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250w HPS users....



one Q said:
Mr Red that box looks bad ass, Where's the door. Can you pull the drawer out?

it slides out and its all metal im going use the faces of the other draws as a door, Im going weld them all together so it all slides out(i think)




Active member
What's up 250 users? Some pretty awesome buds in this thread! I've been reading the forums for a while and have gained some valuable knowledge over the course of my first few grows. Now i think it's time to show off some of the results, but i think i have to make a couple posts before i can post my pics. that's cool, now i can pre-bump the thread, haha


Active member
My 250 club membership application:

current grow - A11 SCROG @ 13 days:

last grow - A11 SCROG 4oz. dry:

As you can see, this grow should easily surpass the qp I yielded last time. They are now at day 22, I will try to put up some more pics soon.


Active member
IntotheGreen said:
My 250 club membership application:

current grow - A11 SCROG @ 13 days:

As you can see, this grow should easily surpass the qp I yielded last time. They are now at day 22, I will try to put up some more pics soon.

nice, screen filled more and very even canopy. i think you will do well :)


Get two birds stoned at once
I just ordered some hydro gear, should be here tomorrow and I cant wait to try it out under a screen and my 250CMH/Hps.


Registered Medical Patient
Here's my application/entry...
Mongrel - Day ?(prolly 45 or so), organic soil mix, 4 gal pot...lst'd ALOT...
She should yield me a couple Oz's fo sho...tight buds, very dense and sticky, and she smells like grape lollipops!!!!!Peace all



Active member
thanks, smokey. it would be awesome to see 6 zips this time...

zeus - sick plant, that bitch is fat! haha 250 watts ain't nothin to fuck with

here's a couple more of my Apollo, now at day 23:

rocket fuel:



Homegrown fantaseeds' Caramella under 250w HPS report

Homegrown fantaseeds' Caramella under 250w HPS report

Hi all! And a happy christmas to you! Here's my grow report on my Autumn 2008 Homegrown fantaseeds' Caramella grow, as promised here and elsewhere.

I will post more pictures, soon, just have to organise myself to get them from camera to PC and all.

The long and short of it:

Plants were cloned from a "caramella" plant grown outdoors in a friend's garden.

As the clones were taken in early flowering, they took an age (3 weeks) to root.

Five rooted clones were put (very young and very small) into veg under a 125w CFL (24hours on) on 2 September. They were planted in a GH aquafarm, set up as per instructions and supplied bits and bobs. I intended to do a SOG grow, flowering very small, ay 4 inches or so.

I then went on holiday, leaving them in the care of a friend for 10 days

When I got back, only one of the plants was in good shape, two had barely survived and two were looking ok but very stunted.

the problem, easily diagnosed, was that the air pump in the aquafarm was not delivering the nute solution evenly among the plants. the result was that only one plant was actually getting a proper dose of water,the others were getting only a little.

I rebuilt the aquafarm, replacing the air pump with a small submersible water pump, 15 mins on, 15 mins off (during daylight hours). It worked MUCH better.

Why GH persist with an airpump I do not know. It's a rubbish design and there are so many more bits involved. A water pump suits their top-feed set up much better.

So, I ditched the 2 smallest of the starting 5 and rearranged the others a little, with a view now to growing 3 medium sized plants, with a veg period extended to 23 days

These are those plants after a few days under the new hydro regime. The largest plant has been trained near horizontally, to even out the canopy and encourage the other two to catch up a bit.

Towards the end of September, I put them into flowering, the first week or so still under the 125w CFL.

At this stage, the plants were 8-12inches tall.

I then switched to my 250w HPS and the flowering nutes.

From this point on, the grow progressed pretty much as expected. The plant that had thrived during my holiday continued to do so, and ended up dominating the cab. The training led it to behave very much like a plant that had been topped, with about 8 main growth points. The other two plants never really caught up. One did quite well, with two main colas and a few other branches. The smallest never really amounted to much.

A couple of weeks in to the flowering, I trimmed off the smaller branches from the lower part of the plants, to promote growth higher up. This was a very successful tactic.

A few panics in the grow with some minor deficiencies in the nutes but all went well.

I harvested on 29th November (middle sized plant) and 5th December (the big one and the runt).

total harvest: 176 grams (6.25 oz) of very, very nice bud. yay!

(...that's 0.7 grams per watt ; 700 grams per sq metre in 13.5 weeks start to finish.)


Cab design - a closet grow, in a closet 2ftx2ft (60cmx60cm). Alot of headroom in the cabinet so no pressure to grow small. Cab lined with black and white plastic and the plant space extra lined with mylar. So we are talking a quarter of a sqaure metre, for you metricals. cheap, standard horizontal reflector. 4inch clip fan for air circulation. Aquafarm hydro rig with 20litres of hydroton. i.e. nothing fancy, a commercial but still low budget set up.

What STRAIN are you growing? Homegrown fantaseeds' Caramella

What was the establishing technique? (Were the seed or clone?) Clone, from an outdoor plant which was grown from seed

Dates - 2 September to 5 December, start of veg til harvest

What Technique are you using? Standard, with some training, hydro.

What substrate/medium are you using? Hydroton

What is the Nutrient temperature? Unknown, no additional heating

What Nutrient's are you using? Vita Link Gro and bloom, some rhizotonic in veg, some vitalink buddy in flowering

What is the TDS/EC/PPM you are using? Tapwater is 0.3 and I ran the nutes at between 1.8 and 2.1, depending on the stage of the grow. Flushed for last 10 days - 2 weeks

What is the pH of the "Tank"? Averaged at pH6

Pattern of watering? 15mins on, 15 mons off during (and just before) "daylight" hours - no night-time hydro.

What size bulb are you using? 125w CFL in veg and 1st weekof flower, 250w HPS for flowering

What is the distance to the canopy? Sometimes too close! usually 6-8 inches

What is the canopy temperature? About 28 degrees centigrade daytime, 16-18 degress nightime

Air Flow? (cfm etc.) - small fan blowing over lamp and circulating air in the cab, no extraction (left the cab door open a bit during daylight hours)

Is the fan blowing directly at plants? Just over them

Is your water HARD or SOFT? Hard, inital cf 0.3

Was plant pruned, cloned off of or pinched? the big 'un was trained heavily

Have any pest chemicals been used? None

Were plant's infected with pest's? No.


Registered Medical Patient
Mongrel Day 55-60!!!

Mongrel Day 55-60!!!

Hey all, just a couple more shots of the Mongrel under the 250watter...Shes at around day 55 or so, and should be done in a week or so!!!Enjoy...Peace

- Z



I just wanted to stop in and say Merry Christmas to all of the 250w growers. Lots of top notch growers in this club. Here are some pictures showing one of two Nirvana Northern Lights grown under a single crappy 250w Sun System V EconoGro Mini. Pictures taken today (Christmas Eve) at Day 55. Grown using all organics except the Fox Farm Tiger Bloom. I am estimating the plant shown should produce at least 1.5 ounces dried.

Last edited:


New member
welcom my fellow 250 users.........i have been waiting for almost a month for them to add my profile name..................anyways im here now........can anyone tell me how to upload photos at the upload screen........also how do i change my name before i establish myself.....................


New member
this is my first post here i come from the days of OG..long time lurker at ic

hi all need some advice on setup, i have used a 430w before and a 150w since i was 17, but im in an apartment now, and stealth is a concern, i thought about the 150, but 2-3z's not really enough, the 250 i seen peeps gettin 5-6z's, but what level of stealth can be achieved?

how much hotter is a 250, compared to 150? and what i minimum for a fan to cool and filter?

i just ask cause i wasted so much money when i got my 400, ideas are great but had to change design few times due to temps, costs money every time. and the fan to cool a 400 hardly stealth. my box is not built yet so size is changeable.

thankx all


New member
hi all need some advice on setup, i have used a 430w before and a 150w since i was 17, but im in an apartment now, and stealth is a concern, i thought about the 150, but 2-3z's not really enough, the 250 i seen peeps gettin 5-6z's, but what level of stealth can be achieved?

how much hotter is a 250, compared to 150? and what i minimum for a fan to cool and filter?

snuggy......depending on the ventalation the differance is very dramatic......250 put off some heat...........iv got a 70cfm bathroom exaust fan for like 20 at home dep....... plus a fan blowing on my babies.........i live in the same room as mine and stealthiness is very important..................and can be achived...............as long as you can vent the smell or use a scrubber.........im in the country so i just pump straight outside.....but i have visitors less than 5 ft away most of the time and noone has yet to discover............good luck...


New member
well im thinking of a box dressed up like a dresser, single chamber, 42Hx30wx18d have the light seperated by a sheet of glass. and thought of one fan to pull air through filter up to light then out. see any probs?, should i plan on two fans for exhaust? and what about size of cab, good?