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Well my Court case is over


Well im pretty excited about it being done and over with, here's the story

Two detectives, showed up early one morning looking for a previous resident. After advising the cops that the suspect they where looking for, who violated probation lived nexted door, they asked if they can still search the house. My girlfriend who answered the door said no, because she was about to leave for school and she didnt want to be late. Anyways the cops proceeded into the house and searched and found my babies

Yeah i know it sounds like a wtf im not guilty kinda case but it wasn't. I hired a lawyer who did a pretty good job even though we took the deal. Reasons for taking the deal was based on previous research on the judge who was assigned to my case. He was known to side with the cops no matter what. So needless to say, after denying 4 different deals from the state. I was offered to plea no contest on drug paraphernalia aka (the lights, ballast etc,) which is a misdemeanor charge. and all other felony charges where dismissed, No probation, and 1 day time served ( the day i was arrested).

I still have a feeling that i would have beat the case, but knowing how cops twisted the truth, they could easily said they smelt something or saw something that gave them probable cause

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Well-known member

Hey bro you took what you felt like was the best deal for the situation no need to down play that. I would take that deal also vs a felony plea any day.

You live to grow another day.


You gotta do what you gotta do as dumb as that sounds, you're not worrying about who you're sleeping with tonight.Believe me that matters, apart fron no felony.All the best and I'm sure one of those cops will step on a rusty nail someday and he'll never know why...Chaco.


668, Neighbor of the Beast
Good news! Sounds like it could have been a lot worse.

Sucks that they violated your rights and committed crimes to convict you for a crime but I guess thats the society we live in now. At least you are free!!!!


ICMag Donor
I am glad you got off lightly but two things come to mind... one it was an illegal search so even if they found a dead body it should have been thrown out. two... paraphernalia??? what if you were growing tomatoes or jalapeños? would it still be considered paraphernalia?


yeah my case was so iffy, i had like 15 plants the man limit in fl is 24, i had 7 in flowering which according to the police report i had 6 pounds, and 24 plants. I guess there point is if ur growing ur growing. Its messed up obama needs to change these drug laws because if ur growing for personal reasons it should not be a problem regardless of what state ur in. I understand that if ur growing commercial that should be a different issue. I spent 5k on a lawyer im broke now, lol i obviously wasnt growing to fund my bank account, but at least im not in jail or with a felony charge trying find a job.

Well on a good note. I pulled off 1 grow while awaiting trial. and as said previously im free to grow another day.


That's as good as you could have goten without getting it dropped. Kudos to the attorney.

This is Great news for you, as it's scary crap to have a felony MJ bust hanging over you. -Light a FATTY for freedom from this vice and DAM the law's!

- I have a court date VERY soon on my bust and am hoping to report as good or better news

Have a good day

Good luck to u bro, its a very stressful experience but with a good lawyer who isnt gonna bullshit u u'll be fine.
i left from 18months of probation, drug classes, judification with held on me
my girl friend 6 months probation and a misdemeanor

then they offered no probation and a felony charge for both of us

then the day before the trail after i had like 50 different witness lol ( most weren't even relevant lol)
the dropped off the felony and added the misdemeanor so i was like cool

The bottom line is u didn't do anything wrong, growing weed doesn't make u a bad person
so try not to jump on the first deal they make, most likely if ur found guilty the judge is gonna give u the same deal or similar.

good luck bro
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Active member
man you came out smelling like a rose or a dank nug. hope like hell I do as well, go to prelem tommorow.


Its messed up obama needs to change these drug laws because if ur growing for personal reasons it should not be a problem regardless of what state ur in. I understand that if ur growing commercial that should be a different issue.

Are you special? Do you have some god given right to have weed but others who cant grow or choose not to grow should not? Its OK for me to go to jail but not you?

Glad you got off

I am curious though. How would you have won at trial unless the search was deemed illegal and everything found would have been thrown out? That should have been done before trial. Or when you say trial do you mean a hearing to throw out the search?


Are you special? Do you have some god given right to have weed but others who cant grow or choose not to grow should not? Its OK for me to go to jail but not you?

Glad you got off

I am curious though. How would you have won at trial unless the search was deemed illegal and everything found would have been thrown out? That should have been done before trial. Or when you say trial do you mean a hearing to throw out the search?

It all boils down to the judge really, and i didnt want to take that chance, yeah im pretty sure the search was illegal. but past cases with this judge what ever the cop did seemed to rule. The police report which my girlfriend signed after they searched was the iffy part. That paper said the search was legal, so that alone boils it down to a 50/50 chance.

I went to the hearing 3 days before the actual trail or hearing, the one where u call up witness etc. Before the deal was put on the table so i took it. To be honest with u i would have went thru with the case if it was just my life on the line, but i had my gf to worry about so i took the best offer that would not totally hinder her life. But as for me, if i got probation or went to jail i can always get out later and grow again, she cannot. If i got probation that would totally throw my career into a loop so i opted for this offer

This case was a probation case which could easily go south because of her signing the police report which had false information on it, dont ask y she did idk.

But Yes i am special lol. I didnt intent to make it sound like i alone can have weed, that pretty ridiculous. What i said is for growers who are growing for personal uses which the florida law was adjusted too, which was 24 plants from 300 should not even have to worry about anything, even if i cop shows up nothing should happened, because its his personal plants.

If u have 300 plants now that does not fall into a personal cat. so how does this makes me special??

All i intended to say was mj laws need to change, if not totally legal which i doubt it but semi legal where anyone can have a certain not ridiculous amount. Im positive they can firgure something out.


Active member
But Yes i am special lol. I didnt intent to make it sound like i alone can have weed, that pretty ridiculous. What i said is for growers who are growing for personal uses which the florida law was adjusted too, which was 24 plants from 300 should not even have to worry about anything, even if i cop shows up nothing should happened, because its his personal plants.

If u have 300 plants now that does not fall into a personal cat. so how does this makes me special??

All i intended to say was mj laws need to change, if not totally legal which i doubt it but semi legal where anyone can have a certain not ridiculous amount. Im positive they can firgure something out.

All hes saying is why is he more of a criminal when your doing the same thing...
He's just more ambitious.


Active member
i don't know about anyone else here but i am personally glad there are commercial growers out there willing to risk there balls. if it wasn't for commercial growers its likely MOST of use would have never smoked, thus MOST of us wouldn't be smoking or growing.
i can't grow all the time nor do i want to so because of commercial growers i can still toke when i want to. and believe me not all commercial growers are greedy or have shit weed.
i have smoked some DANK ASS commercial and i know people who grow commercial that provide for there family. just what is wrong with that???


wow that went way over my head, i get what he's saying. My current grow im actually starting to head in that direction so i understand. I understand also if i get busted ill not pass go ill go straight to jail. So i wasnt referring to me or Yamaha or anyone with big grows. I was refering to the average newbie who grows one or two plants for there personal stash, there should be nothing wrong with that. Yeah i get the point if there is nothing wrong with that why would there be something wrong with a huge 300 plant grow. I understand that totally.


Good job getting off bro..

and for all the "search being illegal" people. NONE of those fckers have ever delt with law enforcement... In a perfect world of gum drop rainbows and kitten kisses sure thats a good point. In the real world cops will say WTF ever they need too...

Just a side note, in FL they have whats called PTI(pretrial intervention) so if you are a first time, non-violent drug offender in FL you get the chance at this program. You basicly go thru the drug classes and some probation and if all is gravy at the end, they DROP THE FCKING CHARGES!

SO if you live in florida and are growing anyway, might as well run all the lights you can with 24 plants! If you get caught selling though that PTI shit goes out the window...

If i could go back id have 24 in my back fckin yard man!! haha 2lbs each!

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