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Tonatiuhs' Oasis

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Looking great my brother

Working today, but we will need to catch up soon bro.

Hope you had a good xmas, mine just finished yesterday.


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
hoosier-wattup bruh,ty bro,hell yea bro and its right on time too.another few days and its new year!!!!! might as well puff on some new gear hehehe...i should be able to snag a nug or two off by then.
peace bro.-T-

dr.dog-wattup bro,yea we had a late x mas party to do too bro.
i hope urs was a good holiday.i'll see if i can hook up with ya onight bro.

B/R-yea the bpp throes some nice budz bro...smells super good,and is sticky as hell too.soon i will have a taste finaly! peace-T-

esbe-ty bro,yea it looks like a decent pull even though these are still plants that got vegged after surgery,they have like zero training not topped or supercropped.
atleast i kept them alive yo!...ya figure i was in some bad pain for like 6 weeks,i flip every 2 weeks so i have 3 maybe 4 groups that arent gonna be as good as usual,due to me not havin it in me to be as much on top of things as i woulda been if i was healthy 100%...
happy new year to you too brotha.peace-T-


i also decided to get rid of the sensi star strain it was fun but its time is over for me...ive tried it topped,lst'd supercropped and natural,natural bein its best style grown..and this plant just dont yield shit.its pretty good weed but nothin soooo special that its worth keepin on wastin space with...it vegges slow too...so the ss journey is O V A
i have 20 rooted in the cloner that wont even see cups...
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Registered Medical Patient
Congrats again brother...beautiful lookin harvest...How does the White smell?? Ive been wondering for a while...Sorry to hear about the SS, but I feel ya, she's a decent smoke, but not a killer IMHO...Im sure u got somethin better to replace her with anyhooo...Keep it up man, and I hope ur pains ain't gettin u down too bad!!!!Take care my brotha..Peace

- Z


Hey Tonatiuh Ive been following along for the past week while I was on vacation and all I have to say is mucho :respect: bro! Seriously an exceptional grow. Great harvest you just pulled BTW, those are some dank looking buds and frosty as any. That mango haze is one crazy ass looking bitch, all tall and skinny; kinda reminds me of an octopus for some reason hahaha. Anyways man just figured Id let ya know Im still hanging around the beautiful growaisis, soaking up the good energy. Take it easy bro and have a happy new year :D

Mr. Durden :joint:


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
T...hella haul homie! That BPP and MH look SICK..looks like the NEED to be in my garden, lol...Keep it up man.
good vibes


Loving all the pics of all the colorful flavors. Damn I wish I had the courage to run more than a couple of strains at once.


bye bye sensistar......

how about that football yesterday my brother? It was a fucking miracle, the way everything came together for the Eagles then they danced on the 'Boys heads.



its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
Zeus-yea man shes outta here,gotta make some space for the new year bean poppin fiasco so anything that aint headrocer or bomb numbers and headrocker is gettin the axe.i wish i could keep them all but im only interested in top shelf type shit ya know...ss was cool for some but not for me.wasted space as far as my preferences go.she will be replaced with something more worthy.peace-T-

mr.durden-thanks for the kind words bro.im glad you are comfortably enjoying the show.
yup the mango is a crazy lady.she just keeps stretching.i hope i can keep her green for atleast 8-9 of her 12 week flower...gotta stay on top of my game with her.have a happy new year too bro,be safe.peace-T-

Tango-sup yo.thanks bro,the bpp is smellin bomb as hell right now,gets stronger by the day,should be able to get a taste by tonight.im sure they arent that far from ur grow bro. :joint: peace-T-

badugi-wattup bro,ur grow is fire as hell bro...runnin lotta strains aint that hard bro,ya figure like this...in veg the mamas are super easy to take care of and keep healthy as long as you keep an eye open,sats need less N,
then ya try to take clones of all the same gear so ur cycles are needin the same things at the same time.
if i have a cycle tat mixxed with different strains i feed with like 3/4 nutes of what the heaviest feedr likes and watch for signs of tips being burnt on the rest.just a lil tip damage is ok when runnin lots of strains at once,just as long as ya done damage them but rather tke them right to there limits.the heavier feeders will still be fine and if you want you can seperate them and give them there own mix,i usualy just do the 3/4 nutes thing though...im high ramblin...my bad,peace-T-

how about that football yesterday my brother? It was a fucking miracle, the way everything came together for the Eagles then they danced on the 'Boys heads.

fuck man i hated that shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cowboys are my squad yo!!! fuckin romo sissy ass cant keep it together in dec/jan. we need to get rid of his hoe ass and pick up Vick when he gets loose.
fuck the dogs and all that bs the man can play ball....who hasnt made mistakes?
i say swoop Vick up for a season then keep him around after we see how he does.

atleast ur squad will see post season though...even if they wont get far :muahaha:
peace brother.-T-
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Hey just wanted to come drop a hello and say super nice work bro. I love the variety and growing skillz. That looks like some of the easiest trimming Ive seen. Nice grow for real.
Can you help me out with one thing real quick please... Im getting ready to order some seeds for the first time (everything I have ever done has been from clone) I was thinking about seedbay. Anyways what strain would you recommend from there (or do you think no from there) I want what everybody wants the easy growin, easy trimming, killer high, killer smell, the best possible product. I only ask cuz from reading what you got going it seems that maybe you might have some good advice to give. ya know.....


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
hehateme-nice handle yo,i think he was the best talent that league had when he played there yo.
thanks for the kind words on the grow bro.
i think the bay has great service and selection bro they are a bomb source and theres alot of different vendors you can get thru them.
if you wait just like a week or so you can get the new madala gear hes re_opening his doors after the 1st of the year,personaly im gettin like 2 pax of everything hes droppin that i dont have already.his gear is really easy to grow,and is quality genetics.
only oneive heard any negativity about is the hashberry,i had some issues with it too.
now depending on if you want fast flowering couch lock indica or that long flowering uplifting sativa high,theres a gang of strains out there for you.
also how big of a space are you working with?
heres a few that are on my to get list...

paradise seeds -ice cream
THS-the hogg
delta 9-fruit of the gods
also any of big buddhas cheeses sound like winners...
also keep an eye out for the weekend specials on fri,sat and sun.
mods gear is fire too.
hope that helped you bro.goodluck and congrads on ur first order...oh ya and if ya send them the M/O priority i think it is(so you get a tracking number) seedbay will send you extra freebies yo.also ur 5 dolla shipping covers up to 4 orders so if ya got it ya might as well grab like 4 packs and you'll get ur freebies and have a hella selection started off...
again i hope that helped yo.peace-T-

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Mandala is rocking again??

That would be super cool

So how is everything going dude, couple more days of work for me, then off for a bunch, been a nightmare lately, super high winds, sideways rain, wiping me out everyday

Take care brother!!
Thanks Tonatiuh: I appreciate you taking the time to answer the question in such detail. I signed up with seedbay earlier today and I have been doing some looking around.

I am interested in what you said as far as getting the freebies, do they say something about that in check out or whatever or what. Or should I just send my M.O. priority mail and see what happens? Thanks again for the extra info

Maybe one day when I grow up I can be a real grower like you! HeHe

Keep it fired up for me bro


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
CF-...F.U.C.K.Y.O.U. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL Cowboys are the shit yo,we just got a bumb ass qb with only enough heart and arm to make it half the season...
peace my brotha...fuck the Giants !!!!!!! :muahaha:

drdog-wattup bro,yup Mandala will be rockin jan. 09 again with atleast 1 new strain the site says... http://www.mandalaseeds.com/html/mandala_seeds_en.html
damn bro that sux,i know the weather has to suck for you right now bro.atleast you have some time off coming to look forward to.
try to get ahold of me when you get on,i'll jump on around 7ish,peace-T-

hehateme-no problem bro,as far as the extra feebies goes its on the faq page here ya go though bro...

You may send your payment by air mail or by an overnight courier service such as FedEx, UPS, DHL, TNT, Parcel Force, etc. The preferred method is overnight courier as these afford you the ability to track the progress of your payment online and see when it has been delivered to Seedbay. If you decide to send by the secure and trackable method by overnight courier you will receive an extra freebie to help offset the cost and save us the time and effort it takes to respond to those that may have sent using the regular untrackable mail and lost their order payment in the post.

theres more stuff there that is usefull too bro as far as payment and all that.
peace bro.-T-


lol shit t, every time i think i'm doing good at checking your thread, i stop by and have six pages to read through :D

looking great man! :yes:


its that piece of ass romo is drilling that is messing him up.
or the pieces of ass he has been getting since he got the starting gig.