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Are My Plants Producing Seed

New Holland


My plants look weird. Are they producing seed?


Man o' Man (it's a boy)
You'll have a great stash of seeds now,all good.
the olds of getting 20 males from 20 seeds are very very low just hope you find a fem in them ... sending you some female vibes ...

if they are all male keep some pollen for your next grow

what strain you gorwing ?
My oh my, i am feelin' it for you man... Can you tell us more details about your seeds, where did you get them? And what site did you get them from? If you are growing F2's or Original stock from the Original breeder? How long did you veg them for, soil or hydro, etc etc.......

I hope you have a back up plan for your medical needs, and that you have some others already vegging, if not, I reccommend that you do, and at least get them going in a large tote with a few 4' fluros over the tote (rubbermaid tote)

Ya see ifya get things rollin' now you can be that much ahead of the game, or try to find some cuttings somewhere and get those babies goin'..... :2cents::2cents::2cents::2cents:

Look forward to having the total finished product (if female(any)) not being fully developed, it seems to be not what it usually is as a finished when they get pollinated....

I am also sending you some good vibes NH, and stay well and healthy!


New Holland

Ya know,....I feel kinda shitty. But when I get support from my fellow growers I don't feel so bad. I don't know why,...I just do :).

I veged for ages. 8 weeks. Initially I was going to grow them about 3' high. But I got cuaght up at work and then they were to tall for my grow room. So I scrogged them and grew them out abit more. That's when a few started to show balls(before I switched to 12/12), so I gave 'em the big chop.

I was using the KISS method and growing in Coco, with Canna Coco nutes. I bought the seeds from PlanetSkunk.com. I'm spewen, I was hoping to get some nice juicy White Russian girls :/ oh well, shit happens I guess.

Might see If I can get some clones from a Commercial Grower I know for now. And get some more White Russian Seeds to grow a Mother Plant later


Thats brutal man, i feel for u. If I bought 20 expensive seeds and they turned all male i would contact planetskunk and tell them to give me some fcuking seeds!!!!

Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
planetskunk are honest and legit
i used to be a member at their forums
and have personally ordered from them 4 times
happy every time (even with the freebies)

besides all 20 sprouted right, that means they kept them well
sounds like a case of horrible luck to me
sorry brother, but do not let this dissuade you from ordering from them again :yes:

New Holland

I FOUND A FUCKIN FEMALE It's 2 weeks into flower, ya think it's still possible to take clones?. I fuckin' hope so!. I'm really happy if I can get a mother plant out of this


If your ordering seeds and expect a conservative 50/50 male to female ratio, and ordered 20 seeds, the odds of getting 20 males is .0000009537 (which is 1/2 raised to 20th power). Thats not bad luck, thats like ...... something worse than bad luck


Active member
yes, you can still take cuttings . they will be a little more difficult to get to root, but it is not a serious problem. also, you will want to keep those males from pollinating your only female.