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Stumped & Stunted


this is a low budget hillbilly grow...these are jock horror, nl x bb, big bud, and white widow..i germinated them then planted them in plastic party cups (8 oz) and then into these containers...only one of them looks healthy the rest are pretty stunted...the first set of leaves of most dried up and fell off..

there is one nl x bb that is looking good...they're all in the same dirt...i am thinking i need to transplant into promix asap..

thanks for any suggestions to bring them around..

the big bud are from sensi seeds and the rest are from nirvana

right now i am just getting things going...i may add twice as many cfl's..there are 12-23 watt cfls that draw 2 amps @ 120 vac..(100 w equiv) not much power at all.yeah the wiring is safe, i am a master electrician...temp is around 85..germed 12-08-08, planted 12-10-08, photos 12-29-08, one from 12-26-08 for nl x bb in red container..

24 x 7 lighting for 30 days then switch to 12 x 12 for 60 days


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Hi there m8

Looking ok, but they are starting to get a bit yellow .and the ekstra cfl will help em alot
be carefull not to overwater them seedlings...Only give em water every 3 or 4 day and not much ...if the soil is dry about 2 cm down they need water if not they are fine.
i di over water my first girls and they turned yellow plus i nute em to early so maybe u can use the info to some and if not :) dont hehe

Good luck m8 i will come back and she how they doing

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
firstly you have them in pots that are way too big dude, it is going to be hell watering them.

Looks like some nute burns as well, are you feeding them?


thanks for the replies...i dont think it is over watering...i think it may be the crappy soil...i got a hold of...the containers may be too large but i did not want to transplnt too much..

i want the tap root and other roots to have room to grow, which should equal top growth..i am going to repot them today into some smaller containers i have and see if that will help...

i think this soil has ferts already in it so that may have burned them...the one in the red container is a NL x BB and it is doing great...i had this before and it turned out to be in the soil..once i changed it the plants took off..

thanks for checking in...

will post updates...frequently...stay tuned..



with all respect...low budget hillbilly grow's grow low budget hillbilly herb, if anything.

No offense, cause you sound like a nice guy, but you can't cut corners. There are several things you have to fine tune before the girls will give you what you want. You need good quality soil, good quality light,good air quality (temp, humidity, co2), and good fertilizers.

If you try to substitute any of those items with low budget crap, then your left wondering why your growing cheap hillbilly weed.


Dont Shutdown. Repot all seedlings in smaller pots. If monies an issue use two liter bottles. Your light is ample so get your soil stabalized and container size right. Also no more nutes and check PH. Dont ever give up. These are how you learn your greatest leasons


moses...hows it goin? thanks for the feedback...i am planning to do just exactly what you suggested...i will pick up some pro mix bx and repot them..



wow my last post sounds assholey doesn't it lol. is assholey a word?

sorry for the tone, i just know that growing is a delicate maneuver and if you skimp on everything it is difficult to get what you want out of it. I suppose it's like anything in life, you get out of it, what you put in.

I don't think you need to go out and buy all the gadgets and gizmos, but investing in a good light, good air control, and good media will save you $$ in the end.
Being frugal is good... but sometimes it leaves your plants stunted and you stumped as to what the problem could be.

Have you read a good indoor gardening book? If not listen to what others tell you about growing...they might have more experience than you. Someone told you about pot sizes before you decided to pot those seedlings into 5 gallon jugs.

invest in a few things, media, light, air control, and genetics, the rest will take care of itself.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
crawdad said:
moses...hows it goin? thanks for the feedback...i am planning to do just exactly what you suggested...i will pick up some pro mix bx and repot them..

not BX

Promix HP is what you want


Take Five...
hey crawdad, don't give up. There is a wealth of info here and more than enough peeps that will help you. All of the advice given here is legit and all these peeps know of what they speak.

My advice is look around ICMag at the homemade reflector threads and build one for your light rig and increase the light to your plants. Even aluminum foil draped over the lights would help and not be a fire hazard, as long as there is no exposed wiring. edit - sorry, just saw that you are a master electrician!

good luck.
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Take Five...
Also, you're gonna need an HPS light to flower those. You will be surprised how quickly those plants (when growing properly) will outpace you when it comes to getting a growroom going from scratch. Learn as you grow is not as good as learn before you grow.

One last thing, 85 is on the high side of temps, 72-78 is best.


hi all,
dog-i will see if i can get it where i am..thanks for that ...the lights I have up now are just temp but I plan to keep using the cfl's just in a different configuration...everything shown is temp...but effective to get things going..

where i am right now i cant setup a full blown operation....i dont have the ventilation or intake...just whatever is there...i have plenty of room and no worries about visitors of any kind...just limited on power consumption and the intake/exhaust issue..i usually use a couple 1000w hps and mh but saw a lot of good reports using cfls and looking at the power consumption, cost, ease of setup..and so far i do have some success..

weed is $40 an 1/8 here..

thanks for the feedback and look forward to seeing you all again..

here is some updates...will be repotting this pm after i go out and get some promix


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pete-yeah man i aint givin up...your right i can learn a lot from the site and hopefully contribute something too..i can save the plants i think...we will see..i have a bag of seeds if these dont make it...mostly nl x bb and ww but that will get you high...



Take Five...
cool. Those plants are very save-able.

Don't expect anywhere near the same yield, bud size and density with cfls as you would get with a hps (especially the 1ks!). I use cfls for my moms, that's it (even that is supplemented with a 2 x 2' T5). If you want decent buds and colas, which I think you do or this is just wasting your time, then set up an hps for flowering. A 600 is an excellent alternative if the 1ks are too much. Even a 150 hps is better than fluoro.
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cfl can make some fine ass weed ind flower to no probs m8 i dont think u can save em all trust me hehe i did kill alot of girls in my first grow and the small ones will take so long to be them self again so if it was me i would only save the big and best of them and then start some new seedlings up .

Good luck m8


headypete-yeah i wish i could find one that runs cool...i dont have any way to vent that i can think of...maybe a heat exchanger?

suck the heat away somehow..

i can get away with some smell but not too much..

the micro grow is a BIG challenge..

got some promix but could only find BX whatever that stands for...i have never had a problem with it but dr dog there says hp is the one to go for...i will grab some next time i see any..i am sure he knows..thanks for that bro...

anyway...got em all repotted into new pots...most of them had long root formations but they WERE soggy...it is dry where i live so i figured no way to over water but maybe i did...

think the tap roots were saved so i did not soak em down i just watered them in...i will wait for some top growth for any further watering..

you got to make them roots grow...that is usually what i focus on the most...as long as you have bottom growth you should have top growth..

i was also thinking folks were having better success budding with cfls..i may switch to HID if i can figure out how to do it..if i add anymore gear or wattage my heat will go up i am already running 85 degrees.

i thought about and did start a few extra seeds...for back-up..thanks kallen

thanks again for the feedback..

pics below



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thanks for all the help....i am moving this thread to a new one where i will continue the grow under the thread 'CRAWDAD'S"...please check it out.

Hey crawdad, i'm takin a seat for this one, you've much to learn (as I do too), but this community is more than happy to help you out step by step, bit by bit. You'll be bustin the big buds before you know it =). I grew out Jock Horror and NLxBB from Nirvana on my last run and will continue with them again, but I warn you, I found the NLxBB to be stalky, tempermental, and ultimately a mediocre smoke. The Jock Horror is awesome though and white widow is classic. shoot me a line if you need some help, as we're both working along the same lines. Good luck!


lg-howdy, nice to know you will be watching...hope to hear from you often...feel free



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