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How to grow the most and be Prop215 legal


Active member
I like how we have all these weight limits and stuff but having a scale around is considered evidence of sales.

How the fuck am I supposed to know how much I have if I don't have a scale? Also how am I supposed to measure my doses out. It's not like it comes in pill bottle all ready to go and all with dosages measured out. That's one of the dumbest catch22s IMO makes no fucking sense.


If you love life, don't waste time. For time is wh
You limit yourself with your 400 w bulb. The limits you speak of are guidelines, for the least amount you can have with out being challanged. In San Diego you can have 24 or fewer no questions asked. I have a rec for 52g/day, this I would have to justify. Suerte JK

San Diego says 24 but at the same time they don't seem to respect any MMJ. I have to wonder if this has even been challenged. They do seem to be getting better though... I think the people are getting tired of the state (county) disrepecting their right to vote.


I like how we have all these weight limits and stuff but having a scale around is considered evidence of sales.

How the fuck am I supposed to know how much I have if I don't have a scale? Also how am I supposed to measure my doses out. It's not like it comes in pill bottle all ready to go and all with dosages measured out. That's one of the dumbest catch22s IMO makes no fucking sense.
Absofuckinglutely insane. I talked with one person very knowledgeable about canna enforcement in general nationally, not just specific med laws, and he said as far as he knows EVERYONE that got caught with a scale and was nailed with something like 'intent to distribute' has not had those charges overturned in conjunction with the scale. It was something like that.

I've seen med peeps doing their utmost to stay within guidelines only to have their grows ripped and be charged because the ESTIMATED yield would have put them over the limit. What the hell does a non-grower know about how much a plant may yield...especially considering strain variance...indoors and out?


Resident pissy old man
The Mendo Appeals court ruled that any provision of SB420 that altered Prop 215 was unconstitutional. That included plant count and total weight. However, cops, esp. San Diego, will still probably tear everything down and make you prove in court that you are legal. It doesn't matter how many plants you have as long as no one knows you have them.


If you read www.calnorml.org and www.norml.org it talks about how the CA state supreme courts have ruled that ALL county limit restrictions are NULL because the residents didnt vote on them. Therefore, in AUG the state District Attorney set out new guidelines admiting the fact that while there are NO LAWS CURRENTLY ENFORCEABLE, he RECOMMENDS that you stick to the guidelines that the counties have illegally in place. So, bottom line is, do what you need & are comfortable with. Now is the time. Research your ass off, I have. The only guideline legally enforceable is the Federal 99 limit. Dont ask me why the fed's have a limit yet say its illegal.... Come on Obama, fix this with SCIENCE & FACTS
If you want to run small numbers look up LST & HST tech's and grow multi-headed monsters, scrog each one individually, FIM, ect. theres sooooo much good info here

good luck


If you read www.calnorml.orgTherefore, in AUG the state District Attorney set out new guidelines admitting the fact that while there are NO LAWS CURRENTLY ENFORCEABLE, he RECOMMENDS that you stick to the guidelines that the counties have illegally in place.
So if true then the county level people can come in, sheriff's people mainly but also local PD, and screw you over cause they can then fall back on state law which some counties follow...but...how can there be NO LAWS CURRENTLY ENFORCEABLE at the state level cause some counties have used state guidelines (215) as county guidelines.

Very interested in this really cause talking to someone about a coop in the county here and the more info the better before I chat with them...thanx. Honestly not too concerned about how MUCH can be grown cause for sure should be able to take care of people at the basic minimum allowable regarding plant count, canopy size and total weight, estimated and real, at any one particular time.


Smokes, lets go
If you read www.calnorml.org and www.norml.org it talks about how the CA state supreme courts have ruled that ALL county limit restrictions are NULL because the residents didnt vote on them. Therefore, in AUG the state District Attorney set out new guidelines admiting the fact that while there are NO LAWS CURRENTLY ENFORCEABLE, he RECOMMENDS that you stick to the guidelines that the counties have illegally in place. So, bottom line is, do what you need & are comfortable with. Now is the time. Research your ass off, I have. The only guideline legally enforceable is the Federal 99 limit. Dont ask me why the fed's have a limit yet say its illegal.... Come on Obama, fix this with SCIENCE & FACTS
If you want to run small numbers look up LST & HST tech's and grow multi-headed monsters, scrog each one individually, FIM, ect. theres sooooo much good info here

good luck

yeah so your saying grow what you need and if they say anything to you about your amount just explain your usage, plus my doctor goes to court if anyone has any trouble....

i hope things change soon, 50 is reasonable for everyone i think....i am stickin to about 12 for now i have never heard about a 12 plant bust anywhere.
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i have never heard about a 12 plant bust anywhere.
I've seen med growers run through the system for 10 plants so don't be so sure...even though they had a recommendation for that count!
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full time daddy
12 immature OR 6 mature?
this is SB420 ( witch can be challanged it self ) & it is OR not 12+6

prop 215 don't have plant limits.

every doctor i have been to ( witch is about 5 now ) says..... grow what you use and keep it reasonable ( he will tell you about how much u should be using weekly) i was told to use about 4 oz a week (3oz in edable's 1oz smoking) witch = to about 45 plants flowering with the style i grow.... my 2 roommates where told 2 oz a week witch again is about 20-25 plants each...... what we do is 90 flowering and 8 moms...

as long as you dont have mass ppl coming over to your place and buying brand new cars with no job you should be find with any where from 1- 50 plants..... if they every do stop by be nice & work things out with them most the time they will leave with no worrys ..........:2cents:
exactly. i have seen patients grow 6 plants under 6k perpetually. every plant gets 4-5 months of veg && training. they bring in a new plant every month. veg under t5 & t8s. yield around .75-1.5lbs per month and are COMPLETLY LEGAL. only 6 plants maturing at a time. (and it is 6 mature and 12 immature; 18 total)

that is the fucked thing about police. you could have 1000 plants in sog yielding less than what 6 or 7 heavy plants could produce.. but them only count plant numbers and each plant accounts for a pound. so by LEO definition those 6 plants is only 6 lbs,,,,as where those 1000 sog plants would be 1000lbs

sorry to jump in here but actually its 6 mature OR 12 immature, not AND, read SB420, I'm quite sure on the language...The intention of this was so that you could have 12 plants, veg them out, keep the best 6 to flower and kill the rest. You most definitely are not allowed 18 plants under sb420.


You most definitely are not allowed 18 plants under sb420.
SB420 has been overturned...hasn't it? Pretty sure Dr. Fry would recommend a higher plant count at times cause saw the paperwork...but she got convicted so don't know how valid those recommendations were. Have also seem recommendations for weight and not count.
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full time daddy
btw my brother just got popped with 480 plant's 4+ pounds ...... had a 1k bail spent less then 2 hr's in county.... da is more then likly going to drop most charges.... we even had his 3yr hair tested to prove there was no child endangerment (like they clam) there charges are turning into law suit's
SB420 has been overturned...hasn't it? Pretty sure Dr. Fry would recommend a higher plant count...but she got convicted so don't know ho valid those recommendations were.

Yeah it was deemed unconstitutional because it amended prop 215 without voter consent, however the state attorney general has indicated that they are still going to enforce the limits casually until something changes. Also it should be considered that most cops don't stay up to date on the latest caselaw, chp is particularly notorious for ignoring the law all together, lol.
btw my brother just got popped with 480 plant's 4+ pounds ...... had a 1k bail spent less then 2 hr's in county.... da is more then likly going to drop most charges.... we even had his 3yr hair tested to prove there was no child endangerment (like they clam) there charges are turning into law suit's

Thats cool but unfortunately everyone doesn't get treated like that...some people get turned over to the feds and do time in the pen, some people spend 10's or 100's of thousands of dollars on lawyers and bail bonds, some get their houses taken, some lose their jobs, families, or even their lives, over a few hundred plants...You come off a little cocky talking about it like its nothing...this is not the typical scenario for getting busted with 480 plants and 4+ pounds...thats called extremely lucky. I was caught with less than 100 plants and my bail was set at $750,000, and it cost me a shitload of money, a lot of stress and a couple weeks in jail.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
sorry to jump in here but actually its 6 mature OR 12 immature, not AND, read SB420, I'm quite sure on the language...The intention of this was so that you could have 12 plants, veg them out, keep the best 6 to flower and kill the rest. You most definitely are not allowed 18 plants under sb420.

Well, every county has their own guidelines and that is what they are "guidelines" not the end all be all fact. Doctors have always been able to reccomend larger numbers than the guidelines states and now with SB420 being overturned, plant count is not such a problem...
Well, every county has their own guidelines and that is what they are "guidelines" not the end all be all fact. Doctors have always been able to reccomend larger numbers than the guidelines states and now with SB420 being overturned, plant count is not such a problem...

yeah I wouldnt be too worried about plant count under 100


we even had his 3yr hair tested to prove there was no child endangerment (like they claim) there charges are turning into law suit's
No victim...no crime. Been learning something from a bro about the 'commercial remedy' for some of this med stuff...hope to share more later this month cause sounds really interesting.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Have you tried going vertical? It certainly was nice having the bottom buds on my plants being as big as my thumb.

Edit: Also, would tincture count against your allowed weight? Or just dry bud?
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