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How to grow the most and be Prop215 legal


Smokes, lets go
I was wondering how I can grow big plants so that I can have enough to smoke + stay "cali state legal" at 12 immature + 6 mature (or is it 12 immature OR 6 mature?) anyway I already plan on using my 1k but is there any special way to make it so I maximize my yeild with so few plants?

What are the reason for the 12 immature 6 mature law I don't think that is enough for me at all to me honest, I would like to have about 16-25 i should have moved one county over where they allow 25 plants total........

anyway whats the best thing to do? Am i going to get into shit if I go over that 6/12 thing?????????

Also what about outdoor?


Active member
on this topic, I know that different counties set different plant limits.
what're your guy's thoughts on those?
I know in Santa Cruz county that you can have 36 plants or up to 100 square feet of canopy.
With marijuana being lowest police priority in SC county, I'd be tempted to go with the local and not the state #'s


Smokes, lets go
yea its kind of messed up in humboldt you could have 99 over here its 6 so wtf

its weird oakland has 72 or 99 i can't keep up with all of them

i think a reasonable number of budding plants is 16-25 because that would be enough for me. maybe some people smoke more but i seem to smoke an oz per week. it takes 3 months to grow 16 oz out of 16 plants i would assume, but im only allowed to bud 6 at a time? thats wack- thats only 6 oz per 3 months thats terrible, i can't survive with that plant limit so if i ever get "busted" and have to go to court thats what ill say because only 6 plants is a joke..... in my opinion.... i had more than 6 plants in high school in a non med state.... i didn't move here to grow less plants.....


some doctors will write recomendations that include specific verbage regarding higher plant count and weight (aka 99/6) due to circumstances (aka edible/topical use & production) and status (caregiver). It all depends of course on where you live, too.

Good luck man


Just Call me Urkle!!
yea my buddies all have different rec's in Sacramento where it's 12/6 bullshit and one is allowed 30 plants another was told he could run unlimited amount and I saw it! Then theres the one who has 10sq ft of cannopy so I'm not sure what to do about it! I know I can't even fit 6 big plants in the space I have so the only way for me to produce meds and keep them coming is to go DrBud style and run bigger numbers but I'm under 10 sq ft and I see in some counties where it's 12 or 6 you can have that or 10 sq ft of cannopy so I'm going with that and if I end up in court I'm sure the jury will laugh about a desk full of CFL's and over 40 plants with less total weight than the guy who grew 13 huge plants so they need to fix that shit already...


Smokes, lets go
I have plenty of space and light but i want to keep my numbers in the single digit range...whats the best way to grow big plants with 400w cmh in veg 1k in flower?


Freedom Fighter
I have plenty of space and light but i want to keep my numbers in the single digit range...whats the best way to grow big plants with 400w cmh in veg 1k in flower?

Happy 1000th post!!:yoinks:
Get strains that are high yielders, and do it in soil-- I know hydro can do it faster...but soil does it bigger--:joint:

Jalisco Kid

Active member
You limit yourself with your 400 w bulb. The limits you speak of are guidelines, for the least amount you can have with out being challanged. In San Diego you can have 24 or fewer no questions asked. I have a rec for 52g/day, this I would have to justify. Suerte JK


Active member
yea my buddies all have different rec's in Sacramento where it's 12/6 bullshit and one is allowed 30 plants another was told he could run unlimited amount and I saw it! Then theres the one who has 10sq ft of cannopy so I'm not sure what to do about it! I know I can't even fit 6 big plants in the space I have so the only way for me to produce meds and keep them coming is to go DrBud style and run bigger numbers but I'm under 10 sq ft and I see in some counties where it's 12 or 6 you can have that or 10 sq ft of cannopy so I'm going with that and if I end up in court I'm sure the jury will laugh about a desk full of CFL's and over 40 plants with less total weight than the guy who grew 13 huge plants so they need to fix that shit already...

You can grow 12 or 6 regardless...they [counties] cannot make it less, so if its over their 10SFT limit...oh well, as long as you are at or under your limit.

Greyskull....your right...a Dr. can write the rec for whatever numbers they want...but I'm not sure what you mean by "depends on where you live" ??


Greyskull....your right...a Dr. can write the rec for whatever numbers they want...but I'm not sure what you mean by "depends on where you live" ??

Not every doctor is willing to "go the extra step" for the grower/caregiver.
Seems to be based on where the doctor is and what the climate is where they practice.


As i understand it the countys up north had a 99 plant cap, but, you had to grow it in a 100sqft area. Now everyone knows ya cant grow 99 plants in that small of a space without overcrowding which in the end will definately get you less weight than if you grew 50, unless of course your doing micro sized plants with single colas. The law knows that you cant fit 99 in an aea that size but they didn't want any complaints about numbers. So they made it 99 in an area 100sqft. That way they still have controll without the belly achin about how many a patient should be allowed to cultivate. It was supposed to be an experiment that took in about 5 countys.
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Smokes, lets go
Happy 1000th post!!:yoinks:
Get strains that are high yielders, and do it in soil-- I know hydro can do it faster...but soil does it bigger--:joint:
Thanks man! 1000th post woohoo
I am doing soil now I was going to go hydro after I do this run though, although- why do you say that soil grows bigger buds whats your technique?

some doctors will write recomendations that include specific verbage regarding higher plant count and weight (aka 99/6) due to circumstances (aka edible/topical use & production) and status (caregiver). It all depends of course on where you live, too.

Good luck man

Well in my county the book says 6mature (OR) 12 immature..... thats crazy (basically the min. allowed in state) and no where near enough for me unless i can just grow huge plants.... and my whole point of this thread is for tips to grow big indoor plants... or ways around the plant numbers but that dosn't sound like its gonna happen sounds like i gotta grow some christmas trees indoors......

You can grow 12 and 6 regardless...they [counties] cannot make it less, so if its over their 10SFT limit...oh well, as long as you are at or under your limit.

Greyskull....your right...a Dr. can write the rec for whatever numbers they want...but I'm not sure what you mean by "depends on where you live" ??

My doc already wrote my script and it says nothing about a plant limit or anything like that, can it be changed? it just says the he reccomends MMJ for my condition as it is beneficial for my symptoms, it also says that I shouldn't drive while smoking and other stuff but nothing about a plant limit...

You limit yourself with your 400 w bulb. The limits you speak of are guidelines, for the least amount you can have with out being challanged. In San Diego you can have 24 or fewer no questions asked. I have a rec for 52g/day, this I would have to justify. Suerte JK
Ive got waaay more than a 400 i dunno if you read the whole post but I got a 400 just for veg and thats just for me my roomate has a 400 for veg and i have a 1k and he has a 1k so total watts if need be can reach 2800 watts but i only run 2k max at a time for flower and 800w cmh for veg I guess if i needed to I could run the 400wers with hps's in them along with 2 1k's the area we are using is a 4x9 tent 6'7" tall plenty of room so im trying to figure out the best way to grow 12 huge plants in the 4x9 thats legal in my county

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
grow bigger plants?

exactly. i have seen patients grow 6 plants under 6k perpetually. every plant gets 4-5 months of veg && training. they bring in a new plant every month. veg under t5 & t8s. yield around .75-1.5lbs per month and are COMPLETLY LEGAL. only 6 plants maturing at a time. (and it is 6 mature and 12 immature; 18 total)

that is the fucked thing about police. you could have 1000 plants in sog yielding less than what 6 or 7 heavy plants could produce.. but them only count plant numbers and each plant accounts for a pound. so by LEO definition those 6 plants is only 6 lbs,,,,as where those 1000 sog plants would be 1000lbs
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and my whole point of this thread is for tips to grow big indoor plants... or ways around the plant numbers but that dosn't sound like its gonna happen sounds like i gotta grow some christmas trees indoors......

ahhhh..... well you know greyskull is retarded!!!

yeah dude like BHT is saying its all about vegging them bitches for a good long long time. There's a chapter in one of Ed Rosenthal's Marijuana Success Volume 2 - Grow A Great Garden called "Growing In The Limits" that is all about what you are needing to do to produce heavy and stay within the confines of stated plant counts. Pics show 6 plants, each under its own 1000hps. THATS A WAY! I would definately check out the book (and other by Ed).

The judge probably won't care of its 12 gargantuan treees of 40 sad little sticks... its the count you truly have to be cognizant of (and you are - good job!) because plant count is what the judge is most likely to base decisions off of.

I hope this is better/more helpful info tha what I had previously posted bro
good luck!
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Smokes, lets go
exactly. i have seen patients grow 6 plants under 6k perpetually. every plant gets 4-5 months of veg && training. they bring in a new plant every month. veg under t5 & t8s. yield around .75-1.5lbs per month and are COMPLETLY LEGAL. only 6 plants maturing at a time. (and it is 6 mature and 12 immature; 18 total)

that is the fucked thing about police. you could have 1000 plants in sog yielding less than what 6 or 7 heavy plants could produce.. but them only count plant numbers and each plant accounts for a pound. so by LEO definition those 6 plants is only 6 lbs,,,,as where those 1000 sog plants would be 1000lbs

Exactly what I was looking for! Yes I want to do something like that, 1k for each plant sounds awesome just a lot of veg time and training it sounds like...

But, it sounds like for my situation, I should veg and train for about 2 months per plant since I am growing 12 under 2k instead of 1 under 1k...

Eventully though, I will want to do something like 1 plant per 1k but for now at least I know what im trying to do isn't impossible....

and greyskull ;) You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Greyskull again.


Smokes, lets go
exactly. i have seen patients grow 6 plants under 6k perpetually. every plant gets 4-5 months of veg && training. they bring in a new plant every month. veg under t5 & t8s. yield around .75-1.5lbs per month and are COMPLETLY LEGAL. only 6 plants maturing at a time. (and it is 6 mature and 12 immature; 18 total)

that is the fucked thing about police. you could have 1000 plants in sog yielding less than what 6 or 7 heavy plants could produce.. but them only count plant numbers and each plant accounts for a pound. so by LEO definition those 6 plants is only 6 lbs,,,,as where those 1000 sog plants would be 1000lbs

oh dude i just found this about the 6 and/or 12 thing

"state default guidelines of 6 mature [or] 12 immature plants and 8 oz. of dried processed marijuana. "

that sucks- i really wish that would change that to and instead of or but according to that page i found its OR but maybe (hopefully) you can prove me wrong...


Active member
4. Possession Guidelines:

a) MMP:2 Qualified patients and primary caregivers who possess a state-
issued identification card may possess 8 oz. of dried marijuana, and may
maintain no more than 6 mature or 12 immature plants per qualified patient.
(§ 11362.77(a).) But, if “a qualified patient or primary caregiver has a
doctor’s recommendation that this quantity does not meet the qualified
patient’s medical needs, the qualified patient or primary caregiver may
possess an amount of marijuana consistent with the patient’s needs.”
(§ 11362.77(b).) Only the dried mature processed flowers or buds of the
female cannabis plant should be considered when determining allowable
quantities of medical marijuana for purposes of the MMP. (§ 11362.77(d).)

b) Local Possession Guidelines: Counties and cities may adopt
regulations that allow qualified patients or primary caregivers to possess medical marijuana in amounts that exceed the MMP’s possession
guidelines. (§ 11362.77(c).)

c) Proposition 215: Qualified patients claiming protection under
Proposition 215 may possess an amount of marijuana that is “reasonably
related to [their] current medical needs.” (People v. Trippet (1997) 56
Cal.App.4th 1532, 1549.)

If you don't have city or county limits then you go by the states limits SB420.

If you have county/city limits go by those.

If you really feel like you can prove it go with option C cuz technically your allowed to have any amount that is reasonably related to your current medical needs.

That's the scoop.

Santa cruz has the most liberal limits with 3# per patient allowed 99sqft garden canopy and no plant limit.


Registered Med User
I heard they through it out in court and said it was unconstitutional to put limits on medicine plant counts. I was over my limit in #'s when the police ran through my shit and they was waitin on the sargent to come or call in and overheard um talkin about it, then they let me go. Id try to stick to the limits anyways tho.


I'd simply look at weight and canopy size limits...especially if growing outdoors cause plant count is irrelevant. I worked on a farm for a summer and we had everything going with a few plants expected to yield as little as a lb all the way up to at least one that was gonna do over 15 lbs.

I like BHT's recommendation of the perpetual garden with 6 plants vegged for a long time. It would take a few months before you'd start to get something but then from then on out nice and steady.

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