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Desert Southwest Growers Union

Old Soul

Active member
Ok, so here is a pic of a Blue mystic i got going. I didn't write down when I put her in but I think she is at about 5 1/2 weeks. Was gonna take her to 10 weeks but am gonna chop at 9 so I can move some other things in there.




Shitake checking in...Been really busy wih the offline life as of late. I was fortunate to get a promotion at work last month and the new responsibilities (read:STRESS!!!) that it brought have finally kicked in. I can't complain though, because I've had opportunities offered me and was fortunate enough to make shit work out in my favor. Unfortunately between the job, a blooming relationship with a totally rad lil lady, some new musical opportunities, and a few not-quite-major life changes popping up, I've been offline for a good bit. I miss my IC time and all of you characters!!!

Joesy! Glad to hear that you're steering clear of the pokey! F that place!!!

A big dank :wave: to all you desert growers out there! Hope everybody's keeping 'er green and stanky!



Active member
you better spend some more time with us. damn your turning into a real responsable kind of guy, .
that grape krush you gave me is about a week away from chop and is looking good, the pine tar cut is also kushing up the place, she is a stinker. are you still growing or is that not permitted any more? I am firing you as my photo man. putting a add in the paper tommorow to find your replacement


Active member
Hey Howdy DSWGU! Glad to see everybodys doin good! We'r good here too. I got rid of the Lavender and Im dialin in the Maj.'s Shack. Im just startin to figure out just how heavy she eats. She eats heavy. I been workin on tryin to get a hold of some Strawberry Cough clones too but I ben havin a hard time scedulin a delivery or even a pick up. I been tryinna gettem from Real Meds and Lowcost Meds round Modesto. I think the folks there are as stoned as me. No problem, I got patients. The dude on the phone said they got Shiva Skunk too so I been tryin to scedule a pick up or delevery to get 2 clones of each.
Its been rainy here. We got a new entertainment center too tho and it feels kinda kozey bein up here in the clouds with the rain fallin while we watch our tv, look out the window and smoke our hash. This Shack makes sweet hash. Thanks Maj.! It shure is hashey and earthy. Its not like the fruity Shack I was used to but I love it! So's everybody elce who's smoked her. Shes so heavy with trichs they just fall off her while ya manicure her.
Well Im bout to wake my wife and get her to smoke a li'l hash rosette. I like twizzlin hash between my fingers till it turns into a li'l rope bout the thikness of a fat piece of spaghetti. Then I take a piece bout an inch and a quarter long and smush it between my fingers till its a flat piece of hash tape. Then I roll it up loosley into a li'l hash rose for my ol Lady. She likesem alot and I got a shittload ofem in my pikkle jar lid so I figure Im gonna go wake her and get her to smoke some with me! Blessins!


Active member
The Outlaw Josey Wales is on the History channel right now (1-4 am MST) If anybody's up--enjoy

damn I about died laughing when I saw this post, lol.. I was passed out hours before and after that time . do love that old movie though


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
hello every1 wuz up from under my rock somewhere in the mohave desert

heres 4 sugar shacks 3 had everything below removed 1 didnt and its yield is smaller lol

plants are 34 days of 12/12
brotha HCA srry unsure how heavy the shacks feed i dont have a ppm meter
but my regiment for this flower run is as folows for every other watering
20 ml pure blend pro bloom per gal water
20 ml diamond necture
after 1 wk of 12/12 they where hit with 1/2 tsp per gal water bushmaster 1 time and 1/8th tsp powdered koolbloom.
i continued the 20 ml 20 ml every other watering
at 22 days they where hit with 1/8th tsp again of powdered koolbloom along with 20/20 ml. continued 20/20ml
at 4wks hit them 1/2 tsp powdered koolbloom and again tonight now all they get untill day 50 and chop is plain water

i could feed 30/30 ml but i underfeed
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Active member
They look real good Maj.. I cant gettem solid like that. First time this happened with my formula. I never broke it down to the gallons but Im givenem 50 ml 0-27-17, 25 ml 15-0-0, 20 ml 10-60-10, and 15 ml 2-45-28(KB) per 5 gallons. I been needin a probe for my ppm and ph meters since I got out here but goin by what it usta mix out to, my mix must be at 2200 ppm's by now. I even bumped up my KB with a 10 ml dose a couple days after I mixt. I know it sounds like alot but I can feed crazy heavy like this with my nutes when I got all my stats in check. They STILL look like they want more. Im gonna givem more my Brudda! I had a fyew diferant Herbs on my formula and nothing ever ate like this. I never fed anything this strong!


Another SW grower

Another SW grower

hey what up guys. just droppin in to say i'm here and i'm lurkin and learnin what i can while perfecting my techniques. just ordered a 150w HPS from econolight so comin up in the world from CFL's. pics of what i've got are in my gallery. white widow from seedboutique on the way. postin up in the 505. see you guys around!


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
lol yepper HCA shack dose like a healthy feeding because i have no meter i feed as i do i had a basic hanna PH meter and learned what the ferts do at what dossage i'm at to the waters PH. my water direct from the tap is 7.2 while back when i got into coco for a few runs i had Sirsmokealot bring his PPM/PH/EC meter over. i was only interested in the PH because of new ferts GH 3 part flora series and my PPM's

2 tsp gh flora grow
1tsp gh flora micro
2tsp gh flora bloom
1/2 tsp powdered koolbloom
the PPM's where like 1120

but 2200 PPM's wowser careful brotha that sounds wickedly strong

hello drtask welcome to the fun 150w hps sounds like a nice addation for ya cfl's can grow some nice nugs. i love to veg with cfls and flower under 400w hps and 400w mh for now 1 day i'll have a 1k hps in my spot
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Great trees major, i salute you. the shack looks like a monster.

HCA, 2200! Wow, cavemen are really pushing the envelope these days

Welcom drtask, welcome to HIDland, and fan noise :wave:

CH9 mixed females day 14 of 12/12




Active member
hey what up guys. just droppin in to say i'm here and i'm lurkin and learnin what i can while perfecting my techniques. just ordered a 150w HPS from econolight so comin up in the world from CFL's. pics of what i've got are in my gallery. white widow from seedboutique on the way. postin up in the 505. see you guys around!
wecome bro, Im a 505 man, but am staying in 702 country now, keep learning and practice practice.

major you are rocking the shack..


thanks for the welcome guys. those are some nice plants you got there de Toke-ville. what are you using for pots? they kind look like rubbermaid containers.



Maj- Nice looking ladies, sir! I like your tailor alteration skills!

Joes- Shiiiit! Still going, just trying to keep my head above water right now. That BB is one I got from around the way...O's winner maybe? I'd love a date with those ladies :D I can pick up some cam batts and a few ESB's if you're game this weekend.

dTv- How are you liking those CH9's? Got a couple Flower fems to drop. Curious about other growers' experiences.

drtask- Welcome to the DSGU!

SCI!!! Man, sorry I been a no-sho as of late. I'll get at you a few details later this week. Hope you and the fam are gettin' on! Rhino and M.Haze are gettin there things going nicely!

Well, after fingering out the new interface and photo stuff, I've got a whole whopping one pic so far...Here's a pic of a little veg action. There's some grape krush, ptk, sr71, nycd, OGK, BB, gypsy's mazar freebie, and a few others I think. They are all in Canna Coco now. I think this is my favorite medium to date :D


Welllp, I'll get a few more of these pics uploaded proper and get backatchas! Good to see y'allz!!!

drtask--Thx dude. Yeah, they do kinda look like trash pails but they're just 6-liter square pots from the local hydro place.

Hey ES--Gotta tell ya I'm actually pretty impressed with the beans so far. I chose them because I've had good experiences with fem beans in past with a friend and with my limited space and time fems are a nice shortcut for me. Plus I like the genetics Mendo mixes up like Jack Herrer, Pure Power Plant and Ed Rosenthal bud. As you guys know I had a real shakey start with these and almost killed 'em. But once I solved the probs, they took off. Easy to grow, light feeders and all the different phenos seem to thrive with the same treatment.

CH9 mixed fems, day 16, 12/12:



Right on dTv! Those girls look happy and healthy.

Heya AZ! Good seeing ya dropping by. Those girls are tall ones eh?



Active member
about time you popped back in es. quite a cluster fuck of genetics you got going there,Man they are looking good, that cocco is amazing huh. your going to love that BB, from O, some of the biggest roundest fat buds I have seen on a plant.


Hehehe...you know it bro. Always diving in the deep end. I gotta thank you for turning me on to the Canna coco too. Looking to see how the BB performs. I remember that aroma...