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Can you make true love last forever?


ToKEN said:
the way I feel it, marrying early (24, or 25) is perfectly fine as long as you know. you feel it in your heart. also it all depends on how long youve been together...

People have been marrying from 13 and up since they started the institution. Half of us wouldn't be here otherwise. So maybe the geriatric nuptials posse should STFU with their popular wisdom about when to get married. If they want to wait until half their reproductive years are over, lovely for them.

Of course, delayed marriage is a PATRIARCHAL thing. Men's fertility is cheap and lasts longer. Women's is expensive and shorter. So promoting delayed marriage is a guy's dick talking, because he prefers lots of unhitched quim around. Yeah, great for his dick, crap for society.


Active member
_Dude said:
People have been marrying from 13 and up since they started the institution. Half of us wouldn't be here otherwise. So maybe the geriatric nuptials posse should STFU with their popular wisdom about when to get married. If they want to wait until half their reproductive years are over, lovely for them.

Of course, delayed marriage is a PATRIARCHAL thing. Men's fertility is cheap and lasts longer. Women's is expensive and shorter. So promoting delayed marriage is a guy's dick talking, because he prefers lots of unhitched quim around. Yeah, great for his dick, crap for society.

LOL.....yeah,you people in the fuckin hills of Kentucky!!I must be one of the geriatric nuptial posse who think waiting till mid twentys is cool,hell by your theory....why wait till there 13???They get hair on it by 10,and ya dont wanna go wastin nunnya there goot yeers,dats prime breedin time!!!LOL,what a maroon...........have you actually read this thread and what you posted Opie???

Back on track....I been thru enuf forever's already to last a lifetime!! :joint:
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Active member
_Dude said:
People have been marrying from 13 and up since they started the institution. Half of us wouldn't be here otherwise. So maybe the geriatric nuptials posse should STFU with their popular wisdom about when to get married. If they want to wait until half their reproductive years are over, lovely for them.

Of course, delayed marriage is a PATRIARCHAL thing. Men's fertility is cheap and lasts longer. Women's is expensive and shorter. So promoting delayed marriage is a guy's dick talking, because he prefers lots of unhitched quim around. Yeah, great for his dick, crap for society.

there are more problems then that man ^^^

and also, you are telling people to stfu about their own opinions dude

they are just opinions, don't take them too seriously

you have your own


New member
_Dude said:
People have been marrying from 13 and up since they started the institution. Half of us wouldn't be here otherwise. So maybe the geriatric nuptials posse should STFU with their popular wisdom about when to get married. If they want to wait until half their reproductive years are over, lovely for them.

Of course, delayed marriage is a PATRIARCHAL thing. Men's fertility is cheap and lasts longer. Women's is expensive and shorter. So promoting delayed marriage is a guy's dick talking, because he prefers lots of unhitched quim around. Yeah, great for his dick, crap for society.

The world is already chokingly overpopulated as it is. Have you ever heard of the Malthusian dilemma? We are close to it, if not there already.


IMHO - yes, but it takes 2, and alot of hard work.

If you are lucky, and get the right woman - I did, 25+ yrs ago (married almost 23yrs.).

Now her luck - that's a different story. :muahaha:


The weekend was like a roller coaster. I could not handle laying in bed looking at the roof while she sleeps, so I went to a friend's. We went down to a local bar, but I stopped drinking on New Years, so I sipped water all night. The bar was the typical crowd of 30 young dudes, 2 ungly chicks, and like 6 cougars. No place for a bummed out guy looking for fun. Next stop was a club (the only one in this beach town) and it was hopping. The dancefloor had like 20 chicks, 6 or 7 cougars and a couple goofy looking guys.
Soon I saw a really nice looking blond girl, about six feet tall, long blond hair, thin body, nice bcups, beautiful face, looked like a Russian Tennis Player. She was with a group of people in the VIP section but kept coming to the main dancefloor with her group.
After a while I noticed she saw me in the corner and looked a couple times. Our eyes met, but I didn't think much of it other than she was pretty. Suddenly she makes a B-line straight for me across the floor and stop like an inch from my face and says "Hi."
I said "What's up?" and she was like "I just had to come over nad meet you.."
I couldn't believe it, I asked her name, and put my hand around her waist because she was so close to me :) we started getting closer and closer, then she was like "I don't know you, I don't want to make out right away..I like you tho blablabalba"
Then I realized she wasn't drunk, wasn't trying to be a one night stand, and was asking more questions that would eventually lead into more, she was the type of girl to be a girlfriend, not just a fling, smart , cute, works at a good job...ergh
Then in the middle of the convo, my phone starts ringing off the hook. It's the old lady wondering where I'm at at 1:00 a.m. Why does she even care? I was so bummed, she must have called like 15 times. I told the blond tennis star that I was getting over this relationship etc, and she seemed a bit bummed, oh well. c'est la vie for now...

Wrong timing, but it was a good ego booster LOL, so that really made me think even more that separation was a GOOD thing..Then came Saturday and Sunday, really awkward and uneasy vibe around the house because we decided separation was the only way out of this. Yesterday we went to see some lawyer about the financial issues and once again we had the conversation of what made her unhappy and what made me unhappy about our her.We left pissed off once again, but I was still determined to come up with some plan, that would at least give me certainty that all hope is lost. I also had a doctor appointment and the Doc realized we were going through some stress and referred me to a family counselor. So I came up with a plan and talked to my wife last night.

I would agree to rent a new bigger place for us to live with a room for me to smoke etc, and I would not grow in the house until the kids reached age 18. in exchange she would hire a personal trainer/nutricionist and workout 2 hours a day until she reached her goal of losing 20 pounds or whatever she needs to lose to get thin again AND she had to have sex with me EVERY day or at least use her mouth, hands, toes etc Every day or it was over..
I would continue smoking MJ and would simply keep the room locked and not smoke any where else in the house or let the kids in the room where people are smoking.
I would have a budgeted amount of cash to buy herb from a club or whatever. She agreed and was fine with that. I guess we came to a common ground agreement at least.
If we hadn't I think stress would eat me alive during the whole financial mess, at least this way she's happy, I get sex daily, and I have my grow until it is done flowering (i didn't mention it was still 2 months out LOL) anyway, the stress has gone down temporarily and I can now sleep and get some frequently without fear of being denied day after day...

Thanks again for all the support and sincerity from you guys (and girls) who responded..

OK, you guys are thinking, way to go Yummy! You didn't do shit, you pussy...
But there is reasoning behing the madness. I got together with her when she was hot, young and horny. All I want is that back, so I'm willing one last attempt. Also, it's just too much stress making foreclosure and bankruptcy decisions while a war in the house is going on, so this "truce" will be long enough to at least get the financials squared away in a wise way, then be prepared for an announced fallout again if I have to..

I don't doubt we may split up eventually, but I do hope she can overcome her issues and I am proven wrong.
I told her I would hide the herbs until the kids reach 18, as that is her main concern - the kids being forced to see it daily...but I also told her I was not attracted to fat chicks, I could tell she was bummed, but hey..she knows it at least (she's not obese, just has a left over belly etc..small enough to where she won't need Lipo fortunately) She has worked out like crazy over the last week and eaten much better, we'll see if it lasts.

Everything you guys have said in this thread and in PMs is in my head tho, and if we fall into this rut again because she isn't keeping her part, then there will be no more recources.

I am willing to go to the counseling with her to solidify the deal we made and see if what we are coming up against is reasonable. I owe it to her and the kids to at least give the counseling a shot, but with the conviction that I'm not going to stop anything I usually do, just manage it better for her, and to see if she can keep her part of the deal too.

riginally Posted by _Dude
People have been marrying from 13 and up since they started the institution. Half of us wouldn't be here otherwise. So maybe the geriatric nuptials posse should STFU with their popular wisdom about when to get married. If they want to wait until half their reproductive years are over, lovely for them.

Of course, delayed marriage is a PATRIARCHAL thing. Men's fertility is cheap and lasts longer. Women's is expensive and shorter. So promoting delayed marriage is a guy's dick talking, because he prefers lots of unhitched quim around. Yeah, great for his dick, crap for society

I think Dude is really a chick...

Anyway Dude(tte) you can't compare a couple in Socal to a marriage in rural Utah.
The lifestyle and pressures of both working full time, kids in daycare, capitalist economy, soaring prices, the rat race makes the dynamic very different between man and woman.
If all couples could be traditional, woman at home, man bringing home the bread blablabla, maybe more weddings that start at 13 would work. The problem is that society tries to make the woman as an equal to man in the day to day, and in reality each have their very unique roles and communication rules that aren't followed any more. Women think they can say whatever they want whenever, and that mines away at the marriage too.when the family is sitting at the table for dinner, the man needs to feel like the boss, that's just how it is,. If a woman demoralizes a man by speaking up against him in front of kids instead of in a more tactful way behind closed doors, for example, she failed. Women have the most powerful weapon right between their legs and most have no clue how to use it often and effectively..It works every time, if only they knew..

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