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Well my li'll ones were into flower for one week and doing extremely well in the hydrosystem. Then I added some cal-mag and some water and left them alone for 2 days. Well when I came back the water was nasty rancid and looking like cottage cheese. Since then I have cleaned out the water rez 5 times and it's still cloudy. Question for all, Could Pre-frozen calmag do this to GH nutes or ? My possibility is me visiting a so called friend last year and taking my calmag along with me. I came back a few ozzy's lighter and beans and a co2 regulator lighter from the ordeal. No I did not give those things to him, he took them. So I'm wondering if he didn't add something to my calmag? Has anyone ever heard of anything of this nature?
I don't know if they are gonna make it now, 50-50 as of now. Looking poor. These are the plts before the attack.



i have the same thing going on . little white chunks floating around plus i got foam .i running dwc rubber maid tub . i'm only using tap water and sm 90 . i just cleaned the tub and added fresh water and nutes and sm90 again . i wonder if the sm 90 is old or bad . i also had to clean mine a few times b4 today because of the cloudy water and chunks . it funny because it was just tap water and sm90.


her dankness
Greenhornets, I've seen coriander-oil-based liquids turn cottage cheesy when combined with some ferts, but can't remember which. Foam is usually indicitave of proteins in your res. Yeasts would give that.

Beetlepumpr, you said your calmag had been frozen. That SHOULDN'T cause a problem, but in light of what you are seeing, I would pick up a small bottle of fresh calmag to rule out contamination in the current one as a cuase.


I am using the last few capfulls or I did, that was left.I looked at the calmag, and it's not cloudy & clear like normal, very very dark looking now. The rrots looked like someone had smeared cottage cheese all over them. Changed rez 8 times now, still funky. Losing 2-3 plants too and they were one week into flower, damn.
The other 5 might make it,if they do they will be 2-3 weeks behind catching up and getting better again.Just for safety sake, i'll never use old additives again, period, its not worth it.
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Slap-A-Ho tribe
It may be just the simple fact you were putting in super concentrated cal/mag. If it was super concentrated and not shaken up good, it could have been some serious calcium added making the PH go through the roof. Some nutes don't mix good at a high PH and may have been clumping. I'm curious what your PH was when you added the first bit. Can't comment what the freezing did to it.


No comment on the freezing, dont know. All I know is that it is as dark now as root beer. I use Reverse Osmosis water and the ph is dead nuts.


Crazy X Seeds Breeder
I've had similar problems in the past with my DWC when i tried using bio-bizz and when i added seaweed extract and in the end the roots went all slimey and brown which totally fucked up the plant.
2-3 times its happened now so i'll be sticking to canna aqua when i use it next.


Sorry to hear, but just imagine in 2 days, and someone taking a pint of cottage cheese and smearing it all over the roots. Really that bad. Over the top man. Over.


Crazy X Seeds Breeder
It was similar to what i had but the cheese in mn was light brown instead of white like you've described and the roots just turned to sludge .


Hey Crazy seeds, I have a mystery pack or two of yours. Mine now!, heh. Thxs & I wish you'd tell me what is the Mystery? Huh?

Now back to our regularly scheduled program----

Of the seven that were "CREME-MATED", 2 of them have went into warp factor 8 on hermi. The Core's Pollen Chuck, and the AKDSDv2 X NL#5. I have one each of these left in vegg. I also believe 1-2 more will end up with the same fate. Leaving one Pandora's Box, One G-Bolt, one Knight's Templar , and possibly the Grape Ape X JTR. I just also cleaned the rez for the 9th time. The roots from the hermi plants , way down were still coated with the Gunk and now Root Rot is taking place, causing the water to stagnate very quickly, like 2 days.Smells like aquarium water with no filter,yuk. Ho humm.
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