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I Need Help Getting Started Growing.


New member
I live my parents and they support my habit. but the one problem i keep running into is NO MONEY!!! so i would like to grow a single plant for my personal. but the problem is i have a brother that likes to steal and alot of people come over. i need a really stealthy way of growing this single plant. not because im scarred of getting caught but gatting my shit stolen. so any help or recommendations would help alot.


New member
Need help getting started.

Need help getting started.

I need some suggestions on how i can grow a single plant. idk what to use bc i dont want a plant just sitting in a room growing. everything seems like its ment to grow mass amounts of plants. i just need one. any suggestions? Please im in need of help.


Active member
I live my parents and they support my habit. but the one problem i keep running into is NO MONEY!!! so i would like to grow a single plant for my personal. but the problem is i have a brother that likes to steal and alot of people come over. i need a really stealthy way of growing this single plant. not because im scarred of getting caught but gatting my shit stolen. so any help or recommendations would help alot.

Go here and read this whole website. OverGrow.com FAQ (Recovered)

Keep in mind that some of the data isn't exactly accurate but was all intended in good faith.

Once you've done that, come here and read all the stickies in the micro forum.
Read all the stickies in the indoor soil and indoor hydro forum.

Make your decision as to what type of light you want to use, how big your cab can be according to the space you have, your options you'd like to use for odor control and ventilation.

THEN, come to the micro forum or equipment forum and post your ideas. We'll be more than happy to help you refine your ideas and get you started in the right direction.

There are no tutors here though. Quickest way to get information is to read up yourself and ask intelligent questions. :)

I'm looking forward to some great questions from you.

Be safe, be persistent and you will succeed.

As for your family? Love your brother to death, he'll leave you alone. Kill him with kindness. ('Cause it's illegal and permanent to kill them with bullets.)


*** Edit *** Unless you have some sort of privacy it will be extremely difficult to build this without anyone finding out. Patience is your friend here. You also might consider getting a job instead as it will allow you to afford more and also look good on your resume *** Edit *** (Doesn't matter if you're just a kid)
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Alot of help can be found here, in my own experience, but you have to take the initiative to go out (figurativley) and find some basic information for yourself. I believe it would be best to make sure your parents are fine with you growing, because if you get caught by the authoritys, their home, and assets can be taken away, and while I realize this sounds extreme, it can and will happen. Also, if your brother steals from you, that means he goes through ALL of your stuff, so I doubt youll be able to find a suitable way to grow without him finding out, other than locking your door when youre not home.


Do a lot of search. I've been reading on these boards for the past few weeks and finally mocked a Rubbermaid to grow in. Now I'm trying to get something to sprout. Reading is key, and there's a lot to learn. Good luck!


Why exactly are you posting this in MULTIPLE forums when you were given directions in the other thread? read the article you were given, read the stickies, its simple advice.

My next suggestion is that you take out the location of that little town in Iowa where you live. Iowa is not a med state and we do have law enforcement watching this website...
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Why exactly are you posting this in MULTIPLE forums when you were given directions in the other thread? read the article you were given, read the stickies, its simple advice.

My next suggestion is that you take out the location of that little town in Iowa where you live. Iowa is not a med state and we do have law enforcement watching this website...

Sure fire way to get busted!


First get a job and then look into growing. You're not going to be able to do much with no money!


stiky-well at least your good at pickin a username..nice one..i get it..

man why dont you try and get a hold of a clone? sounds like you got the want to...you just need some gear...

you can go over to nirvana and get some seeds to use if you cant scrounge a couple off the floor board...

i was out in iowa city a while back..man what a nice town...college town...lots of great little bars..downtown and all..did not have a lot of luck finding any weed at a place called the deadwood but it was a nice bar.., there are a lot of other bars around that allow smoking..and a couple good headshops...i had to have a couple care packages sent in..

but while i was there i saw on the news where a dude got busted with 66 pounds in his van at 2 am..so there is bound to be some out there..not far from shy town either.....they said he was speeding....what a bummer for that dude..i think that was over in coralville or liberty...

anyway i know they grow some killer weed out there and all the great hunting and fishing too...

one plant you may want to try is Jock Horror or Northern Lights X Big Bud...i think you could handle either one of those...i mean growin that is...that is some powerful weed I hear, I aint never smoked any myself...I am growin some right now though..so far it has been like walking the dog..not a problem other than some of my own screw ups on dirt.....I think either one of those would work for you..and for the money its hard to beat cause you end up with some good genetics, but if you dont care about that then just find some good smoke and see if you can get a good seed from deep within the bud..it may not matter but i've heard those are the female seeds..

what kind of light ya got? make sure you get a hold of some good dirt...dont screw around there...i recommend that promix...they have different flavors so get what the rest of these folks recommend, all i can get is bx and it works is all i can say..they are kind of proud of it though..$$$

get a good timer for flowering and a fan on that plant and you will be set...start out with 24 hour light for 30 days, then flip over with your timer to a 12/12...about 8 weeks later you could have some bud..be sure and dont tell anybody...not even the person you think you can trust...i know your girlfriend right? well thats a hard one...maybe you and her been together awhile maybe not..you better chew on that one...

anyway good luck with that and put up some pics if you can so we can admire your skills and all...

oh yeah i almost forgot-bookwise...look up marijuana botany, its online...you can print it out......it is a definite have to read.. also anything by ed rosenthal is good..


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This is the money you could be saving if you grow
I did a lot of research before starting my 1st indoor plant and have great success the 1st time out. I remember reading for like a month and then CFL's caught my attention and just my luck I had a few. I scrambled up just about everything I needed from old stuff laying around the garage. And as a coke fiend, I had plenty of 2 liter bottles.


facelift-why spend a bunch of cash on growin weed? you sound like me, if i cant build it or improvise it then yeah i may go buy it but i am all about low dollar and easy clean up...in case you need to tear down...

most times if someone gets caught they just keep your gear...so dont want to have anything that will hurt too bad to see taken

i figure i got $500 in everything..


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