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not sure please help chem 4

Dr. G

Active member
hey so this is my first time i flowered this strain out

i grow in promix hp

i feed pbp b 15 ml lk 15 ml cal mg 5 ml silica blast once 3 ml
im feeding at 6.0 ph

this group is under 1200w at about 2.5 feet from the canopy this girl is alittle taller

its about 3 weeks id say maby slightly more i fed once lightly he day into flower then they got ro water for a few waterings then i feed them all with that souliton up above then about 3-4 days ago she started to show weird signs and i feed again 20 ml pbp 10 v 10 b and 10 ml cal mg cuz of yellowish around the edges the mg def went away but this burn i dunno if its progressed but i will tomorow




also the same with the dumpster but shes showing diff signs

shes alittle lighter green



i gave them all a table spoon of dlime on top yesterday too 3 days after they started showing signs


what is your runoff ph, I think it may be a calcium problem, or burning problem...but the lime was a good idea if you haden't mixed it in with the soil already. were they old nutes?
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Dr. G

Active member
didnt do a runoff i watered heavily 2 days ago so i dont want to logg them i can do it tomroow maby if it gets worse

how much lime should go into a 7 gal pot?

what ph should promix be watered at 6 or 6.5

the nutes werent old but some got really cold

and all the other plants ar fine 60 of them and the smaller plant of the chem 4 isnt doing this but the smaller dumpster is
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yea check that runoff first thing, then you can go from there...you basically need to know whether to add something or flush something. PH will tell us...as far as the lime I have no freskin idea cause I have no used promix hp, I think your suppose to add a little less than soil though. I add 1 tablespoon powdered lime per gallon of soil, not to be confused with gallon of mixl, the recommended dose I read is 2 tablespoons per gallon of soil, remember you mix some perlite with the soiless (i assume) you should add your lime just to the soil ratio.

check the runoff of all the plants and see if there is a significant difference between them. again don't know too much about promix and ph but I would assume a soiless needs to bea tad lower than soil maybe in the 6-6.3 range. I would be careful with the lime as I think 7 would be too high for soiless as oppose to soil again though no experience here.
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Dr. G

Active member
kelway says its 6.5 around but hwo knows how correct that is i can give a runnoff tomrow prolly

i looked closer it looks like it might be a cal mg def with the red spots (not the mites i know they were there i got rid of them) but the def spots also the leaves have a mild yellowing on the rim of the leaf


I would think 6.5 would be better, 6.0 seems pretty low for a soil.

what are your temps like?

Dr. G

Active member
mexilandrace said:
I would think 6.5 would be better, 6.0 seems pretty low for a soil.

what are your temps like?

81-82 with co2 at 1550

i always thought for soiless its 6.0 so i guess i should start feeding at 6.5?
maby 6.3-4


is promix soil? I can't keep up with all the grow mediums, I am old school and just make my own soils and it's always peat based. I Just throw some lime in the mix and don't think about ph.

Dr. G

Active member
mexilandrace said:
is promix soil? I can't keep up with all the grow mediums, I am old school and just make my own soils and it's always peat based. I Just throw some lime in the mix and don't think about ph.

its concidered soiless

what it seams to me is peat coco coir and perlight its got lime but ive been adding more now dunno if this one got more i think it may but not that much

Dr. G

Active member
the medium ph is 6.5 ive been feeding at 6

is soiless's ph the same as soil?

promix is considered soiless
Dr. G said:
the medium ph is 6.5 ive been feeding at 6

is soiless's ph the same as soil?

promix is considered soiless

Yes, soiless just means no nutes, its just texture for the roots

pH deals with how the nutes in ionic forms are available, its only different in hydro since the nutes are already disolved in water

Dr. G

Active member
overmind1632 said:
Yes, soiless just means no nutes, its just texture for the roots

pH deals with how the nutes in ionic forms are available, its only different in hydro since the nutes are already disolved in water

i know this is old but if you get this you were in the right area with your ph level... 6.0 is fine for soilless... soil and soilless are not the same