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Promix/PBP flushing plan


Well-known member
In my limited experience, the combo of promix and PBP (bloom soil), takes a long time to flush. Two weeks of plain water and the leaves only just started to yellow slightly at chop time.

Here's what I'm thinking this time...
I have approx 30 days left in flower.. I'm cutting out the PBP now, giving 4 weeks to use up the stored nitrogen and allow the organic components of the PBP time to break down.
Now I'd like to keep feeding her during this time, I'm thinking an inorganic PK formula for the next two weeks... leaving the final two weeks to flush with plain water.

Can anyone recommend a good PK formula that flushes quickly from promix and won't interrupt whatever is going on with the rest of the stored PBP.
Or does someone have a better plan altogether?


Active member
you could try a little clearex the last week before the finish...although the website says a couple of daze...

it's also made by botanicare..

Salt Leaching Solution

A common cause of crop failure can be traced to the build up of nutrient salt deposits in soils or soilless grow media. High salt concentrations in the soil solution cause a shrinkage of plant cell protoplasm away from the cell wall as a result of osmosis.This condition, known as plasmolysis, can eventually lead to irreversible wilting.

CLEAREX ™ is a scientifically formulated isotonic drench solution, which effectively binds with the excess nutrient salt and safely leaches it from the soil. Leaching with tap or deionized water can lead to hyptonic conditions which cause cell lycis with outflow of essential electrolytes and nutrients. This causes tissue damage leading to serious pathogen disorders such as bacterial and fungal infections. CLEAREX ™ is isotonic, therefore, it creates a safe osmotic environment which allows plant cells to maintain an optimal turgor pressure during treatment.

CLEAREX ™ can also be used at the end of a crop’s growth cycle to trigger the last reproductive stage of the plant, forcing it to process and assimilate endogenous nutrients. CLEAREX ™ contains specific electrolytes and selected mono and disaccharides which provide energy for the biosynthesis of important plant metabolites and macromolecules. Preharvest treatments with CLEAREX ™ are known to enhance the flavor and increase yields in fruits, vegetables, and culinary herbs by flushing out extraneous chemical nutrients.
CLEAREX ™ Salt Leaching Directions
Before applying CLEAREX ™, foliar spray plants with pure water. Use CLEAREX ™ in the early morning or evenings.

Soil Containers and Gardens
Use 1/2 to one ounce (15 –30 ml) of CLEAREX ™ per gallon of water. Pour one to two quarts over plants every seven to twenty-one days. For container gardens, achieve a minimum 80 –90% run-off. Water and fertilize as usual.

Hydroponic Systems
Use CLEAREX ™ with every one to two reservoir changes. Use 1/2 to 1 ounce (15-30 ml) of CLEAREX ™ per gallon of water. Pour one to two quarts of solution per plant site with minimum 80 –90% run-off. Dump waste run-off and fertigate as usual or add CLEAREX ™ to pure water in reservoir without nutrients. Run system. Use 1/2 to one ounce (15 –30 ml) of CLEAREX ™ per gallon of water. Check EC or PPM in reservoir. Run system for 15 –60 minutes or until EC or PPM stops rising. Dump reservoir. Add desired nutrient dosage and water, then adjust pH. Fertigate as usual.

Pre-Harvest Treatment (Soil or Soilless)
Discontinue fertilizer regime 2 –3 days before harvest. Use 1 to 2 tablespoons (15 –30 ml) of CLEAREX ™ per gallon of water. Water as needed.


Active member
no, i just give plain water for the last 10-14 days, then nothing at all for 3-4 daze...


Well-known member
Thanks for the input..

I'll pass on the clearex.. most reports I've seen are neutral to negative..
"Selected mono and disaccharides" and talk of isotonic solutions makes me feel like I'm buying a costly bottle of sugar water.
And 80-90% runoff in 7gals of promix... good gawd, that would take a lot of expensive water.
If anyone has info to the contrary, please share.

I will probably just follow your flushing plan while also limiting N.

You look like a Ferrell fan.. have you seen the genius that is Step brothers?


I use strictly Pure Blend Pro Veg and Soil Bloom in a mix of 1/3 each:

Perlite, Wormcastings, Blackgolds Organic Soil.

I never really tasted or noticed any difference between fushing vs not flushing.
When I feed full strength until harvest the buds are usually fatter and the yeild higher, but that is all...

Just fed them 18 hours ago and harvested a few minutes ago!

How much of a need is there to flush when using Pure Blend Pro with organics? Unless you accidentally overfed your plants during the last week before harvest, I see no point in flushing with PBP and Organics in general (Yes PBP is not pure Organics, but it really is close enough imo).
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Well-known member
I would love to get the bigger yield, but I can't imagine not flushing the PBP.. i can smell it in the leaves and it gives the buds a perfumey taste, for lack of a better description, and i don't like it. If I had more than one lady growing, I'd do a side by side comparison.. maybe next time.


How exactly do you smell it in the leaves?

Organics is processed by the bacteria in the soil, unlike chems which force feeds the plant. The fertilizer has already been processed into basic nutrients by the time the plants is ready to uptake them.

Could someone be so kind as to teach me the main reasons behind flushing when using organics?

I am not the only ones who claims there is no difference in terms of quality between flushing not flushing with pure blend pro...

Anyone else agree, or disagree?
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Well-known member
Bulénath said:
How exactly do you smell it in the leaves?

With my nose, usually.

Plants absorb things they can not metabolize, some of those which smell and taste funny, and organic ferts contain plenty.
Take fish emulsion, for example. Plenty of people who overdo it with the fishy sauce say their buds smell and taste absolutely vile.

I contend, from my experience, that PBP has a distinct smell and taste, which does make it into the plant.
I also *suspect* it takes longer than usual to flush, due to the longer time it takes for leaves to yellow. But I don't know if that's due to the nutrient or the medium (promix), or some synergy between the two. But that's really just speculation, could be strains that don't like to yellow.

When someone claims something that contradicts my direct observations, I'm going to question their perceptions. No offense at all intended my friend, please don't take it as such.
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Of course there is no offense taken! Everthing we discuss is all about learning and improving our growing technique. There is nothing better than a logical scientific discussion, and that is what I am aiming for with my words. So I hope you do not take offense either...

As I understand it, Promix is a relatively inert potting medium.
Toward the end of your flower cycle, with and without flushing, what kind of doses were you feeding your plants that caused you to niotice the difference in taste and smell?

I use only up to 100% full strength for my 60-70 day finnishers, only toward the last 2 weeks of flower. Perhaps it is beasue of the potting medium I use, which is 33% each perlite, wormcastings and Blackgold's organic soil.

Either way, I have flushed for a 10days+ on a few occasions and noticed no difference in how the weed smokes or tastes, other than the fact that giving them PBP until harvest allows them to ripen to thier fullest potential, thus adding a positive aspect only.
And also that depriving my plants of food seems to achieve the exact opposite, basically making my plants look slightly malnurished.

However, I do not dissagree with your claims, and the intial question in my last post was inteded to get you to elaborate on the different leaf smells you percieve.

Flushing has always interested me, so the more discussion pertaining to flushing and Pure Blend Pro, the better!
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hyposomniac said:
Plants absorb things they can not metabolize, some of those which smell and taste funny, and organic ferts contain plenty.
Take fish emulsion, for example. Plenty of people who overdo it with the fishy sauce say their buds smell and taste absolutely vile.

What kind of things are in Pure Blend Pro that cannot be metabolized by the bacteria, but are still abosrbed into the plant which causes a negative effect upon the quality of the harvest?

hyposomniac said:
I contend, from my experience, that PBP has a distinct smell and taste, which does make it into the plant.
I also *suspect* it takes longer than usual to flush, due to the longer time it takes for leaves to yellow. But I don't know if that's due to the nutrient or the medium (promix), or some synergy between the two. But that's really just speculation, could be strains that don't like to yellow.

I have had certian Phenos within the same strain, which yellow & red toward the end of harvest, like the changing of Autum trees in Canada, and some that stay completely green throughout. Perhaps it has little to do with the Pure Blend Pro. But like yourself, I am saything this within the context of pure speculation.
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Well-known member
I started to notice the smell a week or two after starting 20ml/gallon in veg. It's not an overwhelming smell, but if you give a leaf a little rub, there it is... early buds smoked have this lingering taste as well.
Current plant got as high as 38ml/gal of the bloom for soil formula in week 3-4. Week 5 (now) she got a lower dose of of bloom, but a few mLs of liquid karma.
I've read reports that LK can inhibit yellowing if given in flower, but this is the first time i've given it to any plant in flower.

As for the question of what is in PBP... I have no idea. If I had the resources, I'd side by side grow the same plant, one with a very long flush, and one with none at all, then lab test each final product to look for any impurities. Anyone here have that ability?


I hear that Pure Blend Pro is basically Pure Blend with Liquid Karma.

38ml/gal is roughly 120% strength....And only four weeks into flower are you hitting them that hard? Do you, or any other grower for that matter, feel such high doses so earnly into flower could be causing such a noticeable odor?
I take it your strain is a <60day finnisher?
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Well-known member
The thing about pbp being pb+liquid karma is false.

Botanicare recommends as high as 45ml,.. i worked up to 38 without any burn... actually I was shooting for 30, but overfilled the measuring cup and said fuck it.

It's a 50day strain and week 4 seems a good time for a heavy pk boost, especially with 10-14 days of flush.


I could have sworn that one of the grow Gurus here (or on OverGrow) said that's exactly what Pure Blend Pro is...

Chances are Botanicare doesn't actually mix the two together, but perhaps PBP is made of up things similar to both Pure blend and Liquid Karma?

You have a very fast finisher! Seems to be tricky when flushing with such fast strain like yours.

So it has been a few days since my initial post, and the weed that I harvested is dry enough to smoke desperately...You know, the same weed harvested 18 hours after hitting the plants hard with Pure Blend Pro Bloom Soil @ 28ml/galon.

So far the weed tastes really good. But you are right, the only way to tell is to grow the same clones side by side, compare them, and send to a lab to test for the differences in impurites...


Just though of this...What if someone did a side-by-side water-cure, evaportated the water, collected the salts, and weighed them?
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