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OMFG too damn funny bro!!!!!!!!

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to accessndx again.


Final pics Of harvested Blubonic

Final pics Of harvested Blubonic

I just finished this batch. One plant under 150 Watt HPS. Total dried weight 1.3 OZ.



Some SSH.




just wanted to share some pics.....these are about two weeks ago they have just begun to ajust to the 12/12, they told me it would be ok...

this one was right before the transplant....



Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
As promiced...

As promiced...

:wave: Everyones shit lookin' dank yo! :jump: Way to represent Tri-Staters! :respect:
I germed 10 F2 LowRyder seeds some time mid Oct. 9 sprouted. 19 days later 4 grew balls. Didn't have room to veg them, so they stayed very small. Normally they'd get about 3 times this size. This is about day 45 from seed.

I had a bit of pH trouble right after I transplanted them, but most of the yellow you see is the (150w) HPS above and behind them. They're toted as 60 days from seed to harvest. I let these go nearly 3 weeks longer hopin to get a better high. Worked well! Then I water curred them for 8 days cause I didn't like the taste the first time I smoke them either. That worked well too. Very minimal taste and oder. I forgot to get a harsted and trimmed pic. 90g trim weight.

18g dry LOL Punny as it is, there's my latest grow attempt.
Keep it green yall. Stay safe & :smoweed:
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♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
L.I.O.S. Phenotype #1

L.I.O.S. Phenotype #1

Some quicks shots of a strain I'll be yankin' on the 20th...


Smells exactly like Gatorgum tastes (if you're old enough to remember that stuff!!!) while it's growing...with liberal whiffs of petroleum and skunk. Very powerful aroma that's difficult to control....will beat a normal carbon filter to a pulp. The high is superb, and it's been around for over 2 decades (possibly alot more). Considering there are alot of excellent 3rd generation and 4th generation breeders and strains these days.....the fact that an older strain can still kick it in 2009 is testament to its' potency.​


Harvest moon in Allentown or (I think) Pearl river, NY (~ an Hr from Milford)
77hydro in Caldwell, NJ (~ an hr from water gap)

Lost of farm supply places, agway's, etc :) but no hydro stores :(
Ya man...I feel ya..mine isn't that far away, but I usually take that long on each one way trip because I don't wanna be followed home...a guy on here...i think it was icky..was followed home to jersey from a 'dro shop in PA...someone other than him let the cops in (they talked their way in..i think it was a g/f) and that was that...very sad story...now i'm like scared to death to go to a 'dro shop and it takes me forever, and i park really far away..blah blah blah..just be careful...this cop followed him from another state..


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Finkl...something about that recount doesn't sound right man. What type of cop can travel in between states following people on a hunch?
I mean a State Trooper can obviously go wherever they want within 1 State. A county cop deals with a particular county, and a local cop obviously handles like your town....

You'd have to be a Federal Marshall or F.B.I. or some such thing to go following people around....

Not saying you're incorrect, but doesn't that seem a bit odd to you that some Pennsylvania cop follows "icky" or whomever to New Jersey on the count that he came from some hydroponic store in PA? Why not pull the cat over on the way back while in the correct jurisdiction to see if there's any stuff he could arrest for?

It seems like a bit of a stretch.

I dunno, I've got no problems going into the Hydro store anywhere. They can suck my left nut if they think it's suspicious I'm buying plant food and dirt. You'd have to arrest every single gardener on the planet. Personally, I like to order stuff online from a variety of different places....just send the stuff to a safe addy (like people do with beans).

I'd goto the hydro store more often, but honestly they're disorganized and don't always have what I'm looking for. I'll hit them in case of emergencies (ie-burnt out light and need to resupply). But typically I like to stock up on what I need and keep it around. I've got a couple of HID lightbulbs, CFLs, a bunch of nutrients...etc. I try not to let things get down to the wire before I restock. Online always has what I need at all times.

One other thing about the local hydro stores: everyone is a sketch-ball. I've never been in one where some jackhole hasn't said something totally off the wall and ridiculous to call attention to himself/herself. Or more importantly, they look like the stereotypical individual buying stuff to grow pot. They've got the whole hippy-dippy look down pat, complete with Patchouli....or they're some wannabe wigger/gangsta replete with the "yo-yo-yo" speech pattern.

One guy sidled up to me and said "You must be growing some good tomatoes, eh?", and jabbed me in the ribs like we were both in on some kind of joke.....
I just looked at him like he made the largest mistake he could ever make and he backpedalled and walked off into a remote corner of the store.

Another time, I was at some sketchy hydro place....there was a group of kids that looked like they should be outside 7-11 hanging out of their IROC-Z.....total metrosexual/guido hybrids...they had WADS OF CASH....and they looked all nervous like I was a cop....
of course I had to oblige by acting even sketchier...
The proprietor was trying to help them get what they needed real fast....so they could get the hell out....he helped them so quickly that they forgot to pay him....they just left and came back like 15 minutes later and dropped a wad of cash in front of the guy and nervously chuckled. Sooooo strange....and all because of me?!

One other crazy ass thing that happened that day: I noticed the proprietor of that store WAS MISSING HIS ENTIRE HAND......it was wrapped in ace bandages...and supported by a shoulder sling (like he had a broken arm)....the tip of the "stump" was bleeding through the bandages. It literally looked like this guy had his hand hacked off by some bookie or other wierdo an hour before I got there. I couldn't help but staring right at it......I mean comeon man...how many times do you run into someone with a bloody ass stump hand?

My mind was racing with the possibilities......

Of course what made the situation worse was that I wanted a big bag of promix....
those f-ckers are heavy man! This guy with the one bloody stump INSISTED upon helping me....he grabbed the bag with his other hand...and wouldn't take no for an answer about bringing it to my car.

Suffice to say, it was the last time I went to that particular hydro store. On a side note, it was in a strip mall in Jersey.....next to some chocolate shop....the front of the store is all glass....and there were HID lights burning brightly in the storefront. VERY, VERY....UNSUBTLE. I like the low-key places that you can walk into and do your thing and leave unmolested.

Someone better write a book on etiquette for these kinds of places....being a yahoo all hopped up, stinking like reefer and being a loudmouth certainly isn't the thing to do.

stoned teacher

Let's Go Ravens!!!!!!

Hope everyones doing well....anyone catching the Dead?





GREEN CRACK @ 25 DAYS I always get this deficiency right into flower then overcome it and by the end all is well....

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yeah man..thats kinda weird bro...i've never been to any sketchy ass hydro stores like that...or if I had, I deffinately would go out of my way to find another...yeah i don't have all the specifics on the bust story, it was something I heard on this site somewhere..i didn't even know the dude...but that doesn't mean a pa detective didn't follow him...find the location..then let locals know...if i was a cop i would deffinately be smart enough to not stop the dude, and just have him lead me to his spot...that deffinately makes alot more sense then tryin to bust someone for legal equipment..

but whatever...who knows how it really went down, or if its even true at all...i tend to not question whether people are lying about a bust or not and just try to learn from it...

But f*** all that bullshit anyway...you can never be too paranoid

on a better note, seedbay shipped my ice cream today...hell yeah..i'm also getting white rhino, northern lights (sensi fem), and straw double diesel!! can't wait..
anyone having trouble posting pics but me??

Yes...I'm having trouble...they say you can copy the source code from your gallery (not the url address) and paste it in your message and it will appear, but you have to go back and forth from your gallery for each one.

I think this is bullshit, way too much trouble, and I pretty much refuse to do it...

stoned teacher

To upload new pics, I had to create an album (never did before)...

Then to post them, I clicked "upload pics" on the side under the smiles, then cliked the "Forum Albums" button over the box where you type....then that album popped up, then i clicked on a pic....then underneath the pic, once it popped up, was a code to copy and paste on the screen....

Kinda a pain in the butt but once you get it it's pretty quick....