no sense...

this is not about opinions, scientifically speaking, cannabis is not poison, a serious reporter would report this, not just "show both sides"... showing both sides works when it comes to opinions, but with cannabis there are not opinions, only facts, and the fact is that cannabis is not a poison, so why did she not make that clear?

because it is propaganda.



i like the show it was pretty cool but they tried to make it look like growin weed is dangerous just not for the grower but for everybody else that lives around them.but maybe since those people that dont like idea of marijuana bein grownin their town, are moving out of town it should leave some room for more people that loves to grow lol
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Well my take on it is this.... CNBC had to show the negative parts to add an air of fair minded journalism, to get the show on the screen. CNBC does not want to be perceived as unfair to one side or the other. I personally thought all the negative parts were so lame as to be unbelievable.

I felt they found the most radical naysayers they could interview, thus slanting the view of the American public towards legalization subliminally. Average Joe & Jane watched and thought "Marijuana is not all bad, those nuts against it were idiots". "How could we make some money off that?" Then they will all start a discussion leading to the end of prohibition!

LolaGal begins to preach for change!!! (It's her famous I Have A Dream Speech)

"I dream...of a land....a land gree-en...with mar-i-juana!!...
I have a dream.....
Of a land...where...No one!...goes to jail...for mar-i-juana!!...."

"I dream of....of a gar-den....a green garden...
Where...No! Man! can touch my weed.....
I Have A Dream!"

"I pray....for the day to come...
When President O-Bam-a....
Frees!...Us!...Frees Us all.......
From the tyranny of an unjust law....."


wow well im watching this now on hulu. So i have a few question whats wrong with huge profits, they should said huge profits that we can't tax. Lol this show is so funny. That one chick that moved because of her neighbors growing lol. Yeah cause school teachers/principals make so much money they can just back up and move yeah.

Omg this show was so funny. the real estate agent was like its not like im gonna start growing and selling today. but tomorrow its a possibility

But as far as the cnbc reporter oh yeah i would hit that lol,


Registered Medical Patient
Marijuana Inc.....on CNBC

Marijuana Inc.....on CNBC

Hey all, just wanted to let u all know that there's a show on CNBC tonite @ 10pm Pacific time...I havent seen it yet, but when its over, Ill post more...Lets see what they have to say!!!!


- Z


New member


yes that is a repeat, i will finally record it as i now have att uverse. but really, do we ever get tired of seeing anything about smoke on tv? i know i sure dont!


Registered Medical Patient
Yea, it was a repeat I think, but I missed it 1st time around...I thought it was pretty biased in favor of the LEO's, the gov't and anyone else...They seemed to really have a feild day with calling weed a "drug", and a harmful part of this countries society!!!! Sayin that 60% of Mendo County grows is a bad thing!!It brings in tons of revenue, AND , even they said, if the marijuana farms in Mendo were gone tomorrow, all of Mendo county would pretty much go into a deep depression and everyone would lose their shirts!!!!
I really hope that someday our govt will realize the money making and environment saving potential of making weed legal!!! Stupid fuckers!!!!

- Z


I was able to catch this program last night. I am in a good spot to judge this as I am a current medical exemptee growing and smoking my own herb per sb420. i also live in a county that claims to have one of the worst cases of the "Mexican Invasion" in the state. I can tell you that this show was pretty right on in most facts they gave, but htey didnt give many that are worth a rats ass. Yes you can grow, yes the plants are worth money, but so are vanity mirrors and fire wood...it is a commodity. I think one grower tried to get that point across.
I have read some other posts in the med forum about how it isnt really the"wild west" and that the sheriff was exagerating. He wasnt. there are horrible acts of violence that happen every year come harvest time. I was priveliged to see the garden where Purple Urkle was concieved, a nice property outside ft. bragg. Les crane was very open about his love of the strain, he had it tatooed on his forearms. Two weeks after my visit he was shot in the head point blank with a shotty while his wife was bieng beaten and they were robbed of lots of meds and cash as well as Les's life. Crack heads were responsible for that, but it shows that people will do whatever for money and meds. The show mentioned some small town where a small house wife said " there are 13 garden around my house" i guarentee there were dudes thinking about going there to scope out the gardens and make a move.
Overall a good show, but fuck the DEA and fuck the FDA and fuck the weed eaters ( copters in the sky) Go after the real problems in your society not our medicine/sacrament/privacy



This is the money you could be saving if you grow
Marijuana Inc: Inside America's Pot Industry

Sorry for the late call, but in about 16 minutes on CNBC theres a show called Marijuana Inc: Inside America's Pot Industry.

You might also find it on youtube eventually.


Sorry for the late call, but in about 16 minutes on CNBC theres a show called Marijuana Inc: Inside America's Pot Industry.

You might also find it on youtube eventually.

Seen the first one, seems like a ploy to counteract with the mj movement. Propaganda in form of CNBC


Saw this one before... no good. The whole documentary stinks... I wouldn't even call it a documentary as much as a "make people think if you get involved with cannabis you're going to get shot or killed by drug lords."

Marijuana Nation on Nat Geo was a lot better, but still propaganda-ish.

I recommend The Union: The Business Behind Getting High for all your canna-mentary needs.


what i'd really love to see...the union...the business behind getting high. that's what should be on primetime tv!


New member
Marijuana Inc.

Marijuana Inc.

No this is not a thread about some business i am starting or partake in. it is about a t.v. show which i recently saw on cnbc.

Yea, it pretty much is an hour long news special about the growing "marijuana industry" in california. They interview DEA agents, law enforcement officials, government officials, and a few growers actually. Of course everyone except the growers offered only biased lies and made up statistics during their commentary. The growers did however offer a diamond in the rough with an attempt at telling them the truth and how they aren't criminals who tear apart neighborhoods and actually contribute to the community.

They have covered how people in california can now 'legally grow up to 25 marijuana plants' but fail to mention that it must be medical. They act as if these people are criminals who bring crime to the areas they live in and even interviewed a family which moved out of state because they didn't like the fact that people in their neighborhood were growing marijuana. It pretty much is demonizing the whole thing and providing false information (surprise?).

To top it off, they showed a clip of some people buying marijuana at a dispensary, but they claimed it was just a regular old store. And the bad part is the individuals who were buying the marijuana are those who seem like they would be affiliated with gang activites. No offense to them but the way they presented themselves on camera/talked in slang the whole time just kind of gave the news reporters more fuel to help their lies get along.

I guess it shouldn't really astonish me as much as it is but i just can't help but to watch it. I feel like throwing a brick at my t.v. at some points. :joint: i guess it helps that the host of the show is pretty damn hot though. haha

anyone else see this tv show? i dunno, i guess i just felt like sharing with you guys since maybe you could relate. every once in a while though there are tv specials about marijuana which offer unbiased information and tend to lean neither for nor against marijuana prohibition. those are usually the shows i like the most.

some guy just said how he hated that people destroyed the environment to grow their "poison" and pay for murders with the money they make.

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