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The Tri Guy
Hi, after a 2 month absense, waiting for a broadband connection to be set up, and getting a new laptop, I find that I cannot get access to the chat room. I have set my firwall to allow icmag.com to operate through port 6667, and i have tried turning the firwall off completely, but I still get the "you are behind a firewall or proxy server message. Anyone got any suggestions?


update your browser? works for many people here...
also... check advanced security network connections and make
sure your settings allow those data transactions/connections...
try chatting at TCC... also i've heard wireless connections are tricky for
some people,,, mine works fine though and i'm on a laptop...

hmmm maybe update your java

those are my suggestions
also are you running through a proxy?
if so which one?



The Tri Guy
Thanks GP, I'm running aol for vista, so that should be fairly upto date, I've tried to make sure that tcp connections are allowed, although that gets out of my knowledge base pretty quickly when I start looking at all that. I am on a wireless laptop, wondering of that has something to do with it now, to my knowledge I'm not useing a proxy, although I m going through aol. I'll try updating java and see what that score is with that thanks.

Just got a new error message when trying to upload a pic.

MySQL error reported!

Script: bulkupload

Query: SELECT id,user,userid,date FROM ppphotos ORDER BY date DESC

Result: Error writing file '/var/tmp/MYtHm8eg' (Errcode: 28)

Database handle: Resource id #30


ICMag Donor
they did an update not too long ago GMT, not sure if that has something to do with it...msg website support and see if they can help ya out :)

miss ya in there, hurry up and figure it out heheh :D


The Tri Guy
well its all sorted now, if anyone gets aol and gets confused, dont surf the site through aol, just use IE.


yes it is most always the browser or java
for future inquiries... :)
glad you fig'd it out



Hey all,

I had the same message pop up.

The thing is.. it worked at my mom's house, but when I came back to my apartment the message popped up.

I'm retarded when it comes to things like this so any help would be appreciated. I'm using Mozilla Firefox, and like I said it worked before just not in my apartment.


EDIT: I just added the exception to my firewall (port 6667 and all that), and I also made sure my java and Firefox browswer were up to date. Still nothing..
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