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IMHO, I think the fundamentals of getting this country back on track is first and foremost getting rid of the 'Federal Reserve', as well as eliminating the IRS. I know... to some that sounds a bit radical, but let states govern themselves. There's nothing wrong with as VH put it, 'castrating the feds'. I also see no reason to pay intrest (putting us further and further into debt) on the money that belongs to US to start with. Cut out all the ridiculous 'pork barrel' spending. Any politician who endorses pork in ANY budget needs to be fired. Period. Ron Paul had the right adea. Eliminate most if not all of 'compartmetalized government' as JFK intended. Which as most know is exactly what got his assasinated.

We need to turn deaf ears to the words 'We can't' and embrace 'WE CAN'!

I think most of the founding fathers of this great country would roll in their graves if they could see what our 'govt' has done to it. I may love my country, but I'm disgusted with the idiots running the show.

Obama has alot on his shoulders, and if he fails, it's only going to get worse, to a point many of us have never seen. He needs to stick to his guns, and the positions that got him elected. To hell with the lobbyists and SIGS...I say fire them ALL. They've ALL contributed to some degree to the toilet bowl situation that we're in right now.

It all comes down to greed and the men perpetuating it.

Fire 'em ALL I say, and give this country back to the people.

I guess it's a good thing it's just my opinion.



BiG H3rB Tr3E said:
Well we still be lucky if he holds to his word. Dont expect the first "black" president to do anything like decrim much less legalize.... he knows if he fucks this up, hell be the last black president for a long time.

He should just do the right thing. ASAP. If he doesn't do it in his first term, why in the world do you think he'd do it in the second? Good lord.

Who CARES if he's the last black POTUS "for a long time"? Or the last midget/disabled/gay/etc POTUS.

By the way, the guy IS half white.
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Active member
I highly doubt Obama will do anything regarding the raids.

He would have to issue an executive order to stop the raids.

You really think he's gonna waste political capital on that issue. He has already said himself that he doesn't see it as a pressing issue. Also he is against the current dispensary system and basicallly thinks the only way it's legit is if it's regulated by the FDA. He's also against as he said "mom and pop shop growers". Basically he doesn't think you should be able to grow it in your house.

We have much more of a chance in congress with them pushing through a bill like the hinchey-robracher amendment and then Obama not vetoing it. That bill would take away DEA funding for medical marijuana raids.
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BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
meduser180056 said:
We have much more of a chance in congress with them pushing through a bill like the hinchey-robracher amendment and then Obama not vetoing it. That bill would take away DEA funding for medical marijuana raids.

Reps. Hinchey and Rohrabacher have introduced this amendment (which is an amendment to an annual appropriations bill for the DOJ, I believe) for several years, and it has slowly been gaining support. The numbers are:

2003: lost 152 to 273.
2004: lost 148 to 268.
2005: lost 161 to 264.
2006: lost 163 to 259.
2007: lost 165 to 262.

Well at the rate its going it wont be until 2031 until the amendment might pass.... :badday:


Active member
BiG H3rB Tr3E said:
Well at the rate its going it wont be until 2031 until the amendment might pass.... :badday:

I know sad isn't it? Unfortunately it's probably our best shot as of now.

Cannabis needs to be rescheduled so the door is open for medical research and medical uses.

Congress is the one that has to do the rescheduling and we all know how fast congress moves and how they are willing to take a stand for important issues and risk losing their reelections right?

Obama isn't going to touch the issue.

It just seems like theres gonna be at least another 8 more years of total confusion over this issue.

Congress needs to get their act together. The supreme court threw the ball in their court when they said that cannabis obviously has medical uses, but their hands are tied because it is a schedule 1 drug. So it's up to the congress to do what's right and reschedule it, but they won't cause they are a bunch of pussies. Since they have lots more important issues to drag their feet on such as global warming, war, and the economy I doubt they will be getting to our issue any time soon.

But hey we voted for hope and change right?


Does anyone remember what the discussion was when fox news had the topic of legalizing MMJ to help the Economy a few weeks ago....I missed it...

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Grassroots Effort to Shape Obama Administration Policy

Going to Pot?

In an effort to keep a finger on the pulse of the American public, the Obama transition team asked those logging onto its Web site to provide a list of the top policy questions facing the nation. Change.gov reports that participation "outpaced our expectations."

So you may ask, what is the No. 1 issue facing America on the Web site? The legalization of marijuana. The Hill newspaper reports more than a dozen of the top 50 questions pertained to the drug.

The No. 1 question asked was: "Will you consider legalizing marijuana so that the government can regulate it, tax it, put age limits on it and create millions of new jobs."

Another said: "13 states have compassionate use programs for medical marijuana, yet the federal government continues to prosecute sick and dying people."

And another asked: "Will there be any chance of decriminalizing marijuana?"

There is no word yet on how the president-elect plans to tackle the issue.

If nothing else, at least the fact that we are overwhelming the Obama Transition Team has to SAY SOMETHING. Obvious we have alot of problems on are hands at the moment, but thats not to say that we couldn't have the medical cannabis situation dealt with in a timely fashion (not that the government has ever been known for their speediness).

You can vote too on subjects that are close to your heart:



Active member
I agree it's good that the transition team is being questioned on this issue the more it's brought up the harder it is for them to ignore the issue which is probably what they really want to do.

There are some problems here though.
People asking Obama if he will decriminalize marijuana or even legalize it don't understand that Obama doesn't really have the power to to do those things.

It's crongress that decriminalizes, legalizes, or reschedules marijuana not the President. So people should focus their efforts on their representatives in congress. That's the first step to permanent reform.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Hopefully with continued coverage of the over-all demand for cannabis legalization and decriminalization both medical and recreational, maybe our representatives will be more likely to support them.

Having worked as an activist on the front lines, I can tell you it is extremely disheartening when you spend so much time writing and contacting your reps only to receive a regurgitated statement out of the mouth of a secretary or a well-coarsed letter that is obviously nothing more than a templet with a computer printed signature....

In the last few decades it has become completely transparent that we our governed by a will of the few, not the will of the people.


Active member
BiG H3rB Tr3E said:
In the last few decades it has become completely transparent that we our governed by a will of the few, not the will of the people.

so true and it makes me sad everytime i think about it


Active member
BiG H3rB Tr3E said:
Well we still be lucky if he holds to his word. Dont expect the first "black" president to do anything like decrim much less legalize.... he knows if he fucks this up, hell be the last black president for a long time.

LOL - If this were true, the entire U.S. gov't would be black/brown/yellow. Think about it, the same white guys have been fucking-up this country for many years now and they keep getting re-elected time after time.


Indica Jones

Active member
I just hope on the 20th.............................."The Song Remains the Same"

Then we can take cannabis to the next level.


America is OWNED by INTERNATIONAL BANKERS, so any WAR that is PROFITABLE will be fought even if they never intend to win or lose ,THEY MAKE MONEY OFF KEEPIN WAR GOING. Even the war on drugs.

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Indica Jones

Active member
Time for Obama to send California DEA a 'Cease and Desist Letter'. Also for GP, he needs to send any current state with Medical Cannabis laws one as well.