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Soil is good, but coco is better

After a long bout with hydro setups, I switched to soil and had blessings when it came to the final product. I recently switched again to coco, and I will NEVER look back. For anyone in here that is having problems with soil, coco is your friend!




I have never got yeilds like this in my career as a grower! I have tried everything up until now with decent results. Nothing spectacular like I have received from my coco grow. Nothing against soil, but I love me some good weed! And if there is a better way to grow it, I would want to know. I was only in the soil and hydro forum forever and wished someone would have posted a coco grow. Good luck to all and happy growing!


Active member
thats awesome! Nice colas bro!
Can you explain to me what coCo is?
I've seen it, but do you grow in directly co-co?


yeah coco is legit.
taste is natural and its a little faster to finish than soil.
i love me canna coco.

donny darko

Hey bass they are some nice colas. What strain are they(chronic) and what size did they finish at. Again nice job.
peace darko
Thanks fellas! Bterzz, coco is a substrate made from the husks of coconuts. At any given time, even when fully saturated with water, it has approximately 30% oxygen in the root zone. On the bag of coco that I have it says you can feed up to 8 times per day. Kinda overkill if you ask me, but it is possible to feed them like a hydro setup. You get the texture of soil, with the explosive growth of hydro. Best of both worlds! Grey, I heard good things about Canna, but all I have near me is the Atami brand, but I have no compaints. Donny, these are cuts of AK47 from Serious seeds. Always wanted to try it, have one more AK to chop and some of their bubblegum as well. It smells sooo yummy! Thanks again!


East Coast Grower
I've always had trouble starting plants in soil, never really sure why. Been looking into coco alot for a possibility when I get a (more) permanent setup going. Always found it hard to find much definite info about it though, outside of posts around here. Those are some sick, gigantic buds btw nice work!

drip? hand water? any specifics? or advice for that matter?
100% coco with no fillers. Handwatered from day one. Started in beer cups, to 1 gallon pots, to 3 gallon at flower. Coco has EXPLOSIVE growth. From the 16oz cups to the 1 gallon, they were rootbound within 2 weeks. I used the 3part GH nutes drain to waste, with at least 10% runoff each time. There is really no advice I can give as it was really plain and simple to do. I have tried it all, and nothing has been soooo easy with sooo great results. I recommend anyone to go coco.


Hey nice work bass... I use a blend of soil and coco coir, 1 bag of ff ocean forest to every 1 block of coco then when i expand the coco i add guano and either pure blend pro or age old organics.also i throw in some some perlite and vermiculite just for even more oxygen. So far so good, ive also gone through hydro systems and just pure soil but this coco blend is explosive stuff...


Active member
me to bass, i have wondered why coco isn't more popular i guess it's just a matter of time, it's pretty amazing how forgiving it is, i have left my water system shut off for a couple days or could water them everycouple hours without my girls suffering. one of the trickyest parts of growing in the begining is judging watering needs/amounts/timing, i love my coco! it's interesting to hear you give the atami a thumbs up, i just picked up 10 bags and was wondering how it would stack up against the bio bizz stuff, just to look at it i wouldn't be able to tell it apart, iv'e also used the canna and i think they might all come from the same factory thats shredding coconuts like mad. your ak is crazy, what kinda yeilds pr plant can you pull with that strain? keep up the great work. i also have used coco in a soil mix with ff ocean forest and perlite and kelp bonemeal rockphosphate. and had some good sucess. many uses for coco. jc
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coco is godly~ huge yeilds, easy cleaning and cheapish....annnnnnd very good for root systems


like sugr :) very najs men ! post pictures with final medicine can by very very najs :) :nanana:

edit: i use coco too. for me it is the best medium ever. clean and healty thats my way
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This is my first round with the AK, but from experience, I am looking at a little over 2 zips a plant. Also, I didn't add anything to the coco. Everything that was fed to them was the GH line of nutes by following their aggressive veg and bloom formula's. Coco is amazing! I have a buddy that is a strict soil guy. I have him some 2 week old cuttings in coco, and he is a believer now! Also, I flower with a dual spectrum 1000w bulb for the first 4 weeks and then switch the bulb to a true 1000wHPS. Jocat, yeah you won't be disappointed with the Atami. If you want it to be even easier on you, look into the GH line and drain to waste. Nice and easy!!


Active member
iv'e been doing drain to waste with a few different nute lines but the GH iv'e yet to try, the canna line was where i started then i went a cycle with advanced nutrients monkey juice and now i'm using the van de zwan house and garden line, outa those three iv'e had the biggest most impresive buds from the HG food, there stuff is a little cheaper then the other two, like i care about a few bucks when it comes to feeding time i'll spend what i need to feed the best. is the GH a 2 part food? i did get some samples of a one part from the gro store, but i think it was botanicares new coco line, not sure. i was asking about the yeild because i just got an AK 47 clone and was wondering... your photos are impresssive and who nows if my clone can do that, i fucking hope so. jc


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
coco is inert correct? meaning there are 0 nutrients in it and you would need to add all of your supplements before you use it? I would like to try this. I only grow Organic and I use compost(the soil is very rich having been used and reused several times) Can coco be reused? or is a one time thing?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Please more info on the substrate!!!!!!!!! The only thing with sol you can have a very diverse colony of beneficial bacteria can you get the same from CoCo?
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Active member
i have used coco as a soil amendment with great success, i started down this path in search of a method of watering that could be set up and trusted to work while i was away for a couple weeks, i use a drain to waste system and did a run with soil/coco/perlite that was great, with this mix i could use less food in the water and water less often, soaked well every 2 days, as opposed to straight coco, i watered that daily, i think there is a lot of different ways to use coco and and you should try some. it's good for starting seedlings, i have a aero cloner and use it for speed rooting but for slow and sure i just dip 'em in dip'n'gro and set them in beer cups of coco in a warm rubbermaid with a 20 watt light, a viola' a couple weeks, maybe a little longer, ready or planting. cocorocks! jc

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