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Be careful who you hang with


What do you guys make of this?

I met a local grower who I teamed up with last year to do a small grow, we also had some other interests in common so sort of developed a friendship....
a friendship I may have to end.

Turns out he was in a car with someone this past week, and had some weed on him. The car owner got pulled over for a traffic violation, and my friend stashed his weed in the guys car somewhere, the cop did a search and found it. My friend didnt own up to it (using the excuse he couldnt afford it due to having weed at home and a prior violation for growing) and left the driver out to dry. Im pretty sure the driver got arrested, and I do know he lost his lisence for a year as a result of this, and will probably end up losing his job as a salesman for a big pharma company.

I have a good career and own a home...as a result I am VERY careful of who I hang with. I dont hang with people who take stupid risks or are careless, and I dont hang out with people who would leave others out hanging out to dry like that.....

What would you guys do?


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
There are no such things as partners.

There are only the witness for the prosecution and the defendant.

Which guy does this sound like?


obviously the former....I just thought this dude was more standup than that, let alone being smart enough not to drive around with weed like that.


Active member
trust is earned not given. I trust only one person with growing. I have been pinched with him and we both managed to make it through eight hour in a station without saying a word. We both took the same charge, with no witness the charges were dropped latter but, only after the prosecution offered both off us a deal to testify against the other.


So what do I do? Ive pretty much been blowing the guy off since this happened....and hes probably going to want to team up this year again. I guess Im just better off blowing him off and saying that the grow site was compromised somehow...


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
obviously the former....I just thought this dude was more standup than that, let alone being smart enough not to drive around with weed like that.

A guy I knew just got tagged with poss. w/intent, and took the time for it. This guy I would still work with. Why? Because he had more to lose than me. He had a grow and a 'dealership' that was beyond my own transgressions, and as any car salesman will tell you, you can't trade down.

If he has less to lose than you, you're fucked. Drop this guy like a bad habit, and try to figure out why the fuck you trusted this guy with a minimum of 5 years of your life.

Once you figure out the answer, you'll understand 'The Three L's' -
No smell, no tell, no sell.


If he has less to lose than you, you're fucked. Drop this guy like a bad habit, and try to figure out why the fuck you trusted this guy with a minimum of 5 years of your life.

Once you figure out the answer, you'll understand 'The Three L's' -
No smell, no tell, no sell.

Yeah thats pretty much what I figured I had to do....as to why I trusted him, Im not entirely sure. I guess I just figured he was smarter than that...prior to that I never told anyone anything about what I do, and only sold small amounts to some very close friends who had no idea where it came from...

I dunno. Ive been doing this for 10-15 years now, but now that Im 41, make close to 100k a year in a legit job and own a home that has over 100k in equity Im thinking its probably best I just stop fucking around with my life like that....

Maybe at some point I'll get back to doing a small outdoor or indoor grow, but Ive got to get this piece of rifraf out my life first...

pack a bowl

i don't get why people don't tell anyone.. but then they think they can tell at least "that one guy".... tell no one and you will never have to worry about similar problems. no ONE.


"Tell No One"
"No Smell, No Tell, No Tell"

They're simple lessons to learn and understand, but hard to follow. I'm certainly following these lessons (so far). It helps to have no real friends and to be used to everybody being different than you are. Most people don't live like that, though.
I dont care who you think you can trust, if theres even a 0.1% chance they're going to compromise anything your doing why take the chance? The only people I talk to about my grows are on here, I dont see why anyone would want to hand someone the power to potentially ruin everything they've worked hard for.....

As for this guy I would just tell him you've decided to take a rest from the mj. If he's the kind of guy who can leave someone hanging like that then whats to say you wont be next when the shit hits the fan?

Hope you managed to get all this sorted......


I had a friend once who was driving with weed in her pocket, blue lights behind us and she wanted to THROW IT OUT THE WINDOW..... duh.

I talked her out of it and stuck it in my pocket where it went unobserved. Next day she says "Where's my weed?" I just laughed and said "It's MY weed now".

What do ya'll think? I feel I kept her from a bust and holding weed while cops are arresting people means it's my weed, in my opinion. Do ya'll agree? She is still mad.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
So what do I do? Ive pretty much been blowing the guy off since this happened....and hes probably going to want to team up this year again. I guess Im just better off blowing him off and saying that the grow site was compromised somehow...

Just show some balls and tell him the truth of why you dont want to be partners. Doesnt do anyone any good if you lie about it . Tell him he just doesnt have the morals to share a grow with you and why you believe it.


Just show some balls and tell him the truth of why you dont want to be partners. Doesnt do anyone any good if you lie about it . Tell him he just doesnt have the morals to share a grow with you and why you believe it.

Thats probably what I'll do...I dont really like lying.
I simply cant imagine leaving someone out to hang like that, Id have a hard time looking at myself in the mirror.

Oh well...hope someone else reading this post learns something.
Nitetiger says it best:

"There are no such things as partners.

There are only the witness for the prosecution and the defendant."

fred norris

step one: buy a leather jacket

step two: tell him you joined a motorcycle gang

step three: tell him you have to go pick up your hot mama and rape and pillage.


stone fool
With or without him, you can not grow in the same spot again, think that through and you will see why.