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1000W DWC 3x3 ScROG

+ rep

I would love to see the pics of your first grow when the forum-gods are with us and allow posting :)

As you might have picked up, I am in my first grow and don't wanna to to many errors. Keep it simple etc. But I do have a sativa, and I am planning to do a "ScrOG"ish setup. Since I am growing out a mom in soil, I am still gonna have a chance to do training on the clone. But you inspire me to fiddle with the mom already, to learn and see. I am still getting used to having the plant around and checking on it. Learning how it grows etc.

I have pinched my babe on 1 stem/stalk, to see if I am changing anything. I do it "daily". So far no noticed effect, other than an extra branch coming out on top of her, compared to the other stalk.

Am am also gonna say that I still a bit unsure to the physics of the plant, and I am not 100% sure I know what a lateral branch looks like (easy with 1 main stem growing straight up, and other sticking out to the sides like what you have. My bush is already "split" from start and she is dividing in all directions. Lol). The fan leaves I identify pretty easy (I think) :).

Anyway, as I have said, you inspire me to play with the plant, since I am going for the "maximum" out of 1 plant approach. Therefore it makes sense to work with her and making sure she acts best according to what I plan. But of course with the love she deserves.
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Green Force

Active member
Damn Green Force, let me get off my plants for just a moment - your setup is filling up like I can't even believe. Well if this gal leads me to the victory line then I'll certainly beef up the numbers like you have. Excellent work on your part and thankyou for sharing...

my bad did not mean to bump in on you like that btw you would save a lot of veg time if you go with 4 - 8 plants per 1k and perhaps a 4'x4' screen i hope you dont mind my advice and if you where to have the screen 8" - 14" above the tops would cut your veg time.

Green Force

Active member
Hi Green_Thumb,
Thanks man... yes I periodically trim upper fan leaves because they are the absolute first to return. They sit at the very top with the lights and they can be removed. It's a delicate process to some and routine for others. I say routine for myself as well because we are not growing species like orchids that have a high sensitivity to EVERYTHING LoL. Weeds are clasified as unsightly growth because of how fast and bushy they can become even after smashing them with the sole of your shoe. It's time people treat cannabis the same way.. ;-)

Just be careful pruning near the bottom as it's already hard for light to penetrate unless you're incorporating vertical HID's like Krusty Freedom - A magical grower.

I became very tired of the Christmas tree effect as all my plants lacked near the bottom but using techniques I picked up here, and other forums alike - I started playing with foliage removal, Pruning growing tips - FIM and other stuf I feel quite comfy now. So when you remove the upper half of foliage you indeed allow for a busshy plant and add pinching and you'll end up with a plant that looks like an umbrella :)

i totaly agree with gettin rid of all the bullshit u dont need inside u gotta check that shit at the door i have put plants throu hell n back n they where still good to me


New member
SDG.........Sick fuckin grow. I've always wondered about pruning. I've seen SeeMoreBuds vid. His shit was so thick in there, it didn't make any sense. NGB's 450 grams from 1 plant scroggin got me interested in lst, and scrog. Yours looks like its gonna go crazy! Can't wait to watch the rest of this grow.


"easy growing type"
that makes sense,what nutes are you using?

Hi Green_Thumb
I only use GH Micro and Bloom. I've used many including the complete AN line but discontinued because of cost and I never really saw a size difference between FF. But when I started using GH it was in soil and I loved it. This is the result of my last grow in soil:

Now I ruined this grow because (like an idiot) I fed nutes once a week and the rest was water. Thats a 5gal bucket and this gall was going through a gal every 3 days. I really under fed her and although the yield was 7 ounces in soil. The end result left me wanting more. A gram of that gal was equivalent to a .5gr of potent skunk. :-( Next time it's gonna be nutes with every feed no matter what!!!
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"easy growing type"
+ rep

I would love to see the pics of your first grow when the forum-gods are with us and allow posting :)

As you might have picked up, I am in my first grow and don't wanna to to many errors. Keep it simple etc. But I do have a sativa, and I am planning to do a "ScrOG"ish setup. Since I am growing out a mom in soil, I am still gonna have a chance to do training on the clone. But you inspire me to fiddle with the mom already, to learn and see. I am still getting used to having the plant around and checking on it. Learning how it grows etc.

I have pinched my babe on 1 stem/stalk, to see if I am changing anything. I do it "daily". So far no noticed effect, other than an extra branch coming out on top of her, compared to the other stalk.

Am am also gonna say that I still a bit unsure to the physics of the plant, and I am not 100% sure I know what a lateral branch looks like (easy with 1 main stem growing straight up, and other sticking out to the sides like what you have. My bush is already "split" from start and she is dividing in all directions. Lol). The fan leaves I identify pretty easy (I think) :).

Anyway, as I have said, you inspire me to play with the plant, since I am going for the "maximum" out of 1 plant approach. Therefore it makes sense to work with her and making sure she acts best according to what I plan. But of course with the love she deserves.

Hi Fred_Light
Thankyou man and I like to say that we all inspire each other. All it takes is one look at someone elses technique and if you feel you can benefit from it then we've all inspired each other because thats what advances todays grower and prepares tomorrows first-timer. Lateral branches are indeed your side branches. She's knows of one thing and thats that she needs to grow. If you don't allow her to grow straight up then she grows sideways into lateral branching. Her defiance is my reward because I can harvest a lell of alot more this way. Keep it up man and I'll be stopping by to check your pics today ;-)


"easy growing type"
my bad did not mean to bump in on you like that btw you would save a lot of veg time if you go with 4 - 8 plants per 1k and perhaps a 4'x4' screen i hope you dont mind my advice and if you where to have the screen 8" - 14" above the tops would cut your veg time.

Hey Green_Force
Its totally cool man. This is why I'm here. I need advice and I need criticism by a seasoned eye. This way I can stop something bad from ever happening. I did want a larger ScROG but I had only 1 haze left. Seed that is. I've given so much away to people but when I went around looking for clones - everyone slammed the door in my face. I just took a deep breath and said to myself "let's do this: just me myself and I" Now once I get a grip on this girl, I'm gonna clone the shit outta her and make sure I'm always fully stocked. The next one will be a multi-plant setup in a bigger hut. Lets just see how nice this one leaves me ;-)


"easy growing type"
i totaly agree with gettin rid of all the bullshit u dont need inside u gotta check that shit at the door i have put plants throu hell n back n they where still good to me

Yes Sir......
These plants are like roaches... They don't die LoL. I'm sorry for some whove had difficulties with keeping these little beasties alive but one note that may help is to reduce all the additives being used. I stick to Micro and Bloom. From birth to death. Then again thats just me ;-)


"easy growing type"
SDG.........Sick fuckin grow. I've always wondered about pruning. I've seen SeeMoreBuds vid. His shit was so thick in there, it didn't make any sense. NGB's 450 grams from 1 plant scroggin got me interested in lst, and scrog. Yours looks like its gonna go crazy! Can't wait to watch the rest of this grow.

Hi cheeseysynapse,
Great seeing you here and thanks man... I've picked up those pruning techniques along the way from all of you ;-) I just sit quietly in the corner taking mental notes and try and not replicate mistakes. She's looking insane right now man she has busted past the bucket width at 2 feet wide and under 1 foot tall. LoL she's ridiculous. I just need someone to guide me on the undergrowth trim. As in should I leave it till I switch or trim it now. I have about 50 possible clones under there:

(I marked the main stalk with a black plus symbol)

I don't know exactly how to add my pics into the post without having to click on them but there goes what I'm talking about.
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"easy growing type"


Haze day 41 - Two days after being pruned severely.

Haze day 45 - Four days after last photo. She did explode!!

Haze Day 45 - Here's what it looks like under the canopy. Clones Clones Clones ;-)

Haze Day 45 - I bumped up PPM by over 500 parts. No more 1000PPM here.

Haze day 45 - Here is my starting pH from tap. This helps me a hellovalot!!!

Haze day 45 - Here's my starting PPM from tap... Now this is wonderful!!!

Haze day 46 - Here she goes after 12 hours in 1500+ nute juice. I think she's an S&M gal cause she likes getting smacked up ;-)

I'll keep them coming guys. Took a while to figure out how to code the pics so that they'd show after IC got it's upgrade but hopefully they'll make it simpler soon.
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Please Help Me

Please Help Me

I dont know what hijacking is, so if this is what hijacking is Im sorry.

Basically Im trying to grow blue mystic and apparently from my research its not the easiest to grow.

Any way its a flood and drain, my issue at the moment is my leaves are clawing up today it got to hot so I turned the lights off for about 4 hours the ladies have been on 24/0

well when I walked in some leaves were clawed up and some were droopy(which I have many times before after a little bit of a nap) my main concern is the top of the plant is clawed up wards, argh so confused I thought if they clawed down I was dealing with to high ph vice versa

I took some photos but I only have my hps lighting in there so its kinnda hard to take photo's any way I checked the ph its between 5-6 not sure as I use drop test to see

please share some of your wisdom would be awesome

Picture 009tk2.

Picture 013tk1
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"easy growing type"
I dont know what hijacking is, so if this is what hijacking is Im sorry.

Basically Im trying to grow blue mystic and apparently from my research its not the easiest to grow.

Any way its a flood and drain, my issue at the moment is my leaves are clawing up today it got to hot so I turned the lights off for about 4 hours the ladies have been on 24/0

well when I walked in the leaves were some were droopy(which I have many times before after a little bit of a nap) my main concern is the top of the plant is clawed up wards, argh so confused I thought if they clawed down I was dealing with to high ph vice versa

I took some photos but I only have my hps lighting in there so its kinnda hard to take photo's any way I checked the ph its between 5-6 not sure as I use drop test to see

please share some of your wisdom would be awesome

Picture 009tk2.

Picture 013tk1

Hi BCity,
You answered your own question on that one and thanks for the pics they are very clear and show the problem - I coded them into the page as well. Something happened when ICMag got their upgrade so adding pics is a bit tricky now. At first I thought it to be nute burn but the color looked good other than some mottling on the top but after research it looks to be heat stress. This is what another plant experiencing massive heat stress looks like:

And here's yours:

As much as I love 24/0 we're gonna have to either cut it back or raise the light. What are your room dimensions and what's your nute ppm? My temps average 100 daily but I mist 5 times a day and keep two daytons running all the time. Trust me I know about what you're going through and I feel for you but we're here and lets fix this. How are you extracting your air? And did I ask for your PPM's cause they're related.

Another note: After researching further I did get confirmation that this is indeed heat stress - possible a fan blowing very hard. Notice the stomatas are exposed (the leaf underside) They are trying to transpire. Removing the stress factors will stop the taco effect but you have to treat it. 1tsp of Epsom salt per gallon dose as well as something high in iron to treat the already affected areas. Nonetheless I normally strip leaves anyway so just remove the heat as best as you can to prevent future tacoing.

The info I gave you was attained here: http://www.420magazine.com/forums/p...urling-up-but-mg-defeciency-input-needed.html I tried finding it here on ICMag but had trouble to I went outside the domain to find. I hope this helps.
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Hey, wery nice grow!

I'm wondering how do you get accurate PPM reading when there are airbubbles inside, my EC meter jumps around, so I cant measure accurate(bubbles disturb conductivity)...


So it was definitely massive heat stress. I have a thermo timer which comes on at 29 (84.2F) and off at 24(75.2F) from 10am on it runs all day at the moment till about 7pm, I think I will just have to change to 18/6 cause its either that or a A/C unit, I also noticed on my pot thermometers that the fan was coming on late. So I went round the room and since I added new fans I'm was getting cold spots near the thermo timer about 4-5 degrees lower so I have moved that. It takes my fans about 3 minutes to completely exchange the rooms air, 6.3 metre by 3 metre

I did let the temp get way to high today but I am also dying from it too, so I blame the heat twice, once for the damage to the plants and two the inability to move let alone think in it. it was 104F when I got to the room so I opened the whole carriage and turned off the lights, temps came down pretty quick.

The PPM is at 750 I have been keeping the EC at 1.2 and only recently took it up to 1.5 been adding silca and my nutes are canadian xpress grow

Thanks for the help and I forgot to say that your girl looks awesome !!!! I will be diligent the next couple of days the lights are going off from 10-4 which is the hottest part of the day, give them a little misting and move our cold box out there tomorrow.

Should be sweet now that i know for sure that it was heat stress.

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"easy growing type"
So here we are on day 48. This project is turning out to be quite fun. I went again and cut back on fans as this plant was way too bushy for my taste and here she goes. Hope you enjoy.

She already has over 50 viable clones I can cut but I'm not cloning till 2 weeks. Btw, I'm flipping on day 60. I think it takes 2 months minimum for a plant to be mature enough to flower (imvho guys/gals not written in stone). Plus by that time she'll definitely be poking through the top. ;-)
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"easy growing type"
Hey, wery nice grow!

I'm wondering how do you get accurate PPM reading when there are airbubbles inside, my EC meter jumps around, so I cant measure accurate(bubbles disturb conductivity)...

Hi Ninjaaa
Well just in case that was one for me I'll just say that it does bounce around bro. I take 3 or 4 readings and pick the one in the middle ;-) Thanks man...


Get two birds stoned at once
I hope that tat can't identify you, I worry about that sort of thing.


"easy growing type"
I hope that tat can't identify you, I worry about that sort of thing.

What tat ;-) Mr. Bongjangles pointed that out too and I was gonna pull it but thanks for the heads up because I slept on that. Gonna use other arm from now on.

Btw.. Can't wait for your girl to eat up all that space :)

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