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can someone tell me if the myth is true?

Chef Dude

so im sure a lot of you are familiar with this situation, You are dating a girl or just hooking up on the regular and she says she is ok with the fact that you smoke at first. then after a while they start to rag on you every time you want to toke or go score a bag(in between harvests of course). then after a while its not complaining anymore but move onto, "you know baby, you should really stop smoking so much weed". and then after that you just kinda lose interest and its down hill from there.

So my question is, do stoner girls actually exist? or is it a myth? I think that no matter how honest you are with a non toker, they will always be just that and close minded to our cause.

I just sent my girl packing last night because of this reason and i'm starting to lose hope that i will ever be able to find a decent looking girl who shares my passion, or at least accepts it.

sorry for the out of place rant but im sure some of you will want to voice your oppinion on this matter and I couldnt figure out where this post would best fit.

-His Dudeness


ICMag Donor
They are out there dudeness hehehe You just have to look in the right places...music venues are pretty good places to meet like minded ppl...all different kinds of peeps go, so you can find someone that you click with...they are out there, just have to get out and explore! dont get too bummed, theres someone for everyone! :D

pack a bowl

i have met girls who smoke, but i have no met girls who smoke and actually know whats up.
...and there are plenty of guys who don't know whats up as well of course.

the girls i have met will smoke what ever they get, and when you say something like "well that shit is nasty i'd rather smoke headies" they give the classic "it is just weed it all gets you high!"... man do i hate when people say that.... apparently they still (after years of smoking) don't understand the vast differences between headies / swag or beast which is pretty amazing when you realize you are damaging your body with the drug... you would think most people would want to at least educate themselves... but nope, people just don't care.

Chef Dude

well i dont know as i want one that smokes more than I do, that would be way too expensive:joint: but i totally hear what youre saying about people not knowing the difference, it cracks me up when my roomate will go out and buy something that smells like burlap and mexican back sweat instead of waiting a few hours until we can aquire some dank. He will sit and smoke a half ounce in one sitting and get about half as high as me taking 4 or 5 pea sized swats from my gravity bong. and no matter how you try to explain it to him, even though he helps with my grow as well, he still prefers schwagg to dank. Crazy.


Girls just wan-na have fun! If your chick smokes schwag and don't bitch you are ahead of the game...

Lots of girls know good weed, grow good weed & love to smoke dank....

I'm tired of guys who go..."Wah Wah, all the weed's gone...All you do is smoke...You love that weed more than you love me...." (Usually they're right! hee hee)

& Wake and Bake....some guys act like that's the equivalent of downing a 6 pack for breakfast...."You're high all the time...You can't even wait till you get out of bed in the morning....Put down that bong and pay attention to me..."

It goes both ways guys....


My wife smokes me under the table on a regular basis too :)D), er, i mean, smokes more grass than me. God I love her.
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ICMag Donor
My nickname isnt the Chimney because I like to sit by the fireplace!! hehe I smoke wayyy more then my hubby! He tries to keep up but its a losing battle LOL
Colina!!! :wave:


Add me to the "my girlfriend smokes" just as much as I do. I remember when I first met her, we went camping and I brought a large sac of ECSD. She puffed every single bowl I did.... it was that day, i knew she was a keeper.


half cat half man half baked
Way back in HIGH school I gave up smoking for a girl...never again!

If someone is upset in a relationship and is properly educated about weed...than I would guess most often weed is just used an excuse for larger problems. On the flip side, it's a shame someone could be so dense to throw away a relationship with potential.

I want a girl that I can love like a dog, and vise-versa. It's a long and lonely road searching for unconditional love.. in the mean time, I continuously improve my own understanding of myself. Cannabis allows me to do this in a positive light :]

Chef Dude

I want a girl that I can love like a dog, and vise-versa. :]

couldnt have put it better myself, the only female in my life that has ever loved me unconditionally and always been there for me is my dog Lucy. If I could just figure out a way to get my girl to act like my dog, hmmm......

Chef Dude

and it would create probably the longest lasting relationships of any of those sites, and better quality as well. Not to mention the fact that the first date would be awesome, two bags, one bowl, one mutual love of cannabis. Ahh I can see the love flourishing already!!


Oh brother...... No wonder you guys are single....

Girl tip #1: Never say you want them to love you like your dog does.....:D


So my question is, do stoner girls actually exist? or is it a myth? I think that no matter how honest you are with a non toker, they will always be just that and close minded to our cause.

Dude, I just posted a thread about my realtionship of many years going down the tubes because my girl "changed" to someone who now hates MJ, and everything involved, people change alot and Cannabis is the easiest way to get back at someone..

They'll blame everything negative on your bud use and make you out to be a loser. There's always the exception, but most my friends have wives who are manipulative about MJ and actually get jealous or mad about it around the house. Just don't have high expectations that someone who already doesn't love Cannabis, will accept or always treat it and you with respect. They always seem to use it as a blackmail tool. If one day your children grow up and decide to try MJ, it will be your fault...Be careful! I've just seen it too many times, no one can be trusted unfortunately...


Oh come on guys, just find a girl that loves to grow/smoke weed and you'll be OK.

I don't like crackheads....so I don't date them and hope to change them.

Girl tip #2: Find somebody you like and don't want to CHANGE. You can't change people.

Chef Dude

If one day your children grow up and decide to try MJ, it will be your fault...Be careful! I've just seen it too many times, no one can be trusted unfortunately...

no when my kids try it, it will be because i encouraged it. at the proper age of course.