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Massachusetts Police Chiefs Legalize Marijuana

I have to commend Mass polics for doing the right thing in light of the unclear legislation, it sure beats what many leos would do. And this from MASS! I never cease to be amazed. I think police departments all across the USA should take a good hard look at what Mass officers have, in good conscience, done to uphold the will of the good people that provide them paychecks. Kudos to Mass cops!


Get two birds stoned at once
Not all mass municipalities are standing down on ticketing, there are some that are saying they will write tickets.

Some town police departments are great and I have HUGE respect for them. The town I live in the cops are awesome and really do serve the people well and use good judgment and restraint.

Srplantmanager, you a fellow masshole?


While I do have respect for the police and the job that they have to do in no way do I think that the police chiefs are doing what they are doing because they are sympathetic with the new law. I think instead they are trying to get people to freak out over what they are claiming is an unenforcable law which is bullshit. The bs about not having to identify yourself is just that, bullshit. On more than one occasion I have seen failure to identify yourself to a police officer listed in the court news as one of the charges. They just want the voters to think that they have made a mistake passing the new law. Bottom line is they are pissed because their arrest numbers (and dept funding) are going to go down. Maybe they should stop feeding bullshit propaganda to the media and spend a bit more time worrying about all the violent criminals in this state and leave the frigging potheads alone.


donut engineer
SkaDubPUNk said:
LEO are not dumb stupid or incapable. If they wanted to they would give you the ticket, round my part "SE ma/ri". They do not care about marijuana. They want guns heroin and coke..If you get caught up in this and grow you will get busted....I have lived here in this lil old town for a long time..the only thing that really sucks are the taxes, other than that you can live pretty well for cheap..

Same where I'm from. Officers don't actively investigate people growing small grows for personal consumption. Every time someone is busted there is always coke, or pills, or something non-marijuana related. If you keep your profile low, keep odor down, don't tell anyone, have a steady job then you are fine.


Freedom Fighter
vta said:
But in what is likely a clever sleight of hand by legalization advocates, the law, by pulling arrest off the table as an option, deprives police officers of any means to compel people caught with marijuana to show identification. Anybody willing to say "Donald Duck" to a cop who nabs him with a joint and asks for a name can escape even the $100 fine.

That is the stupidest shit I have ever heard!! Anytime LEO has to write a ticket, they will ask for ID...it does not have to be an arrestable offense, I have been asked to show ID every time I have ever talked to a cop--
They are just throwing a temper-tantrum over the Law, so they are refusing to enforce it, trying to get public sympathy....the same thing any 3 year old would do--
Deft said:
Srplantmanager, you a fellow masshole?

Oh no, Deft, unfortunately. I'm currently living in Tenn... outside of any major cities. I'm not much for city livin' these dyas. I like the country and mountains, where I can go hiking, caving, etc. But I digress.

I think before anyone goes bashing Mass leos they investigate the reason for being able to give a false name where a 'ticketable misdemeanor' is concerned and NOT be arrested, as in other states I have lived, that's a felony.

I'll need to check out the exact letter of the law, as I think we should all do before passing judgement. At least leos there aren't being typical buttwads about it. At least SOME aren't any way.


Freedom Fighter
SrPlantManager said:
I think before anyone goes bashing Mass leos they investigate the reason for being able to give a false name where a 'ticketable misdemeanor' is concerned and NOT be arrested, as in other states I have lived, that's a felony.

I'll need to check out the exact letter of the law, as I think we should all do before passing judgement. At least leos there aren't being typical buttwads about it. At least SOME aren't any way.

But do they not deal with it in other matters?? What it seems they are doing, is looking at it as the same "Evil Weed"..but at the same time, was their biggest source of Revenue and best and easiest reason for relieving ppl of their Rights and Freedom--
If it is only a ticketable offense, then they should treat it like any other Law they may not personally agree with...and respect the fact that they can no longer put you in jail, or force millions into probation...effectively keeping a good portion of the population (ok, maybe not a "good portion"...lol) without their search and seizure Rights--
But mostly....bashing LEO is just FUN!! :muahaha:


Get two birds stoned at once
I hear you, fuck the city. I hope I never live in one. I need space to roam.

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