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SR71 Strainguide and Clones

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Anyone know what the deal is with Blue sky's Hindu Skunk and 'Pot of Gold'? They are basically the same thing? I'm confused, and hella stoned. What gives?


The revolution will not be televised.....
Dude you truely are from the shallow end of someone's genetic pool. Reread the thread and educate your self once and for all.


Hey purrpullkush, I could see where you might think my #'s are blowed up and Im a big fat liar and all that.... however, last run I only put 5 DCSC in there on a table of 50 plants and thats what I got. In no way am I saying that I will get that with 72 DCSC in there on 1 table, but thats what I pulled last run. In the table last time I had the 5 of them in there with 5 PurpleKush, 6 AK, 9 BG, 25 Hindu Skunk, for a total of 50 plants. Sorry for any confusion. And Im about day 23 right now, so we will see what happens... I am doing 72 x DCSC in 1 4x8 table and I hope to get about 1.8-2 #'s per light, but maybe im dreaming.. Looking great though... Ill keep u posted.

Day 23 DCSC

DCSC is the back table
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Hi everybody,I have been following this thread for a while and I had to chime in on the Jack The Ripper from Blue Sky,I am a Noob to you guys,as this is my first post here.i am A med patient and bay area local breeder.I have been smoking bud for 30 years and growing for about 25 years.I am also running the JTR from Blue Sky and wanted to scrog it based on the short plant pheno featured in the Oaksterdam Nursery Brochure.However I got all three pheno types!Short(pink lemonade)medium(soilent green)amd tall(lemango) Impossible to scrog! IMHO The tall pheno is fast veg ready to flip at 12 days.medium and short pheno are SLOW veg, 28days to get up to size.Tall girls were F.I.M. and bent over and tied down.The Lemango canopy is still a foot taller than the pink lemonade! I talked to the guys from the nursery and let them know all 3 phenos are present.The medium pheno stands out from the others as well.It is the fattest of the lot and Subcool says it is the Highest yielding pheno as well as being the haze pheno.I spoke to Richard about this last night.So the Owner of the Blue Sky has heard it from me,just like I am telling it to you.These 3 phenos don't look just a little different from each other either.They look like completely different plants in structure.Tall girl grows like bamboo,short girl looks like a beautiful little Christmas tree.The medium is built like the short,but has different leaves much larger buds and was the first to show resin.I have done all I can to straighten this out for everyone.My post can be wordy but I try to stay on topic and be informative.I gave Oaksterdam nursery a huge breeders pack of a train wreck cross,They have enough beans to pick the winner not just 10 or 20 seeds.I hope to see it available someday soon.I will give a harvest report on the JTR when it finishes. JTR very stealthy plant.4 weeks into flower and "ZERO ODOR IN GROW ROOM" BUT IF YOU TOUCH THE BUD IT SMELLS LIKE LEMONS.


Hey there Oaksterdam seeds........ I also grew out a JTR in my last grow and I was terribly dissappointed too. The plant I got was the tall stretchy phenotype, and not even a great example of that less desirable pheno. When I spoke to a few of the Skunkworks employees I was told that the shorter pheno that was found and picked as the early winner was throwing off nanners like crazy and had to be tossed..... the tall one was kept and now seems to not be the highest quality in terms of finished product and also has some hermie tendencies... prolly gonna drop that too...
As far as 3 phenos off one mother..... well maybe "they are hyper sensitive to indoor micro climates" ..........nah....... Jason King said that in a book somewhere about the Purple Erkle i think... had to laugh... maybe the guys @ the nursery lied to me and they kept 3 phenos... but i doubt it... Big ups on hookin the guys up with fresh seeds though.... I did the same with some dope f1s from a project born around here... tThe dried product is quickly becoming legendary... You'll see it soon.
I was also assured by the nursery guys that there are some new strains ON THE WAY! They were taking pics of a test grow on Wednesday so.......

This is Blue SKY's Deep Chunk x STrawberry Cough @ 26 days


Hey Oak-seeds, Good lookin out, thanks for the info. I have 6 JtR right now in veg, must be medium or short pheno cause they sure are taking their sweet time. Growing about as fast as the purple kush. How about a smoke report? Still to new? What is the 'wreck' cross? You may be a nube here, but 20+years of experience is always welcome!


Hey purrpullkush, I could see where you might think my #'s are blowed up and Im a big fat liar and all that.... however, last run I only put 5 DCSC in there on a table of 50 plants and thats what I got. In no way am I saying that I will get that with 72 DCSC in there on 1 table, but thats what I pulled last run. In the table last time I had the 5 of them in there with 5 PurpleKush, 6 AK, 9 BG, 25 Hindu Skunk, for a total of 50 plants. Sorry for any confusion. And Im about day 23 right now, so we will see what happens... I am doing 72 x DCSC in 1 4x8 table and I hope to get about 1.8-2 #'s per light, but maybe im dreaming.. Looking great though... Ill keep u posted.
Sup everyone, just my :2cents:... daddyhaze was not trying to embellish, confuse, or impress... he just was not very clear in conveying that it was a mixed table of mixed conditions. He is aware that it won't be a linear scale in yield & outcome, particularly knowing that not all plants are lit up or otherwise "resourced" equally.

As far as the yield per plant, I can personally vouch for that as I was there to help trim... and smoked a nice portion of that pull, too. :D

Not trying to play any "supporting sides" crap, just telling it like it is. For those of y'all who know me from my previous usernames should know that I don't mess around with false information of any kind, including embellished yield reports.

Krakatoa, what's up brother... hit me up sometime, anytime.
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Hi CT, good to see you back...

I wanted to give a final report on the SR-71 DCxSC.

I chopped my little plant two days ago, and the results were pretty disappointing. But there was a bright side...


It's strange how you can be looking at a plant for almost two months, and not really know what the buds are going to be like until you chop the plant. I don't like to touch my plants much, so it's at trimming time when I find out what's really going on.

For me, and of course your mileage may vary, I got the worst calyx-to-leaf ratio I've ever grown on any plant. When I started to trim the buds, I found there wasn't much actual bud underneath the leaves. Sure, there was some bud, but it wasn't as firm or structured as a normal pot plant.

I'm confident it's not about my setup, because the SR-71 Purple Kush, and about 15 other varieties I've grown in the last two years, never had this lack of bud structure. There's just a lack of substance underneath the very beautiful frosty leaves.

Now for the good news. Although the SR-71 Purple Kush gets frosty in a fine sand kind of way, the DCxSC gets frosty in a gravelly kind of way. I mean the trichomes are tall and thick and they coat every leaf near the calyx, and even nearly half of the fan leaves. When it comes to trichome production, I'd have to put the DCxSC way up at the top of all the varieties I've grown out.

So, after I got frustrated trying to trim and trim only to find more trimming down to a nub, I just chopped up the entire plant like it was trimmings and popped it into my Bubble Bags (1 gallon - 4 Bags), and I got an amazing amount of fine bubble hash out of the DCxSC.

I think the trimmings would have weighed out at about an ounce dried, and I got about two grams of bubble hash out of it, which is a pretty impressive run for me.

So, if you're looking for a hash plant, the SR-71 DCxSC would be my number 1 pick. If you're looking for buds, the DCxSC doesn't cut it at all, at least not for me.

Honestly, the SR-71 Purple Kush remains my top plant, but I really have mixed feelings about EVERY ONE of their other offerings.


So, if you're looking for a hash plant, the SR-71 DCxSC would be my number 1 pick. If you're looking for buds, the DCxSC doesn't cut it at all, at least not for me.

Honestly, the SR-71 Purple Kush remains my top plant, but I really have mixed feelings about EVERY ONE of their other offerings.
I've never grown any SR-71/BlueSky strains, but after smoking & seeing others grown, I feel the same way from the sidelines.
Hey daddyhaze,

I am sorry it took me so long to join this site.IC is where to be and is the best site I have found,with lots of locals and global neighbors.I did Speak to Rich at the Meassure Z meeting last night about the JTR and he seemed surprised to hear about 3 pheno's.But like I described,I got all three out of only 2 cubes.6 Tall 1 Medium and 5 short! The medium is the fat haze pheno.If they are having problems with the short and the tall.perhaps they should just sell the high yield haze pheno and call it a day.lol The medium pheno smells the least like lemons though out of the three,but it's the fattest bud with the most resin.Rich said they might just scrap the whole dam thing anyway.Maybe they will change the ad in the catalog to "SMELLS LIKE LEMON BUT LOOKS LIKE NANNERS!"LOL I hope they don't toss it,because this is the absolute lowest odor profile strain I have ever grown,even less than master kush. 4 weeks into flower and NO ODOR AT ALL !!!For that reason alone it is worth keeping on board for beginners with no odor control or those of us who have not invested in a carbon scrubber.I am over a month away from a smoke report but it looks promising and smells even better if you touch the buds.I run a dozen in 4 gallon square pots (recycled cat litter buckets) of 60/40 pearlite to Happy frog,lots of room for roots.I am downsized to a 12 sq feet room and run a total of 800 watts HPS and a 100 watt cfl in a dark corner that needs a little help.I don't think Bluesky is trying to pull a fast one on any of us,I am inclined to think the real problem is outsourcing on the vendors end of it.Outsourcing has f*cked up America & to think that our Subculture is impervious to it would be naive.I always say "if you let someone else do it for you,they will always end up doing it to you".lol I gave them around a hundred beans altogether of my Trainwreck hybrid.It is a cross of Arcata train wreck from seed (Oregon purple Thai pheno)mother, and also from seed a Black Afghan Jet Fuel Kush IBL father (JFK) is also known as Jet,Jet Fuel,back petrol and probably a few others .The plant is very short and the branches and stems smell like gasoline.The jfk bud tastes like black cherry or plums and is musky but does not have a fuel taste.The cross produced 2 main pheno's , a tw pheno and a kush pheno.The Train wreck pheno is the winner of the two.It has a slightly higher yield than traditional train wreck and the flavor and high are superior.imo
The flavor of the smoke is like strawberry cheesecake with a sprig of mint.But flavor is in the tongue of the beholder.lol the overall TW flavor is not lost though,It just got an extra layer of cheesy fruit flavor layered on top.The Tw mother was a great pheno that tasted like every other wreck I have smoked,but if you let it run 9+ weeks it gets very cheesy-skunky on top of the usual pinesol tw flavor; She is fun to watch growing because she shows resin about 6 days after starting to flower and the buds have "STACKED TRICHOMES"at day 12.shows underlying black pigment right from the start of flower as well it finishes in about 9 weeks bottom to top.When all the hairs are dark,it is done and ready to pick (like a turkey timer)no harvest window guesswork. The smell of the flowers in bloom is strawberry and sandalwood but starts getting a cheesy skunk smell at 6 +weeks(stinks up the grow room worse than traditional tw ),The one negative of the cross IMHO.The High report goes like this.Exhilarating soaring sativa high with a nice Psychedelic head rush with nice milder waves of visuals to follow.Smoke is very expansive and blows up your lungs if you aren't careful or expecting it.The kush adds an extra body high as well as the trippy visuals.
I have compared my hybrid to the original and prefer mine,but obviously I can't be completely unbiased in my judgment.lol I chose the name midnight train because the milky trichs against the underlying black pigment looked like a star filled sky when i looked at the macros and under a view scope.It was original going to be called Midnight Train Wreck,but when I did a web search on the name,It turned up in the Urban dictionary as a nasty sex maneuver.lol So it was shortened to Midnight Train.Hope my Midnight train makes it all the way to Georgia.lol I can only hope my beans are in apt hands and they will pick the correct pheno.Tw pheno dreads its towered calyxes at week 5 the kush pheno forms a teardrop shape bud.Easy to pick the tw pheno.But they look almost the same until week 5.The tw has much more branching and the kush pheno is mostly a single cola that finishes long after the tw type.I have distributed these breeders packs to harborside as well as many other growers.So I hope to see it show up as I have given it to about 15 different growers. I didn't put all of my eggs in one basket!!(Blue Sky)lol If you were one of the growers who got the freebies,Please post pics thanks
I don't want anyone to think I am Knocking Blue Sky or their gear.I have known Richard for the last 8 years and have a great deal of respect for the man and I am Working on a Namesake strain for him this Summer.I had a name picked out already but when I told him,he suggested The name he would like instead,I told him it sounded good and will proceed with his blessing.I would like to give them credit for their generous donation of clones in my quest for breeding stock.They have helped me more than any other club.Harborside has been a little tougher to work with.But they were okay with me once they realized I was nonprofit and just wanted to give out freebies to anyone that needs them.I guess not too many people go in there to give them something free,no strings attached.I never imagined giving away free seeds would be so tough,lol I have always stood by Blueskies gear,but their reputation has been a little tarnished recently with my JTR experience, fizzled-out hindus and the disappointing (candy shiva-my friends grow not mine).On a high note they have made up for my lame clones with free replacements or a discount.But nothing can replace the time lost due to clones that don't have the high standrads of days past. Every clone in the old days had tons of roots and always took off right away.I have had some runts and even unrooted cuttings that died in the last year.So I can no longer guarantee success to new growers by recommending their gear.I used to buy blindly but now I look to see if they have roots .It is rare to see a cube that shows all six clones fully rooted.I have lost 2-3 weeks nursing these things just to get them to root sometimes.I still trust their gear over C.A.R.E. gear any day. I have had all the hermies and weak genetics I can stand from them.I don't feel like playing Russian roulette with their clones anymore.Oaksterdam Nursery needs to shape up,get rid of weak or unstable strains and let their cubes root an extra week or two,so we don't have to nurse their babies.They are The "nursery" not us.When I get babies I want healthy babies ready for Kinder-Garden not preemies that need an incubator.I am just being honest and fair.So don't shoot the messenger.lol


its420 :D
the lineage im talking about

Blue sky's Hindu Skunk and 'Pot of Gold'
Was told the father and mother are switched

so the mother on one say POG is the same breed of the father of HS
and the father on say HS is the same breed as the mother on POG


thats what the blue sky told me



I coudnt agree more Oak, Im nursing my Blue sky clones WAY more than all the rest i purchased elsewhere. I was buying on reputation. I am keeping my fingers crossed for the next few months, but im already two weeks behind waiting for the HS, PK, and JtR that i got from them. The PK they did give me half priced because I said they were so lame, but had heard such good things. I came down from SAC so I had to take what I could get. They were hardly helpful. It was good I had read this thread and talked the price down on the PK. I run a plant nursery (Landscape and Ornamental's) and In our industry it is unacceptable to sell plants that arent fully rooted, hence the name nursery. So I am not unhappy per say, just calling them out in a descriptive, not derogatory way. I second what Oak's sentiments are....Higher Standards, be the trendsetter, this is an opportunity to corner the market, if you had the quality. My humble opinion and two cents.
good to know greenhit, thanks....good lookin out
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