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focusing on the negative...

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
is our way of life as a society.
sad but true.
people tend to forget the positive and focus on the wrong things.
is it in our nature?
or are we taught to do it?

turn on your local news tonight.
take notice how 3/4 of the newscast is on negative things.
usually, after weather and sports, you will get one positive "feel good" story.
why not push the positive to the forefront???
i'll tell you why.
people tend to not want to see positive.
let's focus on violence and carnage instead.
thats what turns heads.
not the dude who saves an old ladies life.
not the person who donates to charity.
not the people who try to make communities a better place.
not the people who stand up for what they believe in.

there is a place for kind hearted people who try to do positive, its called the garbage.
cuz thats where they get discarded to.
positive will always be blanketed by negative.
nobody wants to see anybody do well,
we tend to want blood and guts.
sick fuckin world we live in.

i personally try to make change,
where does it get me?
nowhere, thats where.
and i feel the nowhere just comes faster and faster.

so let's continue to be selfish as a society and only worry about ourselves.
THAT is what humans are.
sad but true


Freedom Fighter
Frank...you are definitely focusing on the negative in this post--
Yes...there is much negativity in our World....but you can't let that transgress into your life-- Watch the News...be concerned, and even get active!! But at the end of the day, your world is what you build around you-- Just can't take on all the Causes bro-- Otherwise you do this...:wallbash:
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It all starts with ourselves. Who can help the world be a better place if we can't help ourselves be better people. Lead by example .. or others won't take it very seriously. Most people pay very close attention to others behavior .. especially young minds. Do as I do, not just as I say. Bad behavior is the root of the root.


all praises are due to the Most High
It all starts with ourselves. Who can help the world be a better place if we can't help ourselves be better people. Lead by example .. or others won't take it very seriously. Most people pay very close attention to others behavior .. especially young minds. Do as I do, not just as I say. Bad behavior is the root of the root.

it can all start with ourselves and all, but there is a point where no matter how much of a good person you may be, that does not change the fact that most people still think only of themselves first, second, third and fourth place and everyone else should kiss their asses for being so gifted and nice. fuck that... just the other day i got to witness this guy rough up this other guy real fucking good because the guy who got roughed up would not stop his fancy cell-phone from playing real loud some idiotic music while we were all riding the public bus. the guy and his girlfriend ask the guy with the cell-phone real nicely to please turn it off, the guy was like fuck off both of you... when the guy with the cell phone and music got off the bus, so did the couple as well as I, what came next was brutal, the cell-phone guy must still have an icebag over his whole face/head after such a beating, he fucking deserved it too, fuck him and his annoying ass cell-phone, get your self a pair of earphones idiot.


Active member
so let's continue to be selfish as a society and only worry about ourselves.
THAT is what humans are.
sad but true
Self preservation is the number one drive,following a close second is pro-creation.
Personally I really only care about me and the ones I love,BUT,we must all have compasion and the ability to recognize good in others.
Sensationalism sells.......just like ancient Rome,people want to see blood.And.....misery loves company.
There are good people out there,that do many good deads,they are not forgotten by everyone,it is sad they are not recognized by more tho.
Your a good egg Frank......I dont think anyone could say dif:joint:
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Active member
because a negative effects more people then a positive,or rather,a negative new's report could possible be helpful,where's a postive has already happen and a waste a time to cover......

imo postive storys defeat the purpose,is it really shocking that person could do somthing good? the day when all news is postive,humanity will be really bad off,because the norm isn't news worthy....
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Active member
some (lots of) people are happier when everyone around them are miserable.

prolly a big reason why negative news sells.


it can all start with ourselves and all, but there is a point where no matter how much of a good person you may be, that does not change the fact that most people still think only of themselves first, second, third and fourth place and everyone else should kiss their asses for being so gifted and nice. fuck that... just the other day i got to witness this guy rough up this other guy real fucking good because the guy who got roughed up would not stop his fancy cell-phone from playing real loud some idiotic music while we were all riding the public bus. the guy and his girlfriend ask the guy with the cell-phone real nicely to please turn it off, the guy was like fuck off both of you... when the guy with the cell phone and music got off the bus, so did the couple as well as I, what came next was brutal, the cell-phone guy must still have an icebag over his whole face/head after such a beating, he fucking deserved it too, fuck him and his annoying ass cell-phone, get your self a pair of earphones idiot.
My point exactly. We all need to take a look in the mirror once in a while. I've noticed many people are annoyed by the traits of others, that remind them of themselves, and their own "bad" qualities. Reallity bites but no use in getting all emotional about it. Strong tollerance = good character


all praises are due to the Most High
hello again DHI419 :)

I agree that having a strong tolerance means strong character, but there is only so much tolerance, hence the word, you know, to tolerate something is to bear with it, and no man can bear with a heavy weight for too long, you can get a hernia lol so instead of tolerating too much, how about educating? even if it means beating down the guy who thinks he has a right to impose his loud music on everyone else.

like the song goes: what r u gonna do with the god inside you when hell surrounds you?

peace and health :)
Ironically, CF, it is the fact that most of us live complicated yet mundane sort of lives, going to work everyday, raising kids, being good neighbors, basically putting more into the world than they take out of it. So, events in the world that are salacious, violent, repugnant, etc., are by definition interesting or newsworthy.

When I was a journalist deciding on a story to pitch an editor, I always asked myself silently: is this "dog bites man" or "man bites dog." One is news the other is not. Media presentations of "news" will necessarily be distortions of reality.

Try turning off the news for a week; it might make you feel better.

Selfishness is just plain old biological programing, imho. I like to take a glass-half-full approach. The fact that people manage to rise above it at all is a little astounding when I think about it.



cannabis enthusiast
Found your problem :biglaugh:

i dont watch news anymore except for weather and sports, and i agree nite someone watching news every evening is bound to think everything is fucked up......which who wouldnt when you see children dying, thousands of jobs being cut, war, and all the things that make a person sad. when the girlfriend is glued to the news i go and listen to music or something as phil anselmo once said "new news is old news"

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
is our way of life as a society.
sad but true.
people tend to forget the positive and focus on the wrong things.
is it in our nature?
or are we taught to do it?

turn on your local news tonight.
take notice how 3/4 of the newscast is on negative things.
usually, after weather and sports, you will get one positive "feel good" story.
why not push the positive to the forefront???
i'll tell you why.
people tend to not want to see positive.
let's focus on violence and carnage instead.
thats what turns heads.
not the dude who saves an old ladies life.
not the person who donates to charity.
not the people who try to make communities a better place.
not the people who stand up for what they believe in.

there is a place for kind hearted people who try to do positive, its called the garbage.
cuz thats where they get discarded to.
positive will always be blanketed by negative.
nobody wants to see anybody do well,
we tend to want blood and guts.
sick fuckin world we live in.

i personally try to make change,
where does it get me?
nowhere, thats where.
and i feel the nowhere just comes faster and faster.

so let's continue to be selfish as a society and only worry about ourselves.
THAT is what humans are.
sad but true

not all true. when i live in hawaii,,, the news was very focused around the island and the people on it,,,, they was always talking about blood drives,,, charity,,, and them sort of things. only news they really portrayed would be things effecting HI or the people of HI,,,honestly seem more like an diferent country. the majority of people help each other out,,, and there are alot of very good people. it is probably one of the few places left where the town help raise the child....


Active member

I see them creating a factory

dunno if you saw how some people are beat up?

my parents for exemple

working so hard

I just hope, like others, that it will be worth it

we can't continue like this

and yeah about negativity, I am pretty negative myself

I feel it's better to imagine the worst case scenario,
I hate bad surprises

I guess I am pretty attached to my life, even if I sort of don't enjoy myself, it's just, like a prison in my head

seems like it's all about prisons

I am hoping for change some time, but I know it won't happend like that, so I will do my part so I don't be the whiney one

yes, people I meet are so self-centered, but not everybody

hope is the only thing that keeps me going
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Pull my finger
I think the problem resides in the few who want complete power and authority. While they chase those, we sit back and dont make much of a fuss. When those people rise to a position of power, the only one left to impose upon are the peaceful, good hearted folks who just want to be left the fuck alone.

Most people are so caught up in trends nowadays, the real issues are left in the hands of the power hungry. Why the hell are we so infatuated with "hollywood", chrome, and "ice"?

You know, I used eat, sleep, shit and talk hip hop. Hip-hop is dead. NOw all we get is phony "superstars" made famous because their face has been plastered into cell phone commercials etc. Where have the real lyricists gone?? I will tell ya. They have been forced underground because they cant get airtime since they are not profitable like "Young Jeezy" I am sorry but if you like music like this, I pity you. Do we really want to hear you "rap" about how much crack you cooked up in your mommas kitchen?? Fuck no!

Bring back the real hiphop. Guru said: The only thing you rap about is flippin keys, probably cuz you sold your soul for a hundred G's.

Damn I wish there were still just two turntables and a mic.

And WTF is up with all the "pop" musicians singing through a voice box? I thought Roger and Zapp staked a claim to that gimmick in the 70's. More evidence of the industry hiding the fact that the person you hear on the radio cant sing worth a fuck. Hence the voice box.



Damn Frank

You should call your Psychologist. Sounds like you need some cheering up.

and to focus on the negative, I did NOT get laid on my birthday.


fred norris


Why the hell are we so infatuated with "hollywood", chrome, and "ice"?

my sister in law is a dirty dumb ****.

she is obsessed with famous people.she watches tmz and "the hills",reads instyle,US,people. tries to live above her means hardcore. she's a stay @ home mom(and i use the term mom loosely) who has zero income,yet thinks a 30,000 car isnt too expensive.

me, i am the opposite. i give NO FUCKS about celebs or what they are doing.

on a more positive note, gangstarr is dope. i had moment of truth in my cd player for 4 years straight. i Hate all these fuckin goons that rap about money and guns and all that.i didnt hear soulja boy until a few months after the song came out. i was FUCKING BEFUDDLED when i heard it.
"people actually listen to this" ? fuckin down syndrome rap

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